The Unleash website was created with [Docusaurus]( The source code lives as part of the main [Unleash repo on GitHub]( and is built and deployed on all merges to master. This makes it easy to keep the documentation in sync with the latest version of Unleash.

It's hosted on

# What's In This Document

- [Get Started in 5 Minutes](#get-started-in-5-minutes)
- [Directory Structure](#directory-structure)
- [Editing Content](#editing-content)
- [Adding Content](#adding-content)
- [Full Documentation](#full-documentation)

# Get Started in 5 Minutes

1. Make sure all the dependencies for the website are installed:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

2. Run your dev server:

# Start the site
$ npm run start

## Directory Structure

Your project file structure should look something like this


# Editing Content

## Editing an existing docs page

Edit docs by navigating to `docs/` and editing the corresponding document:


id: page-needs-edit
title: This Doc Needs To Be Edited

Edit me...

For more information about docs, click [here](

# Adding Content

## Adding a new docs page to an existing sidebar

1. Create the doc as a new markdown file in `/docs`, example `docs/`:

id: newly-created-doc
title: This Doc Needs To Be Edited

My new content here..

1. Refer to that doc's ID in an existing sidebar in `website/sidebars.json`:

// Add newly-created-doc to the Getting Started category of docs
  "docs": {
    "Getting Started": [
      "newly-created-doc" // new doc here

For more information about adding new docs, click [here](

## Adding items to your site's top navigation bar

1. Add links to docs, custom pages or external links by editing the headerLinks field of `website/siteConfig.js`:


  headerLinks: [
    /* you can add docs */
    { doc: 'my-examples', label: 'Examples' },
    /* you can add custom pages */
    { page: 'help', label: 'Help' },
    /* you can add external links */
    { href: '', label: 'GitHub' },

For more information about the navigation bar, click [here](

# Full Documentation

Full documentation can be found on the [website](