--- id: create_feature_toggle title: Create a feature toggle --- In this guide you will learn how to create your first feature toggle using Unleash. ## Step 1: Click the “create feature toggle” button {#step-1-click-the-create-feature-toggle-button} The first time you log-in to your Unleash instance you will see an empty list of feature toggles. In order to create a new feature toggle you have to click the “create feature toggle” button ![Create a feature toggle](/img/create_feature_toggle_button.png) ## Step 2: Create Feature toggle {#step-2-create-feature-toggle} After clicking the “create feature toggle” button you will be presented with a form for creating a new feature toggle. You will need to define a few fields before you can actually complete the new feature toggle. - **Name** – Must be unique across all your feature toggle. The name must also follow a URL friendly format. Can not be changed. - **Description** – A good description makes it easier for other members on your team to understand why this feature toggle exists. - **Enabled** – Whether the feature toggle should be enabled or disabled. If the feature toggle is disabled, activation strategy configurations will not be evaluated. - **Activation** strategies – A list of one or more activation strategies. An activation strategy is used to enable the feature toggle to a subset, or all, of your users. In the example below we have chosen to not set up a strategy, which means that the standard strategy will be applied. ![Create a feature toggle](/img/create_feature_toggle_save.png) ## Step 3: Congratulations, you have now created your first feature toggle! {#step-3-congratulations-you-have-now-created-your-first-feature-toggle} The toggle is now created and ready to be used. The toggle does not have any metrics because it is not used by any applications, yet! ![Create a feature toggle](/img/create_feature_toggle_list.png) ## Step 4: Enable the feature toggle only for your boss! {#step-4-enable-the-feature-toggle-only-for-your-boss} The next step is to change the activation strategy to only target your boss. You can use the “userWithId”-strategy for that. Using the configuration shown below will only enable the feature toggle for “boss@company.com” and “me@company.com”. Thus, you can safely test your feature in production, without exposing it to your users. In [control roll-out](./control_rollout) with strategies we will go in to greater details on how to use activation strategies to gradually expose new features to your users. ![Create a feature toggle](/img/create_feature_toggle_userIds.png) ## Summary {#summary} In this guide you created your first feature toggle and enabled it for everyone. In later guides we will learn how we can reduce the risk by enabling the toggle for a controlled set of users first.