import { FeatureToggleListTable } from 'component/feature/FeatureToggleList/FeatureToggleListTable'; import { StrategyView } from 'component/strategies/StrategyView/StrategyView'; import { StrategiesList } from 'component/strategies/StrategiesList/StrategiesList'; import { TagTypeList } from 'component/tags/TagTypeList/TagTypeList'; import { AddonList } from 'component/addons/AddonList/AddonList'; import Admin from 'component/admin'; import AdminApi from 'component/admin/api'; import AdminUsers from 'component/admin/users/UsersAdmin'; import { GroupsAdmin } from 'component/admin/groups/GroupsAdmin'; import { AuthSettings } from 'component/admin/auth/AuthSettings'; import Login from 'component/user/Login/Login'; import { EEA, P, RE, SE, UG } from 'component/common/flags'; import { NewUser } from 'component/user/NewUser/NewUser'; import ResetPassword from 'component/user/ResetPassword/ResetPassword'; import ForgottenPassword from 'component/user/ForgottenPassword/ForgottenPassword'; import { ProjectListNew } from 'component/project/ProjectList/ProjectList'; import Project from 'component/project/Project/Project'; import RedirectArchive from 'component/archive/RedirectArchive'; import { FeatureView } from 'component/feature/FeatureView/FeatureView'; import ProjectRoles from 'component/admin/projectRoles/ProjectRoles/ProjectRoles'; import CreateProjectRole from 'component/admin/projectRoles/CreateProjectRole/CreateProjectRole'; import EditProjectRole from 'component/admin/projectRoles/EditProjectRole/EditProjectRole'; import CreateUser from 'component/admin/users/CreateUser/CreateUser'; import EditUser from 'component/admin/users/EditUser/EditUser'; import { CreateApiToken } from 'component/admin/apiToken/CreateApiToken/CreateApiToken'; import CreateEnvironment from 'component/environments/CreateEnvironment/CreateEnvironment'; import EditEnvironment from 'component/environments/EditEnvironment/EditEnvironment'; import { EditContext } from 'component/context/EditContext/EditContext'; import EditTagType from 'component/tags/EditTagType/EditTagType'; import CreateTagType from 'component/tags/CreateTagType/CreateTagType'; import EditProject from 'component/project/Project/EditProject/EditProject'; import CreateProject from 'component/project/Project/CreateProject/CreateProject'; import CreateFeature from 'component/feature/CreateFeature/CreateFeature'; import EditFeature from 'component/feature/EditFeature/EditFeature'; import { ApplicationEdit } from 'component/application/ApplicationEdit/ApplicationEdit'; import { ApplicationList } from 'component/application/ApplicationList/ApplicationList'; import ContextList from 'component/context/ContextList/ContextList'; import RedirectFeatureView from 'component/feature/RedirectFeatureView/RedirectFeatureView'; import { CreateAddon } from 'component/addons/CreateAddon/CreateAddon'; import { EditAddon } from 'component/addons/EditAddon/EditAddon'; import { CopyFeatureToggle } from 'component/feature/CopyFeature/CopyFeature'; import { EventPage } from 'component/events/EventPage/EventPage'; import { CreateStrategy } from 'component/strategies/CreateStrategy/CreateStrategy'; import { EditStrategy } from 'component/strategies/EditStrategy/EditStrategy'; import { SplashPage } from 'component/splash/SplashPage/SplashPage'; import { CreateUnleashContextPage } from 'component/context/CreateUnleashContext/CreateUnleashContextPage'; import { CreateSegment } from 'component/segments/CreateSegment/CreateSegment'; import { EditSegment } from 'component/segments/EditSegment/EditSegment'; import { IRoute } from 'interfaces/route'; import { EnvironmentTable } from 'component/environments/EnvironmentTable/EnvironmentTable'; import { SegmentTable } from 'component/segments/SegmentTable/SegmentTable'; import FlaggedBillingRedirect from 'component/admin/billing/FlaggedBillingRedirect/FlaggedBillingRedirect'; import { FeaturesArchiveTable } from '../archive/FeaturesArchiveTable'; import { Billing } from 'component/admin/billing/Billing'; import { Group } from 'component/admin/groups/Group/Group'; import { CreateGroup } from 'component/admin/groups/CreateGroup/CreateGroup'; import { EditGroup } from 'component/admin/groups/EditGroup/EditGroup'; import { LazyPlayground } from 'component/playground/Playground/LazyPlayground'; import { CorsAdmin } from 'component/admin/cors'; import { InviteLink } from 'component/admin/users/InviteLink/InviteLink'; import { Profile } from 'component/user/Profile/Profile'; import { InstanceAdmin } from '../admin/instance-admin/InstanceAdmin'; export const routes: IRoute[] = [ // Splash { path: '/splash/:splashId', title: 'Unleash', component: SplashPage, type: 'protected', menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, // Project { path: '/projects/create', parent: '/projects', title: 'Create', component: CreateProject, type: 'protected', enterprise: true, menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/edit', parent: '/projects', title: ':projectId', component: EditProject, type: 'protected', enterprise: true, menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/archived', title: ':projectId', parent: '/archive', component: RedirectArchive, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/:activeTab/copy', parent: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/:activeTab', title: 'Copy', component: CopyFeatureToggle, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/edit', parent: '/projects', title: 'Edit feature', component: EditFeature, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/*', parent: '/projects', title: 'FeatureView', component: FeatureView, type: 'protected', isStandalone: true, menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/create-toggle', parent: '/projects/:projectId/features', title: 'Create feature toggle', component: CreateFeature, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/features2/:featureId', parent: '/features', title: ':featureId', component: RedirectFeatureView, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/projects/:projectId/*', parent: '/projects', title: ':projectId', component: Project, flag: P, type: 'protected', menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, { path: '/projects', title: 'Projects', component: ProjectListNew, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true }, }, // Features { path: '/features/:activeTab/:featureId', parent: '/features', title: ':featureId', component: RedirectFeatureView, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/features', title: 'Feature toggles', component: FeatureToggleListTable, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true }, }, // Playground { path: '/playground', title: 'Playground', component: LazyPlayground, hidden: false, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true }, }, // Applications { path: '/applications/:name', title: ':name', parent: '/applications', component: ApplicationEdit, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/applications', title: 'Applications', component: ApplicationList, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, // Context { path: '/context/create', parent: '/context', title: 'Create', component: CreateUnleashContextPage, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/context/edit/:name', parent: '/context', title: ':name', component: EditContext, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/context', title: 'Context fields', component: ContextList, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, // Strategies { path: '/strategies/create', title: 'Create', parent: '/strategies', component: CreateStrategy, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/strategies/:name/edit', title: ':name', parent: '/strategies', component: EditStrategy, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/strategies/:name', title: ':name', parent: '/strategies', component: StrategyView, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/strategies', title: 'Strategy types', component: StrategiesList, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, { path: '/environments/create', title: 'Environments', component: CreateEnvironment, parent: '/environments', type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/environments/:id', title: 'Edit', component: EditEnvironment, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/environments', title: 'Environments', component: EnvironmentTable, type: 'protected', flag: EEA, menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, // Tags { path: '/tag-types/create', parent: '/tag-types', title: 'Create', component: CreateTagType, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/tag-types/edit/:name', parent: '/tag-types', title: ':name', component: EditTagType, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/tag-types', title: 'Tag types', component: TagTypeList, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, // Addons { path: '/addons/create/:providerId', parent: '/addons', title: 'Create', component: CreateAddon, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/addons/edit/:addonId', parent: '/addons', title: 'Edit', component: EditAddon, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/addons', title: 'Addons', component: AddonList, hidden: false, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, // Segments { path: '/segments/create', title: 'Segments', component: CreateSegment, hidden: false, type: 'protected', layout: 'main', menu: {}, flag: SE, }, { path: '/segments/edit/:segmentId', title: 'Segments', component: EditSegment, hidden: false, type: 'protected', layout: 'main', menu: {}, flag: SE, }, { path: '/segments', title: 'Segments', component: SegmentTable, hidden: false, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, flag: SE, }, // History { path: '/history', title: 'Event log', component: EventPage, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, // Archive { path: '/archive', title: 'Archived toggles', component: FeaturesArchiveTable, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, // Admin { path: '/admin/api/create-token', parent: '/admin', title: 'API access', component: CreateApiToken, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/admin/create-project-role', title: 'Create', component: CreateProjectRole, type: 'protected', menu: {}, flag: RE, }, { path: '/admin/roles/:id/edit', title: 'Edit', component: EditProjectRole, type: 'protected', menu: {}, flag: RE, }, { path: '/admin/users/:id/edit', title: 'Edit', component: EditUser, type: 'protected', menu: {}, hidden: true, }, { path: '/admin/api', parent: '/admin', title: 'API access', component: AdminApi, type: 'protected', menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true }, }, { path: '/admin/users', parent: '/admin', title: 'Users', component: AdminUsers, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, { path: '/admin/create-user', parent: '/admin', title: 'Users', component: CreateUser, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/admin/invite-link', parent: '/admin', title: 'Invite link', component: InviteLink, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/admin/groups', parent: '/admin', title: 'Groups', component: GroupsAdmin, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true }, flag: UG, }, { path: '/admin/groups/:groupId', parent: '/admin', title: ':groupId', component: Group, type: 'protected', menu: {}, flag: UG, }, { path: '/admin/groups/create-group', parent: '/admin/groups', title: 'Create group', component: CreateGroup, type: 'protected', menu: {}, flag: UG, }, { path: '/admin/groups/:groupId/edit', parent: '/admin/groups', title: 'Edit group', component: EditGroup, type: 'protected', menu: {}, flag: UG, }, { path: '/admin/roles', parent: '/admin', title: 'Project roles', component: ProjectRoles, type: 'protected', flag: RE, menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, { path: '/admin/auth', parent: '/admin', title: 'Single sign-on', component: AuthSettings, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, { path: '/admin/instance', parent: '/admin', title: 'Instance stats', component: InstanceAdmin, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, { path: '/admin/cors', parent: '/admin', title: 'CORS origins', component: CorsAdmin, type: 'protected', flag: 'embedProxyFrontend', menu: { adminSettings: true }, }, { path: '/admin/billing', parent: '/admin', title: 'Billing', component: Billing, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/admin-invoices', parent: '/admin', title: 'Billing & invoices', component: FlaggedBillingRedirect, type: 'protected', menu: { adminSettings: true, isEnterprise: true }, }, { path: '/admin', title: 'Admin', component: Admin, hidden: false, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, { path: '/profile/*', title: 'Profile', component: Profile, type: 'protected', menu: {}, }, /* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */ { path: '/login', title: 'Log in', component: Login, type: 'unprotected', hidden: true, menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, /* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */ { path: '/new-user', title: 'New user', hidden: true, component: NewUser, type: 'unprotected', menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, /* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */ { path: '/reset-password', title: 'Reset password', hidden: true, component: ResetPassword, type: 'unprotected', menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, /* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */ { path: '/forgotten-password', title: 'Forgotten password', hidden: true, component: ForgottenPassword, type: 'unprotected', menu: {}, isStandalone: true, }, ]; export const getRoute = (path: string) => routes.find(route => route.path === path); export const baseRoutes = routes.filter(route => !route.hidden); const computeRoutes = () => { const mainNavRoutes = baseRoutes.filter(route =>; const adminRoutes = routes.filter(route =>; const mobileRoutes = routes.filter(route =>; const computedRoutes = { mainNavRoutes, adminRoutes, mobileRoutes, }; return () => { return computedRoutes; }; }; export const getRoutes = computeRoutes();