--- title: How to Setup Entra Provisioning --- :::info availability The **Provisioning capability** is only available for customers on the Enterprise subscription. Check out the [Unleash plans](https://www.getunleash.io/plans) for details. ::: ## Unleash Configuration {#unleash-setup} ### Step 1: Navigate to Provisioning configuration {#unleash-setup-step-1} First you'll need to log in to Unleash as an admin user. Navigate to the Single Sign-On section and select the "SCIM" tab. The SCIM API URL will be shown in this section, you'll need this to configure Entra later.  ### Step 2: Enable Provisioning {#unleash-setup-step-2} Enable SCIM by turning on the toggle and keep the token Unleash provides you for the Entra setup below.  ## Entra Configuration {#entra-setup} ### Step 1: Navigate to Provisioning in Entra {#entra-setup-step-1} :::info Note This guide assumes you already have an SSO application setup for Unleash. If you don't already have an application configured, please see our [guide](./how-to-add-sso-azure-saml.md) on setting up SSO. ::: **1) Navigate to "Enterprise Applications"**  **2) Navigate to your SSO Application**  **3) Navigate to provisioning**  ### Step 2: Connect Unleash to your Entra Application {#entra-setup-step-2} **1) Navigate to the Provisioning overview** **2) Set the Tenant URL** This the SCIM API URL provided by the Unleash UI in the [configuring Unleash](how-to-setup-provisioning-with-entra#unleash-setup-step-1) section.** **3) Set the Secret Token** This was provided by the Unleash UI in the [configuring Unleash](how-to-setup-provisioning-with-entra#unleash-setup-step-2) section. **4) Save**  ### Step 3: Configure Provisioning {#entra-setup-step-3} **1) Expand the mappings tab** **2) Navigate to "Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users"**  This was provided by the Unleash UI in the [configuring Unleash](how-to-setup-provisioning-with-entra#unleash-setup-step-2) section.  **3) Remove unneeded properties** You should remove all unnecessary properties. This ensures that Entra will reach a steady state when synchronizing. The properties that you must retain are: - userName - displayName - emails - externalId **4) Update the active property** You need to set the active property to the following (lowercase the boolean values): Switch([IsSoftDeleted], , "false", "true", "true", "false") **5) Update the email property to **  **6) Save** ### Step 4: Enable Provisioning {#entra-setup-step-4} **1) Enable provisioning**  **2) Enable automatic provisioning**