import type EventEmitter from 'events'; import NotFoundError from '../error/notfound-error'; import type { IClientApplication, IClientApplications, IClientApplicationsSearchParams, IClientApplicationsStore, } from '../types/stores/client-applications-store'; import type { Logger, LogProvider } from '../logger'; import type { Db } from './db'; import type { IApplicationOverview } from '../features/metrics/instance/models'; import { applySearchFilters } from '../features/feature-search/search-utils'; import type { IFlagResolver } from '../types'; const COLUMNS = [ 'app_name', 'created_at', 'created_by', 'updated_at', 'description', 'strategies', 'url', 'color', 'icon', ]; const TABLE = 'client_applications'; const TABLE_USAGE = 'client_applications_usage'; const DEPRECATED_STRATEGIES = [ 'gradualRolloutRandom', 'gradualRolloutSessionId', 'gradualRolloutUserId', ]; const mapRow: (any) => IClientApplication = (row) => ({ appName: row.app_name, createdAt: row.created_at, updatedAt: row.updated_at, description: row.description, strategies: row.strategies || [], createdBy: row.created_by, url: row.url, color: row.color, icon: row.icon, lastSeen: row.last_seen, announced: row.announced, project: row.project, environment: row.environment, }); const reduceRows = (rows: any[]): IClientApplication[] => { const appsObj = rows.reduce((acc, row) => { // extracting project and environment from usage table const { project, environment } = row; const existingApp = acc[row.app_name]; if (existingApp) { const existingProject = existingApp.usage.find( (usage) => usage.project === project, ); if (existingProject) { existingProject.environments.push(environment); } else { existingApp.usage.push({ project: project, environments: [environment], }); } } else { acc[row.app_name] = { ...mapRow(row), usage: project && environment ? [ { project, environments: [environment], }, ] : [], }; } return acc; }, {}); return Object.values(appsObj); }; const remapRow = (input) => { const temp = { app_name: input.appName, updated_at: input.updatedAt || new Date(), seen_at: input.lastSeen || new Date(), description: input.description, created_by: input.createdBy, announced: input.announced, url: input.url, color: input.color, icon: input.icon, strategies: JSON.stringify(input.strategies), }; Object.keys(temp).forEach((k) => { if (temp[k] === undefined) { // not using !temp[k] to allow false and null values to get through delete temp[k]; } }); return temp; }; export default class ClientApplicationsStore implements IClientApplicationsStore { private db: Db; private logger: Logger; private flagResolver: IFlagResolver; constructor( db: Db, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider, flagResolver: IFlagResolver, ) { this.db = db; this.flagResolver = flagResolver; this.logger = getLogger('client-applications-store.ts'); } async upsert(details: Partial): Promise { const row = remapRow(details); await this.db(TABLE).insert(row).onConflict('app_name').merge(); const usageRows = this.remapUsageRow(details); await this.db(TABLE_USAGE) .insert(usageRows) .onConflict(['app_name', 'project', 'environment']) .merge(); } async bulkUpsert(apps: Partial[]): Promise { const rows =; const usageRows = apps.flatMap(this.remapUsageRow); await this.db(TABLE).insert(rows).onConflict('app_name').merge(); await this.db(TABLE_USAGE) .insert(usageRows) .onConflict(['app_name', 'project', 'environment']) .merge(); } async exists(appName: string): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( `SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ${TABLE} WHERE app_name = ?) AS present`, [appName], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async getAll(): Promise { const rows = await this.db .select(COLUMNS) .from(TABLE) .orderBy('app_name', 'asc'); return; } async getApplication(appName: string): Promise { const row = await this.db .select(COLUMNS) .where('app_name', appName) .from(TABLE) .first(); if (!row) { throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find appName=${appName}`); } return mapRow(row); } async deleteApplication(appName: string): Promise { return this.db(TABLE).where('app_name', appName).del(); } async getApplications( params: IClientApplicationsSearchParams, ): Promise { const { limit, offset, sortOrder = 'asc', searchParams } = params; const validatedSortOrder = sortOrder === 'asc' || sortOrder === 'desc' ? sortOrder : 'asc'; const query = this.db .with('applications', (qb) => { applySearchFilters(qb, searchParams, [ 'client_applications.app_name', ]);[ => `${TABLE}.${column}`), 'project', 'environment', this.db.raw( `DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY client_applications.app_name ${validatedSortOrder}) AS rank`, ), ]) .from(TABLE) .leftJoin( TABLE_USAGE, `${TABLE_USAGE}.app_name`, `${TABLE}.app_name`, ); }) .with( 'final_ranks', this.db.raw( 'select row_number() over (order by min(rank)) as final_rank from applications group by app_name', ), ) .with( 'total', this.db.raw('select count(*) as total from final_ranks'), ) .select('*') .from('applications') .joinRaw('CROSS JOIN total') .whereBetween('rank', [offset + 1, offset + limit]); const rows = await query; if (rows.length !== 0) { const applications = reduceRows(rows); return { applications, total: Number(rows[0].total) || 0, }; } return { applications: [], total: 0, }; } async getUnannounced(): Promise { const rows = await this.db(TABLE) .select(COLUMNS) .where('announced', false); return; } /** * * Updates all rows that have announced = false to announced =true and returns the rows altered * @return {[app]} - Apps that hadn't been announced */ async setUnannouncedToAnnounced(): Promise { const rows = await this.db(TABLE) .update({ announced: true }) .where('announced', false) .whereNotNull('announced') .returning(COLUMNS); return; } async delete(key: string): Promise { await this.db(TABLE).where('app_name', key).del(); } async deleteAll(): Promise { await this.db(TABLE).del(); } destroy(): void {} async get(appName: string): Promise { const row = await this.db .select(COLUMNS) .where('app_name', appName) .from(TABLE) .first(); if (!row) { throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find appName=${appName}`); } return mapRow(row); } async getApplicationOverview( appName: string, ): Promise { const query = this.db .with('metrics', (qb) => { qb.distinct( 'cme.app_name', 'cme.environment', 'cme.feature_name', ).from('client_metrics_env as cme'); }) .select([ 'f.project', 'cme.environment', 'cme.feature_name', 'ci.instance_id', 'ci.sdk_version', 'ci.last_seen', 'a.strategies', ]) .from({ a: 'client_applications' }) .leftJoin('metrics as cme', 'cme.app_name', 'a.app_name') .leftJoin('features as f', 'cme.feature_name', '') .leftJoin('client_instances as ci', function () { this.on('ci.app_name', '=', 'cme.app_name').andOn( 'ci.environment', '=', 'cme.environment', ); }) .where('a.app_name', appName) .orderBy('cme.environment', 'asc'); const rows = await query; if (!rows.length) { throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find appName=${appName}`); } const existingStrategies: string[] = await this.db .select('name') .from('strategies') .pluck('name'); return this.mapApplicationOverviewData(rows, existingStrategies); } mapApplicationOverviewData( rows: any[], existingStrategies: string[], ): IApplicationOverview { const featureCount = new Set( => row.feature_name)).size; const missingStrategies: Set = new Set(); const environments = rows.reduce((acc, row) => { const { environment, instance_id, sdk_version, last_seen, project, feature_name, strategies, } = row; if (!environment) return acc; strategies.forEach((strategy) => { if ( !DEPRECATED_STRATEGIES.includes(strategy) && !existingStrategies.includes(strategy) ) { missingStrategies.add(strategy); } }); const featureDoesNotExist = !project && feature_name; let env = acc.find((e) => === environment); if (!env) { env = { name: environment, instanceCount: instance_id ? 1 : 0, sdks: sdk_version ? [sdk_version] : [], lastSeen: last_seen, uniqueInstanceIds: new Set( instance_id ? [instance_id] : [], ), issues: { missingFeatures: featureDoesNotExist ? [feature_name] : [], }, }; acc.push(env); } else { if (instance_id) { env.uniqueInstanceIds.add(instance_id); env.instanceCount = env.uniqueInstanceIds.size; } if ( featureDoesNotExist && !env.issues.missingFeatures.includes(feature_name) ) { env.issues.missingFeatures.push(feature_name); } if (sdk_version && !env.sdks.includes(sdk_version)) { env.sdks.push(sdk_version); } if (new Date(last_seen) > new Date(env.lastSeen)) { env.lastSeen = last_seen; } } return acc; }, []); environments.forEach((env) => { delete env.uniqueInstanceIds; env.sdks.sort(); }); return { projects: [ Set( rows .filter((row) => row.project != null) .map((row) => row.project), ), ], featureCount, environments, issues: { missingStrategies: [...missingStrategies], }, }; } private remapUsageRow = (input) => { if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('parseProjectFromSession')) { if (!input.projects || input.projects.length === 0) { return [ { app_name: input.appName, project: '*', environment: input.environment || '*', }, ]; } else { return => ({ app_name: input.appName, project: project, environment: input.environment || '*', })); } } else { return { app_name: input.appName, project: input.project || '*', environment: input.environment || '*', }; } }; }