import useSWR, { mutate } from 'swr'; import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { formatApiPath } from '../../../../utils/format-path'; import { IFeatureToggle } from '../../../../interfaces/featureToggle'; import { defaultFeature } from './defaultFeature'; interface IUseFeatureOptions { refreshInterval?: number; revalidateOnFocus?: boolean; revalidateOnReconnect?: boolean; revalidateIfStale?: boolean; } const useFeature = ( projectId: string, id: string, options: IUseFeatureOptions = {} ) => { const fetcher = async () => { const path = formatApiPath( `api/admin/projects/${projectId}/features/${id}` ); const res = await fetch(path, { method: 'GET', }); // If the status code is not in the range 200-299, // we still try to parse and throw it. if (!res.ok) { const error = new Error('An error occurred while fetching the data.') // Attach extra info to the error object. // @ts-ignore = await res.json(); // @ts-ignore error.status = res.status; throw error; } return res.json() }; const FEATURE_CACHE_KEY = `api/admin/projects/${projectId}/features/${id}`; const { data, error } = useSWR(FEATURE_CACHE_KEY, fetcher, { ...options, }); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(!error && !data); const refetch = () => { mutate(FEATURE_CACHE_KEY); }; useEffect(() => { setLoading(!error && !data); }, [data, error]); return { feature: data || defaultFeature, error, loading, refetch, FEATURE_CACHE_KEY, }; }; export default useFeature;