import { URL } from 'url'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../../config/test-config'; import { IUnleashConfig } from '../../../../lib/types/option'; import UserService from '../../../../lib/services/user-service'; import { AccessService } from '../../../../lib/services/access-service'; import ResetTokenService from '../../../../lib/services/reset-token-service'; import { IUser } from '../../../../lib/types/user'; import { setupApp, setupAppWithAuth } from '../../helpers/test-helper'; import dbInit from '../../helpers/database-init'; import getLogger from '../../../fixtures/no-logger'; import { EmailService } from '../../../../lib/services/email-service'; import SessionStore from '../../../../lib/db/session-store'; import SessionService from '../../../../lib/services/session-service'; import { RoleName } from '../../../../lib/types/model'; import SettingService from '../../../../lib/services/setting-service'; import FakeSettingStore from '../../../fixtures/fake-setting-store'; import { GroupService } from '../../../../lib/services/group-service'; import FakeEventStore from '../../../fixtures/fake-event-store'; let app; let stores; let db; const config: IUnleashConfig = createTestConfig({ getLogger, server: { unleashUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', baseUriPath: '', }, email: { host: 'test', }, }); const password = 'DtUYwi&l5I1KX4@Le'; let userService: UserService; let accessService: AccessService; let resetTokenService: ResetTokenService; let adminUser: IUser; let user: IUser; const getBackendResetUrl = (url: URL): string => { const urlString = url.toString(); const params = urlString.substring(urlString.indexOf('?')); return `/auth/reset/validate${params}`; }; beforeAll(async () => { db = await dbInit('reset_password_api_serial', getLogger); stores = db.stores; app = await setupApp(stores); const groupService = new GroupService(stores, config); accessService = new AccessService(stores, config, groupService); const emailService = new EmailService(, config.getLogger); const sessionStore = new SessionStore( db, new EventEmitter(), config.getLogger, ); const sessionService = new SessionService({ sessionStore }, config); const settingService = new SettingService( { settingStore: new FakeSettingStore(), eventStore: new FakeEventStore(), }, config, ); userService = new UserService(stores, config, { accessService, resetTokenService, emailService, sessionService, settingService, }); resetTokenService = new ResetTokenService(stores, config); const adminRole = await accessService.getRootRole(RoleName.ADMIN); adminUser = await userService.createUser({ username: '', rootRole:, }); const userRole = await accessService.getRootRole(RoleName.EDITOR); user = await userService.createUser({ username: '', email: '', rootRole:, }); }); afterAll(async () => { await stores.resetTokenStore.deleteAll(); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.destroy(); await db.destroy(); }); test('Can validate token for password reset', async () => { const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); return app.request .get(relative) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect((res) => { expect(; }); }); test('Can use token to reset password', async () => { const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); // Can't login before reset await expect(async () => userService.loginUser(, password), ).rejects.toThrow(Error); let token; await app.request .get(relative) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect((res) => { token = res.body.token; }); await app.request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token, password, }) .expect(200); const loggedInUser = await userService.loginUser(, password); expect(; }); test('Trying to reset password with same token twice does not work', async () => { const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); let token; await app.request .get(relative) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect((res) => { token = res.body.token; }); await app.request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token, password, }) .expect(200); await app.request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token, password, }) .expect(403) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.details[0].message).toBeTruthy(); }); }); test('Invalid token should yield 401', async () => app.request.get('/auth/reset/validate?token=abc123').expect((res) => { expect(res.status).toBe(401); })); test('Calling validate endpoint with already existing session should destroy session', async () => { expect.assertions(0); const { request, destroy } = await setupAppWithAuth(stores); await request .post('/auth/demo/login') .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); await request.get('/api/admin/features').expect(200); const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); await request.get(relative).expect(200).expect('Content-Type', /json/); await request.get('/api/admin/features').expect(401); // we no longer should have a valid session await destroy(); }); test('Calling reset endpoint with already existing session should logout/destroy existing session', async () => { expect.assertions(0); const { request, destroy } = await setupAppWithAuth(stores); const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); let token; await request .get(relative) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect((res) => { token = res.body.token; }); await request .post('/auth/demo/login') .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); await request.get('/api/admin/features').expect(200); // If we login we can access features endpoint await request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token, password, }) .expect(200); await request.get('/api/admin/features').expect(401); // we no longer have a valid session after using the reset password endpoint await destroy(); }); test('Trying to change password with an invalid token should yield 401', async () => app.request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token: 'abc123', password, }) .expect((res) => expect(res.status).toBe(401))); test('Trying to change password to undefined should yield 400 without crashing the server', async () => { expect.assertions(0); const url = await resetTokenService.createResetPasswordUrl(, adminUser.username, ); const relative = getBackendResetUrl(url); let token; await app.request .get(relative) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect((res) => { token = res.body.token; }); await app.request .post('/auth/reset/password') .send({ token, password: undefined, }) .expect(400); });