'use strict';

const Controller = require('../controller');
const joi = require('joi');

const {
} = require('../../event-type');
const NameExistsError = require('../../error/name-exists-error');
const { handleErrors } = require('./util');
const extractUser = require('../../extract-user');
const {
} = require('../../permissions');
const { featureShema, nameSchema } = require('./feature-schema');
const version = 1;

class FeatureController extends Controller {
    constructor(config) {
        this.featureToggleStore = config.stores.featureToggleStore;
        this.eventStore = config.stores.eventStore;
        this.logger = config.getLogger('/admin-api/feature.js');

        this.get('/', this.getAllToggles);
        this.post('/', this.createToggle, CREATE_FEATURE);
        this.get('/:featureName', this.getToggle);
        this.put('/:featureName', this.updateToggle, UPDATE_FEATURE);
        this.delete('/:featureName', this.deleteToggle, DELETE_FEATURE);
        this.post('/validate', this.validate);
        this.post('/:featureName/toggle', this.toggle, UPDATE_FEATURE);
        this.post('/:featureName/toggle/on', this.toggleOn, UPDATE_FEATURE);
        this.post('/:featureName/toggle/off', this.toggleOff, UPDATE_FEATURE);

    async getAllToggles(req, res) {
        const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getFeatures();
        res.json({ version, features });

    async getToggle(req, res) {
        try {
            const name = req.params.featureName;
            const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.getFeature(name);
        } catch (err) {
            res.status(404).json({ error: 'Could not find feature' });

    async validate(req, res) {
        const name = req.body.name;

        try {
            await joi.validate({ name }, nameSchema);
            await this.validateUniqueName(name);
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

    // TODO: cleanup this validation
    async validateUniqueName(name) {
        let msg;
        try {
            const definition = await this.featureToggleStore.hasFeature(name);
            msg = definition.archived
                ? 'An archived toggle with that name already exist'
                : 'A toggle with that name already exist';
        } catch (error) {
            // No conflict, everything ok!

        // Interntional throw here!
        throw new NameExistsError(msg);

    async createToggle(req, res) {
        const toggleName = req.body.name;
        const userName = extractUser(req);

        try {
            await this.validateUniqueName(toggleName);
            const featureToggle = await joi.validate(req.body, featureShema);
            await this.eventStore.store({
                type: FEATURE_CREATED,
                createdBy: userName,
                data: featureToggle,
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

    async updateToggle(req, res) {
        const featureName = req.params.featureName;
        const userName = extractUser(req);
        const updatedFeature = req.body;

        updatedFeature.name = featureName;

        try {
            await this.featureToggleStore.getFeature(featureName);
            await joi.validate(updatedFeature, featureShema);
            await this.eventStore.store({
                type: FEATURE_UPDATED,
                createdBy: userName,
                data: updatedFeature,
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

    // Kept to keep backward compatability
    async toggle(req, res) {
        try {
            const name = req.params.featureName;
            const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.getFeature(name);
            const enabled = !feature.enabled;
            this._toggle(enabled, req, res);
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

    async toggleOn(req, res) {
        this._toggle(true, req, res);

    async toggleOff(req, res) {
        this._toggle(false, req, res);

    async _toggle(enabled, req, res) {
        const featureName = req.params.featureName;
        const userName = extractUser(req);

        try {
            const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.getFeature(

            feature.enabled = enabled;
            await this.eventStore.store({
                type: FEATURE_UPDATED,
                createdBy: userName,
                data: feature,
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

    async deleteToggle(req, res) {
        const featureName = req.params.featureName;
        const userName = extractUser(req);

        try {
            await this.featureToggleStore.getFeature(featureName);
            await this.eventStore.store({
                type: FEATURE_ARCHIVED,
                createdBy: userName,
                data: {
                    name: featureName,
        } catch (error) {
            handleErrors(res, this.logger, error);

module.exports = FeatureController;