import { IUnleashTest, setupAppWithAuth } from '../../../helpers/test-helper'; import dbInit, { ITestDb } from '../../../helpers/database-init'; import getLogger from '../../../../fixtures/no-logger'; import { IPat } from '../../../../../lib/types/models/pat'; import { IPatStore } from '../../../../../lib/types/stores/pat-store'; import { PAT_LIMIT } from '../../../../../lib/util/constants'; let app: IUnleashTest; let db: ITestDb; let patStore: IPatStore; let tomorrow = new Date(); let firstSecret; let firstId; tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); beforeAll(async () => { getLogger.setMuteError(true); db = await dbInit('user_pat', getLogger); patStore = db.stores.patStore; app = await setupAppWithAuth(db.stores); await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); }); afterAll(async () => { getLogger.setMuteError(false); await app.destroy(); }); test('should create a PAT', async () => { const description = 'expected description'; const { request } = app; const { body } = await request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ expiresAt: tomorrow, description: description, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); expect(new Date(body.expiresAt)).toEqual(tomorrow); expect(body.description).toEqual(description); firstSecret = body.secret; firstId =; const response = await request .get('/api/admin/user/tokens') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body.pats).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should delete the PAT', async () => { const description = 'pat to be deleted'; const { request } = app; const { body } = await request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); const createdId =; await request.delete(`/api/admin/user/tokens/${createdId}`).expect(200); }); test('should get all PATs', async () => { const { request } = app; const { body } = await request .get('/api/admin/user/tokens') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(body.pats).toHaveLength(1); expect(body.pats[0].secret).toBeUndefined(); expect(body.pats[0].id).toBeDefined(); }); test('should not allow deletion of other users PAT', async () => { const { request } = app; await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); await request.delete(`/api/admin/user/tokens/${firstId}`).expect(200); await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); const { body } = await request .get('/api/admin/user/tokens') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(body.pats).toHaveLength(1); expect(body.pats[0].secret).toBeUndefined(); }); test('should get only current user PATs', async () => { const { request } = app; await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); await request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description: 'my pat', expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); const { body } = await request .get('/api/admin/user/tokens') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(body.pats).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should fail creation of PAT with passed expiry', async () => { const { request } = app; let yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); await request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description: 'my expired pat', expiresAt: yesterday, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400); }); test('should fail creation of PAT without a description', async () => { await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400); }); test('should fail creation of PAT with a description that already exists for the current user', async () => { const description = 'duplicate description'; await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(409); }); test('should not fail creation of PAT when a description already exists for another user PAT', async () => { const description = 'another duplicate description'; await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); }); test('should get user id 1', async () => { await'/logout').expect(302); await app.request .get('/api/admin/user') .set('Authorization', firstSecret) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(''); expect(; }); }); test('should be able to get projects', async () => { await app.request .get('/api/admin/projects') .set('Authorization', firstSecret) .expect(200); }); test('should be able to create a toggle', async () => { await app.request .post('/api/admin/projects/default/features') .set('Authorization', firstSecret) .send({ name: 'test-toggle', type: 'release', }) .expect(201); }); test('should not get user with invalid token', async () => { await app.request .get('/api/admin/user') .set('Authorization', 'randomtoken') .expect(401); }); test('should not get user with expired token', async () => { const token = await patStore.create({ id: 1, secret: 'user:expired-token', description: 'expired-token', userId: 1, expiresAt: new Date('2020-01-01'), }); await app.request .get('/api/admin/user') .set('Authorization', token.secret) .expect(401); }); test('should fail creation of PAT when PAT limit has been reached', async () => { await app.request .post(`/auth/demo/login`) .send({ email: '', }) .expect(200); const tokenCreations = []; for (let i = 0; i < PAT_LIMIT; i++) { tokenCreations.push( await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description: `my pat ${i}`, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201), ); } await Promise.all(tokenCreations); await app.request .post('/api/admin/user/tokens') .send({ description: `my pat ${PAT_LIMIT}`, expiresAt: tomorrow, } as IPat) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(403); });