mirror of https://github.com/Unleash/unleash.git synced 2025-03-23 00:16:25 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin 0cf8396ec2
feat: add posted feedback table (#6113)
The page can only be navigated if you know direct url `/feedback`

2024-02-02 15:39:29 +02:00

520 lines
15 KiB

import { FeatureToggleListTable } from 'component/feature/FeatureToggleList/FeatureToggleListTable';
import { StrategyView } from 'component/strategies/StrategyView/StrategyView';
import { StrategiesList } from 'component/strategies/StrategiesList/StrategiesList';
import { TagTypeList } from 'component/tags/TagTypeList/TagTypeList';
import { IntegrationList } from 'component/integrations/IntegrationList/IntegrationList';
import Login from 'component/user/Login/Login';
import { EEA, P } from 'component/common/flags';
import { NewUser } from 'component/user/NewUser/NewUser';
import ResetPassword from 'component/user/ResetPassword/ResetPassword';
import ForgottenPassword from 'component/user/ForgottenPassword/ForgottenPassword';
import { ProjectListNew } from 'component/project/ProjectList/ProjectList';
import RedirectArchive from 'component/archive/RedirectArchive';
import CreateEnvironment from 'component/environments/CreateEnvironment/CreateEnvironment';
import EditEnvironment from 'component/environments/EditEnvironment/EditEnvironment';
import { EditContext } from 'component/context/EditContext/EditContext';
import EditTagType from 'component/tags/EditTagType/EditTagType';
import CreateTagType from 'component/tags/CreateTagType/CreateTagType';
import CreateFeature from 'component/feature/CreateFeature/CreateFeature';
import EditFeature from 'component/feature/EditFeature/EditFeature';
import { ApplicationEdit } from 'component/application/ApplicationEdit/ApplicationEdit';
import ContextList from 'component/context/ContextList/ContextList/ContextList';
import RedirectFeatureView from 'component/feature/RedirectFeatureView/RedirectFeatureView';
import { CreateIntegration } from 'component/integrations/CreateIntegration/CreateIntegration';
import { EditIntegration } from 'component/integrations/EditIntegration/EditIntegration';
import { CopyFeatureToggle } from 'component/feature/CopyFeature/CopyFeature';
import { EventPage } from 'component/events/EventPage/EventPage';
import { CreateStrategy } from 'component/strategies/CreateStrategy/CreateStrategy';
import { EditStrategy } from 'component/strategies/EditStrategy/EditStrategy';
import { SplashPage } from 'component/splash/SplashPage/SplashPage';
import { CreateUnleashContextPage } from 'component/context/CreateUnleashContext/CreateUnleashContextPage';
import { CreateSegment } from 'component/segments/CreateSegment/CreateSegment';
import { EditSegment } from 'component/segments/EditSegment/EditSegment';
import { INavigationMenuItem, IRoute } from 'interfaces/route';
import { EnvironmentTable } from 'component/environments/EnvironmentTable/EnvironmentTable';
import { SegmentTable } from '../segments/SegmentTable/SegmentTable';
import { FeaturesArchiveTable } from '../archive/FeaturesArchiveTable';
import { LazyPlayground } from 'component/playground/Playground/LazyPlayground';
import { Profile } from 'component/user/Profile/Profile';
import { LazyCreateProject } from 'component/project/Project/CreateProject/LazyCreateProject';
import { LazyFeatureView } from 'component/feature/FeatureView/LazyFeatureView';
import { LazyAdmin } from 'component/admin/LazyAdmin';
import { LazyProject } from 'component/project/Project/LazyProject';
import { LoginHistory } from 'component/loginHistory/LoginHistory';
import { FeatureTypesList } from 'component/featureTypes/FeatureTypesList';
import { ViewIntegration } from 'component/integrations/ViewIntegration/ViewIntegration';
import { ApplicationList } from '../application/ApplicationList/ApplicationList';
import { AddonRedirect } from 'component/integrations/AddonRedirect/AddonRedirect';
import { ExecutiveDashboard } from 'component/executiveDashboard/ExecutiveDashboard';
import { FeedbackList } from '../feedbackNew/FeedbackList';
export const routes: IRoute[] = [
// Splash
path: '/splash/:splashId',
title: 'Unleash',
component: SplashPage,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
isStandalone: true,
// Project
path: '/projects/create',
parent: '/projects',
title: 'Create',
component: LazyCreateProject,
type: 'protected',
enterprise: true,
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/archived',
title: ':projectId',
parent: '/archive',
component: RedirectArchive,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/copy',
parent: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/',
title: 'Copy',
component: CopyFeatureToggle,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/edit',
parent: '/projects',
title: 'Edit feature',
component: EditFeature,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/features/:featureId/*',
parent: '/projects',
title: 'FeatureView',
component: LazyFeatureView,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/create-toggle',
parent: '/projects/:projectId/features',
title: 'Create feature toggle',
component: CreateFeature,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/features2/:featureId',
parent: '/features',
title: ':featureId',
component: RedirectFeatureView,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects/:projectId/*',
parent: '/projects',
title: ':projectId',
component: LazyProject,
flag: P,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/projects',
title: 'Projects',
component: ProjectListNew,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true },
// Features
path: '/features/:activeTab/:featureId',
parent: '/features',
title: ':featureId',
component: RedirectFeatureView,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/search',
title: 'Search',
component: FeatureToggleListTable,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true },
// Playground
path: '/playground',
title: 'Playground',
component: LazyPlayground,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true },
// Applications
path: '/applications/:name',
title: ':name',
parent: '/applications',
component: ApplicationEdit,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/applications',
title: 'Applications',
component: ApplicationList,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// Context
path: '/context/create',
parent: '/context',
title: 'Create',
component: CreateUnleashContextPage,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/context/edit/:name',
parent: '/context',
title: ':name',
component: EditContext,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/context',
title: 'Context fields',
component: ContextList,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// Feature types
path: '/feature-toggle-type/*',
title: 'Feature toggle types',
component: FeatureTypesList,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// Strategies
path: '/strategies/create',
title: 'Create',
parent: '/strategies',
component: CreateStrategy,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/strategies/:name/edit',
title: ':name',
parent: '/strategies',
component: EditStrategy,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/strategies/:name',
title: ':name',
parent: '/strategies',
component: StrategyView,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/strategies',
title: 'Strategy types',
component: StrategiesList,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
path: '/environments/create',
title: 'Environments',
component: CreateEnvironment,
parent: '/environments',
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/environments/:id',
title: 'Edit',
component: EditEnvironment,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/environments',
title: 'Environments',
component: EnvironmentTable,
type: 'protected',
flag: EEA,
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
path: '/feedback',
title: 'Feedback',
component: FeedbackList,
type: 'protected',
flag: 'featureSearchFeedbackPosting',
menu: {},
// Tags
path: '/tag-types/create',
parent: '/tag-types',
title: 'Create',
component: CreateTagType,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/tag-types/edit/:name',
parent: '/tag-types',
title: ':name',
component: EditTagType,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/tag-types',
title: 'Tag types',
component: TagTypeList,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// Integrations
path: '/addons/create/:providerId',
parent: '/addons',
title: 'Create',
component: AddonRedirect,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/addons/edit/:addonId',
parent: '/addons',
title: 'Edit',
component: AddonRedirect,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/addons',
title: 'Addons',
component: AddonRedirect,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/integrations/create/:providerId',
parent: '/integrations',
title: 'Create',
component: CreateIntegration,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/integrations/view/:providerId',
parent: '/integrations',
title: 'View',
component: ViewIntegration,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/integrations/edit/:addonId',
parent: '/integrations',
title: 'Edit',
component: EditIntegration,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/integrations/*',
title: 'Integrations',
component: IntegrationList,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// Segments
path: '/segments/create',
title: 'Segments',
component: CreateSegment,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
layout: 'main',
menu: {},
path: '/segments/edit/:segmentId',
title: 'Segments',
component: EditSegment,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
layout: 'main',
menu: {},
path: '/segments',
title: 'Segments',
component: SegmentTable,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
menu: { mobile: true, advanced: true },
// History
path: '/history',
title: 'Event log',
component: EventPage,
type: 'protected',
menu: { adminSettings: true },
path: '/admin/logins',
title: 'Login history',
component: LoginHistory,
type: 'protected',
menu: { adminSettings: true },
// Archive
path: '/archive',
title: 'Archived toggles',
component: FeaturesArchiveTable,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
// Admin
path: '/admin/*',
title: 'Admin',
component: LazyAdmin,
hidden: false,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
path: '/profile/*',
title: 'Profile',
component: Profile,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
// Executive dashboard
path: '/dashboard',
title: 'Executive dashboard',
component: ExecutiveDashboard,
type: 'protected',
menu: {},
flag: 'executiveDashboard',
enterprise: true,
/* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */
path: '/login',
title: 'Log in',
component: Login,
type: 'unprotected',
hidden: true,
menu: {},
isStandalone: true,
/* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */
path: '/new-user',
title: 'New user',
hidden: true,
component: NewUser,
type: 'unprotected',
menu: {},
isStandalone: true,
/* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */
path: '/reset-password',
title: 'Reset password',
hidden: true,
component: ResetPassword,
type: 'unprotected',
menu: {},
isStandalone: true,
/* If you update this route path, make sure you update the path in SWRProvider.tsx */
path: '/forgotten-password',
title: 'Forgotten password',
hidden: true,
component: ForgottenPassword,
type: 'unprotected',
menu: {},
isStandalone: true,
export const getRoute = (path: string) =>
routes.find((route) => route.path === path);
export const baseRoutes = routes.filter((route) => !route.hidden);
const computeRoutes = () => {
const mainNavRoutes = baseRoutes.filter((route) => route.menu.advanced);
const adminRoutes = routes.filter((route) => route.menu.adminSettings);
const mobileRoutes = routes.filter((route) => route.menu.mobile);
const computedRoutes = {
return () => {
return computedRoutes;
export const getCondensedRoutes = (routes: IRoute[]): INavigationMenuItem[] => {
return routes.map((route) => {
return {
path: route.path,
flag: route.flag,
title: route.title,
menu: route.menu,
configFlag: route.configFlag,
notFlag: route.notFlag,
export const getRoutes = computeRoutes();