mirror of https://github.com/Unleash/unleash.git synced 2025-02-14 00:19:16 +01:00
Nuno Góis 1d6dc9b195
chore: integration events API (#7639)


This adds a new `/events` endpoint to the Addons API, allowing us to
fetch integration events for a specific integration configuration id.


Also includes:
- `IntegrationEventsSchema`: New schema to represent the response object
of the list of integration events;
- `yarn schema:update`: New `package.json` script to update the OpenAPI
spec file;
- `BasePaginationParameters`: This is copied from Enterprise. After
merging this we should be able to refactor Enterprise to use this one
instead of the one it has, so we don't repeat ourselves;

We're also now correctly representing the BIGSERIAL as BigInt (string +
pattern) in our OpenAPI schema. Otherwise our validation would complain,
since we're saying it's a number in the schema but in fact returning a
2024-07-23 10:09:19 +01:00

250 lines
7.7 KiB
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"name": "unleash-server",
"description": "Unleash is an enterprise ready feature toggles service. It provides different strategies for handling feature toggles.",
"version": "6.0.4+main",
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"test:watch": "yarn test --watch",
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"test:coverage:jest": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 jest --silent --ci --json --coverage --testLocationInResults --outputFile=\"report.json\" --forceExit --testTimeout=10000",
"seed:setup": "ts-node --compilerOptions '{\"strictNullChecks\": false}' src/test/e2e/seed/segment.seed.ts",
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