mirror of https://github.com/Unleash/unleash.git synced 2025-02-04 00:18:01 +01:00
Thomas Heartman 861ae6aa93
chore: add automatic ID generation algorithm (#7001)
This PR adds a function to automatically generate a project ID on
creation. Using this when the id is missing will be handled in following

The function uses the existing `slug` package to create a slug, and then
takes the 12 characters of a uuidv4 string to generate an ID.

The included tests check that the 12 character hash is added and that
the resulting string is url friendly (by checking that
`encodeURIComponent` doesn't change it).

We could also test a lot of edge cases (such as dealing with double
spaces, trimming the string, etc), but I think that's better handled by
the library itself (but you can check out what I removed in
for an idea).

The function doesn't really need to be in the service; it could be moved to a util. But for proximity, I'll create it here first.
2024-05-08 07:26:35 +00:00

239 lines
8.3 KiB
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"name": "unleash-server",
"description": "Unleash is an enterprise ready feature toggles service. It provides different strategies for handling feature toggles.",
"version": "5.12.0+main",
"keywords": [
"feature toggle",
"feature flag",
"files": [
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"dev": "concurrently \"yarn:dev:backend\" \"yarn:dev:frontend\"",
"prepare:backend": "concurrently \"yarn:copy-templates\" \"yarn:build:backend\"",
"prestart:dev": "yarn run clean",
"start:dev": "TZ=UTC NODE_ENV=development tsc-watch --strictNullChecks false --onSuccess \"node dist/server-dev.js\"",
"db-migrate": "db-migrate --migrations-dir ./src/migrations",
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"build:watch": "tsc -w --strictNullChecks false",
"prebuild": "yarn run clean",
"prepare": "husky && yarn --cwd ./frontend install && if [ ! -d ./dist ]; then yarn build; fi",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 node --trace-warnings node_modules/.bin/jest",
"test:unit": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 jest --testPathIgnorePatterns=src/test/e2e --testPathIgnorePatterns=dist",
"test:docker": "./scripts/docker-postgres.sh",
"test:report": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 jest --reporters=\"default\" --reporters=\"jest-junit\"",
"test:docker:cleanup": "docker rm -f unleash-postgres",
"test:watch": "yarn test --watch",
"test:coverage": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 jest --coverage --testLocationInResults --outputFile=\"coverage/report.json\" --forceExit --testTimeout=10000",
"test:coverage:jest": "NODE_ENV=test PORT=4243 jest --silent --ci --json --coverage --testLocationInResults --outputFile=\"report.json\" --forceExit --testTimeout=10000",
"seed:setup": "ts-node --compilerOptions '{\"strictNullChecks\": false}' src/test/e2e/seed/segment.seed.ts",
"seed:serve": "UNLEASH_DATABASE_NAME=unleash_test UNLEASH_DATABASE_SCHEMA=seed yarn run start:dev",
"clean": "del-cli --force dist",
"preversion": "./scripts/check-release.sh",
"heroku-postbuild": "cd frontend && yarn && yarn build"
"jest-junit": {
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"titleTemplate": "{classname}-{title}",
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