2022-08-21 19:08:26 +02:00

108 lines
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include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <./rosetta.scad>
base = 160; // mm
top = 90; //mm
height = 40;
thickness = 9; // mm
thick_height=7; // mm
delta = 0.01;
// M4
screw_width = 5; //mm
piulitza = 7; // mm
piulitza_h = 4; // mm
// dent depth
dent_depth = 3.5;
base_2 = base/2;
top_2 = top/2 - 1;
top_3 = top_2 - 5;
top_4 = top_2/2;
screw_distance = 33;
inital_screw_angle = -30;
thin_base = (base-thickness);
thin_base_2 = thin_base/2;
slit_b1 = (thickness*2/3)/2;
slit_b2 = slit_b1/2;
slit_h = slit_b2;
top_3 = top_2 - 5;
module m3base(x,y,z) {
translate([x , y, z]) cylinder(h=thick_height+delta*3, d=screw_width);
translate([x , y, z]) cylinder(h=piulitza_h, d=piulitza);
/* TODO - the screw notch for the bottom
module m3notch(x,y,z) {
difference() {
$fn = 180; //production
$fn = 32; //development
difference () {
union() {
//color("green") translate([0,0,height-piulitza_h*2]) cap(true);
difference() {
translate([-base_2,-base_2,0]) cube([base,base,slit_h*2]);
translate([-thin_base_2 ,-thin_base_2, -delta]) cube([thin_base,thin_base,slit_h*2+1]);
difference() {
translate([-base_2,-base_2,0]) cube([base,base,slit_h*2]);
translate([-base_2,-base_2, height]) cube([base,base,slit_h*2]);
//cylinder(h=delta, r=top_3, center=true);
hull() {
translate([-thin_base_2,-thin_base_2, height - thickness + delta])
// cylinder(delta, top_3-thickness, center=true);
translate([0,0, height - delta])
cylinder(h=15, r=top_3, center=true);
difference() {
translate([0 ,0, height-4]) cylinder(h=thick_height,r=top_3);
translate([0 ,0, height-4-delta]) cylinder(h=thick_height+delta*2,r=top_3-thickness*1.5);
union() {
// The two slits to slide the base into
translate([-base_2 + slit_b2*3/2,base_2-slit_h,+slit_h/2-delta*2])
rotate([90, 180, 0])
translate([base_2 - slit_b2*3/2,base_2-slit_h,+slit_h/2-delta*2])
rotate([90, 180, 0])
// The rosetta
translate([0,0, height + delta]) rosetta_flat(top_3, piulitza_h, dent_depth);
translate([0,0, height - piulitza_h+delta]) rosetta_flat(top_3, piulitza_h+delta, dent_depth);
translate([0,0, height - piulitza_h+delta]) rotate (53,0,0) rosetta_flat(top_3, piulitza_h+delta, dent_depth);
translate([0,0, height - piulitza_h*2+delta]) rosetta_flat(top_3, piulitza_h+delta, dent_depth);
translate([0,0, height - piulitza_h*2+delta]) rotate (53,0,0) rosetta_flat(top_3, piulitza_h+delta, dent_depth);