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2022-03-13 02:20:30 +01:00
.vscode Fix DPT13. 2022-03-13 01:57:51 +01:00
src Fix DPT13. 2022-03-13 01:57:51 +01:00
tests Coverage > 90% 2022-03-13 02:20:30 +01:00
.eslintrc.json Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
.gitignore Can publish to nexus. 2022-03-11 15:36:16 +01:00
.mocharc.json Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
.npmignore Can publish to nexus. 2022-03-11 15:36:16 +01:00
.nycrc.json Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
.prettierrc Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
LICENSE.txt Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
package-lock.json Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
package.json Can publish to nexus. 2022-03-11 15:36:16 +01:00
README.md Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00
tsconfig.json Initial commit. 2022-03-09 22:38:02 +01:00


This folder has the dpt library written in TS. Original code is in the knx.js library, but it's not exposed.

From here:

Identifier Name Size PROMOTIC data type Interpretation range Note
1.001 DPT_Switch 1 bit Boolean 0 = off, 1 = on
1.002 DPT_Bool 1 bit Boolean 0 = false, 1 = true
1.003 DPT_Enable 1 bit Boolean 0 = disable, 1 = enable
1.004 DPT_Ramp 1 bit Boolean 0 = no ramp, 1 = ramp
1.005 DPT_Alarm 1 bit Boolean 0 = no alarm, 1 = alarm
1.006 DPT_BinaryValue 1 bit Boolean 0 = low, 1 = high
1.007 DPT_Step 1 bit Boolean 0 = decrease, 1 = increase
1.008 DPT_UpDown 1 bit Boolean 0 = up, 1 = down
1.009 DPT_OpenClose 1 bit Boolean 0 = open, 1 = close
1.010 DPT_Start 1 bit Boolean 0 = stop, 1 = start
1.011 DPT_State 1 bit Boolean 0 = inactive, 1 = active
1.012 DPT_Invert 1 bit Boolean 0 = not inverted, 1 = inverted
1.013 DPT_DimSendStyle 1 bit Boolean 0 = start-stop, 1 = cyclically
1.014 DPT_InputSource 1 bit Boolean 0 = fixed, 1 = calculated
1.015 DPT_Reset 1 bit Boolean 0 = dummy, 1 = trigger
1.016 DPT_Ack 1 bit Boolean 0 = dummy, 1 = trigger
1.017 DPT_Trigger 1 bit Boolean 0,1 = trigger
1.018 DPT_Occupancy 1 bit Boolean 0 = not occupied, 1 = occupied
1.019 DPT_Window_Door 1 bit Boolean 0 = closed, 1 = open
1.021 DPT_LogicalFunction 1 bit Boolean 0 = OR, 1 = AND
1.022 DPT_Scene_AB 1 bit Boolean 0 = sceneA, 1 = sceneB
1.023 DPT_ShutterBlinds_Mode 1 bit Boolean 0 = UpDown only, 1 = UpDown + StepStop
1.100 DPT_Heat/Cool 1 bit Boolean 0 = cooling, 1 = heating
2.001 DPT_Switch_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.002 DPT_Bool_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.003 DPT_Enable_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.004 DPT_Ramp_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.005 DPT_Alarm_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.006 DPT_BinaryValue_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.007 DPT_Step_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.008 DPT_Direction1_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.009 DPT_Direction2_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.010 DPT_Start_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.011 DPT_State_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
2.012 DPT_Invert_Control 2 bits Long C₁V₁

C = {0 (no control), 1 (control)}; V = {0,1} according to type 1.XXX
3.007 DPT_Control_Dimming 4 bits Long C₁S₃

C = {0 (decrease), 1 (increase)}; S = [000..111]
3.008 DPT_Control_Blinds 4 bits Long C₁S₃

C = {0 (up), 1 (down)}; S = [000..111]
4.001 DPT_Char_ASCII 1 byte Long ASCII character
4.002 DPT_Char_8859_1 1 byte Long ISO_8859 character
5.001 DPT_Scaling 1 byte Long [0 … 100]%
5.003 DPT_Angle 1 byte Long [0 … 360]°
5.004 DPT_Percent_U8 1 byte Long [0 … 255]%
5.005 DPT_DecimalFactor 1 byte Long
5.006 DPT_Tariff 1 byte Long [0 … 254]
5.010 DPT_Value_1_Ucount 1 byte Long [0 … 255]
6.001 DPT_Percent_V8 1 byte Long [-128 … 127]%
6.010 DPT_Value_1_Count 1 byte Long [-128 … 127]
6.020 DPT_Status_Mode3 1 byte Long A₁B₁C₁D₁E₁F₃

A,B,C,D,E = {0 (set), 1 (clear)}; F = {001 (mode 0), 010 (mode 1), 100 (mode 2)}
7.001 DPT_Value_2_Ucount 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] pulses
7.002 DPT_TimePeriodMsec 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] ms
7.003 DPT_TimePeriod10Msec 2 bytes Long [0 … 6553,5] s k=0,1
7.004 DPT_TimePeriod100Msec 2 bytes Long [0 … 655,35] s k=0,01
7.005 DPT_TimePeriodSec 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] s
7.006 DPT_TimePeriodMin 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] min
7.007 DPT_TimePeriodHrs 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] h
7.010 DPT_PropDataType 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535]
7.011 DPT_Length_mm 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] mm
7.012 DPT_UElCurrentmA 2 bytes Long [0 … 65535] mA
7.013 DPT_Brightness 2 bytes Long [0..65535] lux
8.001 DPT_Value_2_Count 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767]
8.002 DPT_DeltaTimeMsec 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767] ms
8.003 DPT_DeltaTime10Msec 2 bytes Long [-3276,8 … 3276,7] s k=0,1
8.004 DPT_DeltaTime100Msec 2 bytes Long [-327,68 … 327,67] s k=0,01
8.005 DPT_DeltaTimeSec 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767] s
8.006 DPT_DeltaTimeMin 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767] min
8.007 DPT_DeltaTimeHrs 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767] h
8.010 DPT_Percent_V16 2 bytes Long [-327,68 … 327,67] % k=0,01
8.011 DPT_Rotation_Angle 2 bytes Long [-32 768 … 32 767] °
9.001 DPT_Value_Temp 2 bytes Double [-273 … 670760] °C
9.002 DPT_Value_Tempd 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] K
9.003 DPT_Value_Tempa 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] K/h
9.004 DPT_Value_Lux 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760] Lux
9.005 DPT_Value_Wsp 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760] m/s
9.006 DPT_Value_Pres 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760] Pa
9.007 DPT_Value_Humidity 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760] %
9.008 DPT_Value_AirQuality 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760] ppm
9.010 DPT_Value_Time1 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] s
9.011 DPT_Value_Time2 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] ms
9.020 DPT_Value_Volt 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] mV
9.021 DPT_Value_Curr 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] mA
9.022 DPT_PowerDensity 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] W/m2
9.023 DPT_KelvinPerPercent 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] K/%
9.024 DPT_Power 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] kW
9.025 DPT_Value_Volume_Flow 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] l/h
9.026 DPT_Rain_Amount 2 bytes Double [-670760 … 670760] l/m2
9.027 DPT_Value_Temp_F 2 bytes Double [-459,6 … 670760] °F
9.028 DPT_Value_Wsp_kmh 2 bytes Double [0 … 670760]km/h
10.001 DPT_TimeOfDay 3 bytes Long D₃H₅R₁R₁M₆rrS₆

D = [0 … 7]; H = [0 … 23]; M = [0 … 59]; S = [0 … 59]; R = {0}
11.001 DPT_Date 3 bytes Long R₁R₁R₁D₅R₁R₁R₁R₁M₄R₁Y₇

D = [1 … 31]; M = [1 … 12]; Y = [0 … 99]; R = {0}
12.001 DPT_Value_4_Ucount 4 bytes Long [0 … 4 294 967 295]
13.001 DPT_Value_4_Count 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647]
13.002 DPT_FlowRate_m3/h 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647]
13.010 DPT_ActiveEnergy 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] Wh
13.012 DPT_ReactiveEnergy 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] VAh
13.013 DPT_ActiveEnergy_kWh 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] kWh
13.014 DPT_ApparantEnergy_kVAh 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] kVAh
13.015 DPT_ReactiveEnergy_kVARh 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] kVARh
13.100 DPT_LongDeltaTimeSec 4 bytes Long [-2 147 483 648 … 2 147 483 647] s
14.000 DPT_Value_Acceleration 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.001 DPT_Value_Acceleration_Angular 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.002 DPT_Value_Activation_Energy 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.003 DPT_Value_Activity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.004 DPT_Value_Mol 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.005 DPT_Value_Amplitude 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.006 DPT_Value_AngleRad 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.007 DPT_Value_AngleDeg 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.008 DPT_Value_Angular_Momentum 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.009 DPT_Value_Angular_Velocity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.010 DPT_Value_Area 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.011 DPT_Value_Capacitance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.012 DPT_Value_Charge_DensitySurface 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.013 DPT_Value_Charge_DensityVolume 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.014 DPT_Value_Compressibility 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.015 DPT_Value_Conductance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.016 DPT_Value_Electrical_Conductivity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.017 DPT_Value_Density 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.018 DPT_Value_Electric_Charge 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.019 DPT_Value_Electric_Current 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.020 DPT_Value_Electric_CurrentDensity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.021 DPT_Value_Electric_DipoleMoment 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.022 DPT_Value_Electric_Displacement 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.023 DPT_Value_Electric_FieldStrength 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.024 DPT_Value_Electric_Flux 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.025 DPT_Value_Electric_FluxDensity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.026 DPT_Value_Electric_Polarization 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.027 DPT_Value_Electric_Potential 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.028 DPT_Value_Electric_PotentialDifference 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.029 DPT_Value_ElectromagneticMoment 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.030 DPT_Value_Electromotive_Force 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.031 DPT_Value_Energy 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.032 DPT_Value_Force 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.033 DPT_Value_Frequency 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.034 DPT_Value_Angular_Frequency 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.035 DPT_Value_Heat_Capacity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.036 DPT_Value_Heat_FlowRate 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.037 DPT_Value_Heat_Quantity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.038 DPT_Value_Impedance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.039 DPT_Value_Length 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.040 DPT_Value_Light_Quantity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.041 DPT_Value_Luminance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.042 DPT_Value_Luminous_Flux 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.043 DPT_Value_Luminous_Intensity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.044 DPT_Value_Magnetic_FieldStrength 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.045 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Flux 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.046 DPT_Value_Magnetic_FluxDensity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.047 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Moment 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.048 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Polarization 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.049 DPT_Value_Magnetization 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.050 DPT_Value_MagnetomotiveForce 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.051 DPT_Value_Mass 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.052 DPT_Value_MassFlux 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.053 DPT_Value_Momentum 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.054 DPT_Value_Phase_AngleRad 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.055 DPT_Value_Phase_AngleDeg 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.056 DPT_Value_Power 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.057 DPT_Value_Power_Factor 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.058 DPT_Value_Pressure 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.059 DPT_Value_Reactance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.060 DPT_Value_Resistance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.061 DPT_Value_Resistivity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.062 DPT_Value_SelfInductance 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.063 DPT_Value_SolidAngle 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.064 DPT_Value_Sound_Intensity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.065 DPT_Value_Speed 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.066 DPT_Value_Stress 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.067 DPT_Value_Surface_Tension 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.068 DPT_Value_Common_Temperature 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.069 DPT_Value_Absolute_Temperature 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.070 DPT_Value_TemperatureDifference 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.071 DPT_Value_Thermal_Capacity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.072 DPT_Value_Thermal_Conductivity 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.073 DPT_Value_ThermoelectricPower 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.074 DPT_Value_Time 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.075 DPT_Value_Torque 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.076 DPT_Value_Volume 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.077 DPT_Value_Volume_Flux 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.078 DPT_Value_Weight 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
14.079 DPT_Value_Work 4 bytes Double Z₁E₈F₂₃

Z = {0,1}; E = [0 … 255]; F = [0 … 8 388 607]
15.000 DPT_Access_Data 4 bytes Long U₄V₄W₄X₄Y₄Z₄E₁P₁D₁C₁N₄

U,V,W,X,Y,Z = [0 … 9]; E,P,D,C = {0,1}; N = [0 … 15]
17.001 DPT_SceneNumber 1 byte Long R₁R₁U₆

R = {0}; U = [0 … 63]
18.001 DPT_SceneControl 1 byte Long C₁R₁U₆

C = {0,1}; R = {0}; U = [0 … 63]
19.001 DPT_DateTime 8 bytes String U₈R₁R₁R₁R₁M₄R₁R₁R₁D₅W₃H₅R₁R₁S₆R₁R₁S₆E₁F₁G₁I₁J₁K₁L₁N₁O₁R₁R₁R₁R₁R₁R₁R₁

U = [0 … 255]; M = [1 … 12]; D = [1 … 31]; W = [0 … 7]; H = [0 … 24]; S = [0 … 59]; R = {0}; E,F,G,I,J,K,L,N,O = {0,1}
20.001 DPT_SCLOMode 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.002 DPT_BuildingMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.003 DPT_OccMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.004 DPT_Priority 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.005 DPT_LightApplicationMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.006 DPT_ApplicationArea 1 byte Long {0,1,10,11,12,13,14}
20.007 DPT_AlarmClassType 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.008 DPT_PSUMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.011 DPT_ErrorClass_System 1 byte Long [0 … 18]
20.012 DPT_ErrorClass_HVAC 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.013 DPT_Time_Delay 1 byte Long [0 … 25]
20.014 DPT_Beaufort_Wind_Force_Scale 1 byte Long [0 … 12]
20.017 DPT_SensorSelect 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.020 DPT_ActuatorConnectType 1 byte Long [1 … 2]
20.100 DPT_FuelType 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.101 DPT_BurnerType 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.102 DPT_HVACMode 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.103 DPT_DHWMode 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.104 DPT_LoadPriority 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.105 DPT_HVACContrMode 1 byte Long {[0 … 17],20}
20.106 DPT_HVACEmergMode 1 byte Long [0 … 5]
20.107 DPT_ChangeoverMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.108 DPT_ValveMode 1 byte Long [1 … 5]
20.109 DPT_DamperMode 1 byte Long [1 … 4]
20.110 DPT_HeaterMode 1 byte Long [1 … 3]
20.111 DPT_FanMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.112 DPT_MasterSlaveMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.113 DPT_StatusRoomSetp 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.120 DPT_ADAType 1 byte Long [1 … 2]
20.121 DPT_BackupMode 1 byte Long [0 … 1]
20.122 DPT_StartSynchronization 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.600 DPT_Behaviour_Lock_Unlock 1 byte Long [0 … 6]
20.601 DPT_Behaviour_Bus_Power_Up_Down 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.602 DPT_DALI_Fade_Time 1 byte Long [0 … 15]
20.603 DPT_BlinkingMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.604 DPT_LightControlMode 1 byte Long [0 … 1]
20.605 DPT_SwitchPBModel 1 byte Long [1 … 2]
20.606 DPT_PBAction 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.607 DPT_DimmPBModel 1 byte Long [1 … 4]
20.608 DPT_SwitchOnMode 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.609 DPT_LoadTypeSet 1 byte Long [0 … 2]
20.610 DPT_LoadTypeDetected 1 byte Long [0 … 3]
20.801 1 DPT_SABExceptBehaviour 1 byte Long [0 … 4]
20.802 DPT_SABBehaviour_Lock_Unlock 1 byte Long [0 … 6]
20.803 DPT_SSSBMode 1 byte Long [1 … 4]
20.804 DPT_BlindsControlMode 1 byte Long [0 … 1]
20.1000 DPT_CommMode 1 byte Long [0 … 255]
20.1001 DPT_AddInfoTypes 1 byte Long {00h,01h,02h,03h,04h,05h,06h,07h,FFh}
20.1002 DPT_RF_ModeSelect 1 byte Long {00h,01h,02h}
20.1003 DPT_RF_FilterSelect 1 byte Long {00h,01h,02h,03h}
21.001 DPT_StatusGen 1 byte Long B₃F₁E₁D₁C₁A₁

A,C,D,E,F = {0,1}; B = {000}
21.002 DPT_Device_Control 1 byte Long B₃F₁E₁D₁C₁A₁

A,C,D,E,F = {0,1}; B = {000}
21.100 DPT_ForceSign 1 byte Long H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = {0,1}
21.101 DPT_ForceSignCool 1 byte Long B₁A₇

B = {0,1}; A = {0000000}
21.102 DPT_StatusRHC 1 byte Long H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = {0,1}
21.103 DPT_StatusSDHWC 1 byte Long D₅C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C = {0,1}; D = {00000}
21.104 DPT_FuelTypeSet 1 byte Long D₅C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C = {0,1}; D = {0}
21.105 DPT_StatusRCC 1 byte Long A₇B₁

B = {0,1}; A = {0000000}
21.106 DPT_StatusAHU 1 byte Long E₄D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D = {0,1}, E = {0000}
21.601 DPT_LightActuatorErrorInfo 1 byte Long H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E,F,G = {0,1}, h = {0}
21.1000 DPT_RF_ModeInfo 1 byte Long D₅C₁B₁A₁

C,B,A = {0,1}, D = {00000}
21.1001 DPT_RF_FilterInfo 1 byte Long D₅C₁B₁A₁

C,B,A = {0,1}
21.1010 DPT_Channel_Activation_8 1 byte Long H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
22.100 DPT_StatusDHWC 2 bytes Long J₈HGFEDCBA

J = {00000000}; H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
22.101 DPT_StatusRHCC 2 bytes Long R₁O₁N₁M₁L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

R = {0}; O,N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
22.1000 DPT_Media 2 bytes Long E₁₀D₁C₁F₁B₁A₁F₁

E = {0000000000}; D,C,B,A, = {0,1}; F = {0}
22.1010 DPT_Channel_Activation_16 2 bytes Long P₁O₁N₁M₁L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

P,O,N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
23.001 DPT_OnOffAction 2 bits Long {00(off), 01(on), 10(off/on), 11(on/off)}
23.002 DPT_Alarm_Reaction 2 bits Long {00 (no alarm is used), 01 (alarm position is UP), 10 (alarm position is DOWN)}
23.003 DPT_UpDown_Action 2 bits Long {00 (Up), 01 (Down), 01 (UpDown), 11 (DownUp)}
23.102 DPT_HVAC_PB_Action 2 bits Long {00 (Comfort/Economy), 01 (Comfort/Nothing), 10 (Economy/Nothing), 11 (Building prot/Auto)}
25.1000 DPT_DoubleNibble 1 byte Long B₄N₄

B = [0 … 3], N = [0 … 3]
26.001 SceneInfo 1 byte Long B₁A₂U₆

B = {0}; A = {0,1}; U = [0 … 63]
27.001 CombinedInfoOnOff 4 bytes Long Σ₁Π₁Λ₁Θ₁Δ₁Γ₁Z₁Y₁X₁W₁V₁U₁T₁S₁R₁Q₁P₁O₁N₁M₁L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

Σ,Π,Λ,Θ,Δ,Γ,Z,Y,X,W,V,U,T,S,R,Q,P,O,N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
29.010 ActiveEnergy_V64 8 bytes String [-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 … 9 223 372 036 854 775 807]
29.011 ApparantEnergy_V64 8 bytes String [-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 … 9 223 372 036 854 775 807]
29.012 ReactiveEnergy_V64 8 bytes String [-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 … 9 223 372 036 854 775 807]
30.1010 Channel_Activation_24 3 bytes Long X₁W₁V₁U₁T₁S₁R₁Q₁P₁O₁N₁M₁L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

X,W,V,U,T,S,R,Q,P,O,N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
31.101 PB_Action_HVAC_Extended 3 bits Long C₁B₁A₁

C,B,A = {0,1}
200.100 Heat/Cool_Z 2 bytes Long M₇G₁F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E,G = {0,1}; F = {000}; M = {0000000}
200.101 BinaryValue_Z 2 bytes Long M₇G₁F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E,G = {0,1}; F = {000}; M = {0000000}
201.100 HVACMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 4]
201.102 DHWMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 4]
201.104 HVACContrMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 20]
201.105 EnableH/Cstage_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 3]
201.107 BuildingMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 2]
201.108 OccMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 2]
201.109 HVACEmergMode_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 5]
202.001 RelValue_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 255]
202.002 UCountValue8_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 255]
203.002 TimePeriodMsec_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]ms
203.003 TimePeriod10Msec_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]ms
k = 0,1
203.004 TimePeriod100Msec_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]ms
k = 0,01
203.005 TimePeriodSec_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]s
203.006 TimePeriodMin_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]min
203.007 TimePeriodHrs_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]h
203.011 UFlowRateLiter/h_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]l/h
k = 0,01
203.012 UCountValue16_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]
203.013 UElCurrentμA_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]μA
k = 0,01
203.014 PowerKW_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]kW
203.015 AtmPressureAbs_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 1200]kbar
k = 0,05
203.017 PercentU16_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]%
k = 0,01
203.100 HVACAirQual_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 65 535]ppm
203.101 WindSpeed_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 200]km/h
k = 0,01
203.102 SunIntensity_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 1400]W/m²
k = 0,05
203.104 HVACAirFlowAbs_Z 3 bytes Long N₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [0 … 1400]m³/h
204.001 RelSignedValue_Z 2 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-100 … 100]%
205.002 DeltaTimeMsec_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]ms
205.003 DeltaTime10Msec_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]ms
k = 0,1
205.004 DeltaTime100Msec_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]ms
k = 0,01
205.005 DeltaTimeSec_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]s
205.006 DeltaTimeMin_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]min
205.007 DeltaTimeHrs_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]h
205.017 Percent_V16_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-32 768 … 32 767]%
k = 0,01
205.100 TempHVACAbs_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000}; N = [-273 … 655,34]°C
k = 0,02
205.101 TempHVACRel_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000};N = [-273 … 655,34]K
k = 0,02
205.102 HVACAirFlowRel_Z 3 bytes Long N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

A,B,C,D,E = {0,1}; F = {000};N = [-32 768 … 32 767]K
206.100 HVACModeNext 3 bytes Long U₁₆N₈

U = [0 … 65535], N=[0 … 4]
206.102 DHWModeNext 3 bytes Long U₁₆N₈

U = [0 … 65535]; N=[0 … 4]
206.104 OccModeNext 3 bytes Long U₁₆N₈

U = [0 … 65535]; N=[0 … 2]
206.105 BuildingModeNext 3 bytes Long U₁₆N₈

U = [0 … 65535]; N=[0 … 2]
207.100 StatusBUC 2 bytes Long U₈G₂F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; G = {00}; F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
207.101 LockSign 2 bytes Long U₈C₆B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; c = {0}; b,a = {0,1}
207.102 ValueDemBOC 2 bytes Long U₈C₆B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; C = {000000}; B,A = {0,1}
207.104 ActPosDemAbs 2 bytes Long U₈E₄D₁C₁B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; E = {0000}; D,C,B,A = {0,1}
207.105 StatusAct 2 bytes Long U₈;E₄D₁C₁B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; E = {0000}; D,C,B,A = {0,1}
207.600 StatusLightingActuator 2 bytes Long U₈H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]%; H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
209.100 StatusHPM 3 bytes Long V₁₆F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

V=[-273 … 655,34]°C; F = {000}; E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
209.101 TempRoomDemAbs 3 bytes Long V₁₆E₄D₁C₁B₁A₁

V=[-273 … 655,34]°C; E = {0000}; D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
209.102 StatusCPM 3 bytes Long V₁₆E₄D₁C₁B₁A₁

V=[-273..655,34]°C; E = {0000}; D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
209.103 StatusWTC 3 bytes Long V₁₆D₅C₁B₁A₁

V=[-273 … 655,34]°C; D = {00000}; C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
210.100 TempFlowWaterDemAbs 4 bytes Long V₁₆M₄L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

V=[-273 … 655,34]°C; M = {0000}; L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
211.100 EnergyDemWater 2 bytes Long U₈V₈

U = [0 … 100]; N = [0 … 20]
212.100 TempRoomSetpSetShift[3] 6 bytes String A₁₆B₁₆C₁₆

A,B,C = [-655,34 … 655,34]K
k = 0,02
212.101 TempRoomSetpSet[3] 6 bytes String A₁₆B₁₆C₁₆

A,B,C = [-655,34 … 655,34]°C
k = 0,02
213.100 TempRoomSetpSet[4] 8 bytes String A₁₆B₁₆C₁₆D₁₆

A,B,C,D = [-655,34 … 655,34]°C
k = 0,02
213.101 TempDHWSetpSet[4] 8 bytes String A₁₆B₁₆C₁₆D₁₆

A,B,C,D = [-655,34 … 655,34]°C
k = 0,02
213.102 TempRoomSetpSetShift[4] 8 bytes String A₁₆B₁₆C₁₆D₁₆

A,B,C,D = [-655,34 … 655,34]K
k = 0,02
214.100 PowerFlowWaterDemHPM 4 bytes Long V₁₆U₈G₂F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

V = [-273 … 655,34]°C; U = [0 … 100]%; H = {00}; F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
214.101 PowerFlowWaterDemCPM 4 bytes Long V₁₆U₈H₅C₁B₁A₁

V = [-273 … 655,34]°C; U = [0 … 100]%; D = {00000}; C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
215.100 StatusBOC 5 bytes String V₁₆U₈M₄L₁K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

V = [-273 … 655,34]°C; U = [0 … 100]%; M = {0000}; L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,02
215.101 StatusCC 5 bytes String V₁₆U₈J₈H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

V = [-273 … 655,34]°C; U = [0 … 100]%; J = {00000000}; H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
216.100 SpecHeatProd 5 bytes String V₁₆U₈N₈D₅C₁B₁A₁

V = [0 … 65 535]kW; U = [0 … 100]%; N = [0..3]; D = {00000}; C,B,A = {0,1}
217.001 Version 2 bytes Long U₅V₅W₆

U = [0 … 31], V = [0..31], W = [0 … 63]
218.001 VolumeLiter_Z 5 bytes String V₃₂F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}; F = {000}; V = [-2 147 483 648 l … 2 147 483 647]l
218.002 FlowRate_m3/h_Z 5 bytes String V₃₂F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}; F = {000}; V = [-2 147 483 648 l … 2 147 483 647]m³/h
219.001 AlarmInfo 6 bytes String U₈N₈V₈W₈P₂N₁M₁L₁K₁J₁I₁D₅C₁B₁A₁

U = [0 … 255]; N = [0 … 3]; V = [0 … 50]; W = [0 … 6]; P = {00}; D = {00000}; A,B,C,I,J,K,L,M,N = {0,1}
220.100 TempHVACAbsNext 4 bytes Long U₁₆V₁₆

U = [0 … 65535]; V = [-273 … 655,34]
k = 0,02
221.001 SerNum 6 bytes String N₁₆U₃₂

U = [0 … 65535]; V = [0 … 4 294 967 295]
222.100 TempRoomSetpSetF16[3] 6 bytes String G₁₆F₁₆E₁₆

G,F,E = [-273 … 670 760]°C
222.101 TempRoomSetpSetShiftF16[3] 6 bytes String G₁₆F₁₆E₁₆

G,F,E = [-670 760 … 670 760]K
223.100 EnergyDemAir 3 bytes Long G₈F₈E₈

G = [-100 … 100]; F = [0 … 20]; E = [0 … 5]
224.100 TempSupplyAirSetpSet 6 bytes String U₁₆V₁₆F₈E₈

U,V = [-273 … 655,34]; F = [0 … 20]; E = [0 … 5]
k = 0,02
225.001 ScalingSpeed 3 bytes Long U₁₆V₈

U = [1 … 65 535]; V = [0,4 … 100]
k = 0,4
225.002 Scaling_Step_Time 3 bytes Long U₁₆V₈

U = [1 … 65 535]; V = [0,4 … 100]
k = 0,4
225.003 TariffNext 3 bytes Long U₁₆V₈

U = [0 … 65 535]; V = [0 … 254]
229.001 MeteringValue 6 bytes String V₃₂N₈F₃E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}; f,g,h = {000}; V = [-2 147 483 648 l … 2 147 483 647]; N = [0 … 177];
230.1000 MBus_Address 8 bytes String U₁₆V₃₂W₈N₈

"MBus address", parameters U,V,W,N are manufacturer specific
231.001 Locale_ASCII 4 bytes Long L₁₆R₁₆

L - language; R - region
232.600 Colour_RGB 3 bytes Long R₈G₈B₈

R,G,B = [0..255]
234.001 LanguageCodeAlpha2 2 bytes Long A₁₆

A - language code
234.002 RegionCodeAlpha2 2 bytes Long A₁₆

A - region code
235.001 Tariff_ActiveEnergy 6 bytes String V₃₂U₈C₆B₁A₁

V = [-2 147 483 648 l … 2 147 483 647]; U = [0 … 254]; C = {000000}; B,A = {0,1}
236.001 Prioritised_Mode_Control 1 byte Long B₁P₃M₄

B = {0,1}; P = [0 … 7]; M = [0 … 15]
237.600 DALI_Control_Gear_Diagnostic 2 bytes Long M₅L₁K₁J₁H₁G₁A₆

M = {00000}; L,K,J,H,G = {0,1}; A = [0 … 63]
238.001 SceneConfig 1 byte Long A₁B₁N₆

A,B = {0,1}; N = [0 … 63]
238.600 DALI_Diagnostic 1 byte Long A₁B₁N₆

A,B = {0,1}; N = [0 … 63]
239.001 FlaggedScaling 2 bytes Long U₈B₇A₁

U = [0 … 100]; B = {0000000}; A = {0,1}
k = 0,4
240.800 CombinedPosition 3 bytes Long U₁₆C₆B₁A₁

U = [0 … 100]; C = {000000}; B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,4
241.800 StatusSAB 4 bytes Long U₈V₈N₁M₁L₃K₁J₁I₁H₁G₁F₁E₁D₁C₁B₁A₁

U,V = [0 … 100]; L = {000}; N,M,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A = {0,1}
k = 0,4