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JAVA Awesome List
Multipart and files
- Spring Component Scanning
- Using Multipart Form Data with Spring Boot
- SO Spring Boot: How to include a configuration class that is not in my base package?
- SO only one MultipartFile object populated when using an java.util.Optional MutipartFile array or list @RequestParam [SPR-15919]
- Spring RequestMapping
- Spring Boot @RestController
- SO Best practice to send response in spring boot
- SO How to show all available routes in Spring?
- Problem Details for HTTP APIs
- Structured error messages for HTTP APIs
- Spring Boot – Exception Handling
OpenAPI 3
- Spring Boot + Swagger 3 (OpenAPI 3) Hello World Example
- Generate Spring Boot REST API using Swagger/OpenAPI
- Generate Spring Boot Project with Swagger
- swagger-codegen-maven-plugin
- openapi-generator-maven-plugin
- Migrating from SpringFox
- Maven groupId and package name in java source
- Generating Clients/Models for RESTful services from OpenAPI Specification
- SO Spring Boot - Illegal reflective access by org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils$1
- GH Java 9: Avoid illegal reflective access warning for SpEL method reference
- ErrorMvsAutoConfiguration