2024-03-18 16:54:55 +01:00
title: How to Implement Feature Flags in SvelteKit
description: "How to use Unleash feature flags with SvelteKit."
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slug: /feature-flag-tutorials/sveltekit
2024-03-18 16:54:55 +01:00
Hello and welcome to another tutorial. This is about adding feature flags to an app made with [SvelteKit ](https://kit.svelte.dev/ ), [Unleash ](https://www.getunleash.io/ ) and the official [Unleash Svelte SDK ](https://docs.getunleash.io/reference/sdks/svelte ).
We'll make a paired-down habits app to keep track of your new year's resolutions. The feature flag will be used to change the number of habits a user can add.
While this is not meant to be a complete product, we can leverage feature flags using a full stack framework like Next.js or SvelteKit. The completed code for this implementation is available in [a Github repository ](https://github.com/alvinometric/unleash-sveltekit ).
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1. [Setup ](#1-setup )
2. [Create a basic habits app ](#2-create-a-basic-habits-app )
3. [Adding habits and premium features ](#3-add-habits-and-premium-features )
4. [Showing a different component based on the feature flag ](#4-show-a-different-component-based-on-the-feature-flag )
5. [Conclusion ](#conclusion )
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## 1. Setup
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Create a skeleton SvelteKit project named "habits".
npm create svelte@latest habits
We'll need a few more dependencies. You can install these in one command below:
npm i date-fns @unleash/proxy -client-svelte
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## 2. Create a basic habits app
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We'll use Svelte stores to keep track of a global array of habits. For the sake of simplicity, we won't store these habits anywhere yet (feel free to add localStorage or a database). Our basic habit app will only consist of 3 files.
First, a global store that will contain our habits and their completion dates. Just JavaScript, no Svelte yet.
// src/lib/stores.js
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
export const habitStore = writable([
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id: 1,
name: "Walk 10k steps",
completedDays: [],
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Then, we'll create an `App.svelte` file for our main logic.
< script >
// src/lib/App.svelte
import { format, addDays } from 'date-fns';
import Habit from '$lib/Habit.svelte';
import { habitStore } from '$lib/stores.js';
import AddHabit from '../lib/AddHabit.svelte';
let maxHabits = 2;
// go back 5 days
const dates = new Array(5).fill(0).map((_, i) => {
let today = new Date();
return addDays(today, -i);
< / script >
< AddHabit { maxHabits } / >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Habit< / th >
{#each dates as date}
< th > {format(date, 'MMM do')}< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
{#each $habitStore as habit}
< Habit { habit } { dates } / >
< / tbody >
< / table >
Next, update the `+page.svelte` file (our index route) to include our app.
< script >
// src/routes/+page.svelte
import App from '../lib/App.svelte';
< / script >
< App / >
To complete the basic setup of the app, add a component for each habit that be checked on and off using this code snippet:
< script >
// src/lib/Habit.svelte
import { habitStore } from '$lib/stores.js';
import { format } from 'date-fns';
export let habit;
export let dates;
function toggleDay(day) {
let updatedDays = [...habit.completedDays];
const index = updatedDays.indexOf(day);
if (index !== -1) {
updatedDays.splice(index, 1);
} else {
habitStore.update((items) => {
return items.map((item) => {
if (item.id === habit.id) {
return { ...item, completedDays: updatedDays };
return item;
< / script >
< tr >
< td > {habit.name}< / td >
{#each dates as date}
< td >
< input
on:click={() => toggleDay(date)}
{format(date, 'MMM do')}
< / td >
< / tr >
Now we have a fully functioning Svelte app in all its glory! Essentially, it's a table with checkboxes.
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## 3. Add habits and premium features
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We have the basics of the app set up, but we could make it more user-friendly. Let's add some more functionality:
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- Add the ability for users create their own habits
- Limit the number of habits a user can create to a certain amount so we can turn this into a commercial product.
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Let's do all of this in another component named `AddHabit.svelte` .
< script >
// src/lib/AddHabit.svelte
import { habitStore } from '$lib/stores.js';
export let maxHabits = 3;
let habitsFull = false;
function addHabit(e) {
let numHabits = $habitStore.length;
if (numHabits === maxHabits) {
habitsFull = true;
} else {
let form = e.target;
const formData = new FormData(e.target);
habitStore.update((items) => {
items.push({ id: items.length + 1, name: formData.get('name'), completedDays: [] });
return items;
// reset the form
< / script >
< dialog open = {habitsFull} >
< h2 > ❌ Maximum Habits Reached< / h2 >
< p > You can only have up to {maxHabits} on the free tier. Purchase a premium version to unlock more.< / p >
< form method = "dialog" >
< button > OK< / button >
< / form >
< / dialog >
< form on:submit | preventDefault = {addHabit} >
< input type = "text" name = "name" / >
< button type = "submit" > Add new habit < / button >
< / form >
What's happening here? A few things:
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- An input and a button to add new habits to the store, until an arbitrary limit is reached
- A `maxHabits` prop is used to determine that limit
- When this maximum limit is reached, a modal dialog opens
- We reset the form after submission to clear the input
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< video
title="A maximum number of habits on the free tier"
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controls> < / video >
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## 4. Show a different component based on the feature flag
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On to the main topic, adding feature flags.
Go to your Unleash dashboard, and create new project (you're welcome to use the default project here).
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Next, create a feature flag called `maxHabitsIncreased` .
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Based on whether this flag is enabled or not, we'll set the `maxHabits` value to either 6 or 2. You could set this directly in a flag value if you wanted as well.
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### Configure your app with Svelke SDK
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We'll use the Svelte SDK to wrap a context provider around `App.svelte` like so:
< script >
// src/routes/+page.svelte
import App from '../lib/App.svelte';
import { FlagProvider } from '@unleash/proxy-client-svelte';
const config = {
url: 'https://eu.app.unleash-hosted.com/jdfkdjfkd/api/frontend', // Your Front-end API
clientKey: '', // Front-end API token (or proxy client key)
appName: 'habits'
< / script >
< FlagProvider { config } >
< App / >
< / FlagProvider >
Note that I’ m using the URL and API key directly in the code right now, but you’ d want to put these in an env file.
Now that our SDK is setup, we can modify our `App.svelte` to set the value of the variable based on the feature flag.
+ import { useFlag } from '@unleash/proxy-client-svelte';
+ const maxHabitsIncreased = useFlag('maxHabitsIncreased');
+ let maxHabits = $maxHabitsIncreased ? 6 : 2;
- lex maxHabits = 3;
## Conclusion
You now have a SvelteKit app with feature flags. More precisely, you've learned:
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- How to make a habit tracking app with SvelteKit
- How to add a feature flag to a full stack app using Unleash
- The different approaches to feature flagging on a static vs SSR context