## About the changes
There seems to be a typo in the authorization header. We're keeping the
old typo as preferred just in case, but if not present we'll default to
the authorization header (not authorisation).
Not sure about the impact of this bug, as all registrations might be
using default project.
In order to prevent users from being able to assign roles/permissions
they don't have, this PR adds a check that the user performing the
action either is Admin, Project owner or has the same role they are
trying to grant/add.
This addAccess method is only used from Enterprise, so there will be a
separate PR there, updating how we return the roles list for a user, so
that our frontend can only present the roles a user is actually allowed
to grant.
This adds the validation to the backend to ensure that even if the
frontend thinks we're allowed to add any role to any user here, the
backend can be smart enough to stop it.
We should still update frontend as well, so that it doesn't look like we
can add roles we won't be allowed to.
Only triggers if there is any rows in client instances that have
sdk_version: unleash-edge with version < 17.0.0
The function that checks this memoizes the check for 10 minutes to avoid
scanning the client instances table too often.