## About the changes
Some of our metrics are not labeled correctly, one example is
`<base-path>/api/frontend/client/metrics` is labeled as
`/client/metrics`. We can see that in internal-backstage/prometheus:

This issue affects all endpoints that fail to validate the request body.
Also, endpoints that are rejected by the authorization-middleware or the
api-token-middleware are reported as `(hidden)`.
To gain more insights on our api usage but being protective of metrics
cardinality we're prefixing `(hidden)` with some well known base urls:
## How to reproduce:
Make an invalid call to metrics (e.g. stop set to null), then check
/internal-backstage/prometheus and find the 400 error. Expected to be at
`path="/api/client/metrics"` but will have `path=""`:
curl -H"Authorization: *:development.unleash-insecure-client-api-token" -H'Content-type: application/json' localhost:4242/api/client/metrics -d '{
"appName": "bash-test",
"instanceId": "application-name-dacb1234",
"environment": "development",
"bucket": {
"start": "2023-07-27T11:23:44Z",
"stop": null,
"toggles": {
"myCoolToggle": {
"yes": 25,
"no": 42,
"variants": {
"blue": 6,
"green": 15,
"red": 46
"myOtherToggle": {
"yes": 0,
"no": 100
So, since our assumption about client instances ended up being wrong (or, less than stable).
This PR moves the EdgeUpgradeBanner to be displayed if the featureflag
displayEdgeBanner is enabled. That way, if customers comes back and says
they have upgraded but still get the banner, we can remove them from the
## About the changes
When edge is configured to automatically generate tokens, it requires
the token to be present in all unleash instances.
It's behind a flag which enables us to turn it on on a case by case
The risk of this implementation is that we'd be adding load to the
database in the middleware that evaluates tokens (which are present in
mostly all our API calls. We only query when the token is missing but
because the /client and /frontend endpoints which will be the affected
ones are high throughput, we want to be extra careful to avoid DDoSing
## Alternatives:
One alternative would be that we merge the two endpoints into one.
Currently, Edge does the following:
If the token is not valid, it tries to create a token using a service
account token and /api/admin/create-token endpoint. Then it uses the
token generated (which is returned from the prior endpoint) to query
/api/frontend. What if we could call /api/frontend with the same service
account we use to create the token? It may sound risky but if the same
application holding the service account token with permission to create
a token, can call /api/frontend via the generated token, shouldn't it be
able to call the endpoint directly?
The purpose of the token is authentication and authorization. With the
two tokens we are authenticating the same app with 2 different
authorization scopes, but because it's the same app we are
authenticating, can't we just use one token and assume that the app has
both scopes?
If the service account already has permissions to create a token and
then use that token for further actions, allowing it to directly call
/api/frontend does not necessarily introduce new security risks. The
only risk is allowing the app to generate new tokens. Which leads to the
third alternative: should we just remove this option from edge?
Since we're polling for updates to max revision id every second, and
listening for update events for revision id in the proxy repository then
running a refresh interval of 20secs in the proxy repo refresh seems
This PR changes the frequency of the refresh to once per 45mins.
## About the changes
This is a rough initial version as a PoC for a permission matrix.
This is only available after enabling the flag `userAccessUIEnabled`
that is set to true by default in local development.
The access was added to the users' admin page but could be embedded in
different contexts (e.g. when assigning a role to a user):

This is how the matrix looks like

Co-authored-by: Nuno Góis <github@nunogois.com>
## About the changes
getAllActive from api-tokens store is the second most frequent query

To prevent starving our db connections, we can cache this data that
rarely changes and clear the cache when we see changes. Because we will
only clear changes in the node receiving the change we're only caching
the data for 1 minute.
This should give us some room to test if this solution will work
Co-authored-by: Nuno Góis <github@nunogois.com>
## About the changes
Sets data migration of features and events created_by_user_id to
disabled by default
Map to promise and await all in created by user id migration for features
## About the changes
Adds a scheduled task that every 5 seconds updates 500 entries in the
features table setting `created_by_user_id`.
It does this by looking at the related event, checks created_by and
joins users table for match on username or email, and joins api_tokens
table on username matches. Then picks either a users id if set, or uses
-42 (admin token user)
Previously we used a killswitch and returned 404 if the feature was
enabled. This flips that to a default disabled toggle, that has to be
turned on to handle old Edge (pre 17.0.0) posting bulk metrics
This PR will allow us to use a feature flag with variants to control
whether or not we should show the comments field of the feedback form.
This will allow us to see whether we can increase feedback collection if
we reduce the load on the customer.
Since we've now added PAT's we really do recommend switching to those,
or for enterprises, we recommend using service accounts.
Admin tokens have an obvious disadvantage in that they're not connected
to any user, so actions performed by them are harder to audit.
This PR adds a killswitch for turning it off, in preparation for
deprecating them and ultimately removing them in the future.
## About the changes
This allows us to encrypt emails at signup for demo users to further
secure our demo instance. Currently, emails are anonymized before
displaying events performed by demo users. But this means that emails
are stored at rest in our DB. By encrypting the emails at login, we're
adding another layer of protection.
This can be enabled with a flag and requires the encryption key and the
initialization vector (IV for short) to be present as environment
If the kill switch is enabled unleash returns 404 and a json body explaining why a 404 was given, encouraging users to upgrade to the most recent version of Edge.