This change removes the flag used to anonymize project owners on the
way out. It was an issue in demo when we'd forgotten to configure the
email encryption. However, this issue has been resolved and we can
remove this check now.
This PR adds project owner information to the personal dashboard's
project payload.
To do so, it uses the existing project owners read model.
I've had to make a few changes to the project owners read model to
accomodate this:
- make the input type to `addOwners` more lenient. We only need the
project ids, so we can make that the only required property
- fall back to using email as the name if the user has no name or
username (such as if you sign up with the demo auth)
This PR adds some of the necessary project data to the personal
dashboard API: project names and ids, and the roles that the user has in
each of these projects.
I have not added project owners yet, as that would increase the
complexity a bit and I'd rather focus on that in a separate PR.
I have also not added projects you are part of through a group, though I
have added a placeholder test for that. I will address this in a
Implements event tooltips in the new event timeline.
This leverages our current `feature-event-formatter-md` to provide both
a label and a summary of the event. Whenever our new `eventTimeline`
flag is enabled, we enrich our events in our event search endpoint with
this information. We've discussed different options here and reached the
conclusion that this is the best path forward for now. This way we are
being consistent, DRY, relatively performant and it also gives us a
happy path forward if we decide to scope in the event log revamp, since
this data will already be present there.
We also added a new `label` property to each of our event types
currently in our event formatter. This way we can have a concise,
human-readable name for each event type, instead of exposing the
internal event type string.
~~We also fixed the way the event formatter handled bold text (as in,
**bold**). Before, it was wrapping them in *single asterisks*, but now
we're using **double asterisks**. We also abstracted this away into a
helper method aptly named `bold`. Of course, this change meant that a
bunch of snapshots and tests needed to be updated.~~
~~This new `bold` method also makes it super easy to revert this
decision if we choose to, for any reason. However I believe we should
stick with markdown formatting, since it is the most commonly supported
formatting syntax, so I see this as an important fix. It's also in the
name of the formatter (`md`). I also believe bold was the original
intent. If we want italic formatting we should implement it separately
at a later point.~~
Edit: It was _bold_ of me to assume this would work out of the box on
Slack. It does when you manually try it on the app, but not when using
the Slack client. See:

We now have customers that exceed INT capacity, so we need to change
this to BIGINT in client_metrics_env_variants_daily as well.
Even heavy users only have about 10000 rows here, so should be a quick
enough operation.
## Background
In #6380 we fixed a privilege escalation bug that allowed members of a
project that had permission to add users to the project with roles that
had a higher permission set than themselves. The PR linked essentially
constricts you only be able to assign users to roles that you possess
yourself if you are not an Admin or Project owner.
This fix broke expectations for another customer who needed to have a
project owner without the DELETE_PROJECT permission. The fix above made
it so that their custom project owner role only was able to assign users
to the project with the role that they posessed.
## Fix
Instead of looking directly at which role the role granter has, this PR
addresses the issue by making the assessment based on the permission
sets of the user and the roles to be granted. If the granter has all the
permissions of the role being granted, the granter is permitted to
assign the role.
## Other considerations
The endpoint to get roles was changed in this PR. It previously only
retrieved the roles that the user had in the project. This no-longer
makes sense because the user should be able to see other project roles
than the one they themselves hold when assigning users to the project.
The drawback of returning all project roles is that there may be a
project role in the list that the user does not have access to assign,
because they do not hold all the permissions required of the role. This
was discussed internally and we decided that it's an acceptable
trade-off for now because the complexities of returning a role list
based on comparing permissions set is not trivial. We would have to
retrieve each project role with permissions from the database, and run
the same in-memory check against the users permission to determine which
roles to return from this endpoint. Instead we opted for returning all
project roles and display an error if you try to assign a role that you
do not have access to.
## Follow up
When this is merged, there's no longer need for the frontend logic that
filters out roles in the role assignment form. I deliberately left this
out of the scope for this PR because I couldn't wrap my head around
everything that was going on there and I thought it was better to pair
on this with @chriswk or @nunogois in order to make sure we get this
right as the logic for this filtering seemed quite complex and was
touching multiple different components.
Co-authored-by: Fredrik Strand Oseberg <fredrikstrandoseberg@Fredrik-sin-MacBook-Pro.local>
This appears to have been an oversight in the original implementation
of this endpoint. This seems to be the primary point of this
permission. Additionally, the docs mention that this permission should
allow you to do just that.
Note: I've not added any tests for this, because we don't typically add
tests for it. If we have an example to follow, I'd be very happy to add
it, though
Related to
This does not make the endpoint necessarily better - It's still a PUT
that acts as a PUT in some ways (expects specific required fields to be
present, resets the project to `null` if it's not included in the body)
and a PATCH in others (ignores most fields if they're not included in
the body). We need to have a more in-depth discussion about developing
long-term strategies for our API and respective OpenAPI spec.
However this at least includes the proper schema for the request body,
which is slightly better than before.
Previously we expected the tag to look like `type:value`. Now we allow
everything after first colon, as the value and not break query
Updates the instance stats endpoint with
- maxEnvironmentStrategies
- maxConstraints
- maxConstraintValues
It adds the following rows to the front end table:
- segments (already in the payload, just not used for the table before)
- API tokens (separate rows for type, + one for total) (also existed
before, but wasn't listed)
- Highest number of strategies used for a single flag in a single
- Highest number of constraints used on a single strategy
- Highest number of values used for a single constraint

This PR fixes an issue where the number of flags belonging to a project
was wrong in the new getProjectsForAdminUi.
The cause was that we now join with the events table to get the most
"lastUpdatedAt" data. This meant that we got multiple rows for each
flag, so we counted the same flag multiple times. The fix was to use a
Additionally, I used this as an excuse to write some more tests that I'd
been thinking about. And in doing so also uncovered another bug that
would only ever surface in verrry rare conditions: if a flag had been
created in project A, but moved to project B AND the
feature-project-change event hadn't fired correctly, project B's last
updated could show data from that feature in project A.
I've also taken the liberty of doing a little bit of cleanup.
## About the changes
When storing last seen metrics we no longer validate at insert time that
the feature exists. Instead, there's a job cleaning up on a regular
Metrics for features with more than 255 characters, makes the whole
batch to fail, resulting in metrics being lost.
This PR helps mitigate the issue while also logs long name feature names
Implements empty responses for the fake project read model. Instead of
throwing a not implemented error, we'll return empty results.
This makes some of the tests in enterprise pass.
This PR touches up a few small things in the project read model.
Use the right method name in the query/method timer for
`getProjectsForAdminUi`. I'd forgotten to change the timer name from the
original method name.
Spells the method name correctly for the `getMembersCount` timer (it
used to be `getMemberCount`, but the method is callled `getMembersCount`
with a plural s).
Call the `getMembersCount` timer from within the `getMembersCount`
method itself. Instead of setting that timer up from two different
places, we can call it in the method we're timing. This wasn't a problem
previously, because the method was only called from a single place.
Assuming we always wanna time that query, it makes more sense to put the
timing in the actual method.
Hooks up the new project read model and updates the existing project
service to use it instead when the flag is on.
In doing:
- creates a composition root for the read model
- includes it in IUnleashStores
- updates some existing methods to accept either the old or the new
- updates the OpenAPI schema to deprecate the old properties
Creates a new project read model exposing data to be used for the UI and
for the insights module.
The model contains two public methods, both based on the project store's
- `getProjectsForAdminUi`
- `getProjectsForInsights`
This mirrors the two places where the base query is actually in use
today and adapts the query to those two explicit cases.
The new `getProjectsForAdminUi` method also contains data for last flag
update and last flag metric reported, as required for the new projects
list screen.
Additionally the read model contains a private `getMembersCount` method,
which is also lifted from the project store. This method was only used
in the old `getProjectsWithCounts` method, so I have also removed the
method from the public interface.
This PR does *not* hook up the new read model to anything or delete any
existing uses of the old method.
## Why?
As mentioned in the background, this query is used in two places, both
to get data for the UI (directly or indirectly). This is consistent with
the principles laid out in our [ADR on read vs write
There is an argument to be made, however, that the insights module uses
this as an **internal** read model, but the description of an internal
model ("Internal read models are typically narrowly focused on answering
one question and usually require simple queries compared to external
read models") does not apply here. It's closer to the description of
external read models: "View model will typically join data across a few
DB tables" for display in the UI.
## Discussion points
### What about properties on the schema that are now gone?
The `project-schema`, which is delivered to the UI through the
`getProjects` endpoint (and nowhere else, it seems), describes
properties that will no longer be sent to the front end, including
`defaultStickiness`, `avgTimeToProduction`, and more. Can we just stop
sending them or is that a breaking change?
The schema does not define them as required properties, so in theory,
not sending them isn't breaking any contracts. We can deprecate the
properties and just not populate them anymore.
At least that's my thought on it. I'm open to hearing other views.
### Can we add the properties in fewer lines of code?
Yes! The [first commit in this PR
adds the two new properties in 8 lines of code.
However, this comes at the cost of diluting the `getProjectsWithCounts`
method further by adding more properties that are not used by the
insights module. That said, that might be a worthwhile tradeoff.
## Background
_(More [details in internal slack
I noticed that the project store's `getProjectWithCounts` is used in
exactly two places:
1. In the project service method which maps directly to the project
controller (in both OSS and enterprise).
2. In the insights service in enterprise.
In the case of the controller, that’s the termination point. I’d guess
that when written, the store only served the purpose of showing data to
the UI.
In the event of the insights service, the data is mapped in
But I was a little surprised that they were sharing the same query, so I
decided to dig a little deeper to see what we’re actually using and what
we’re not (including the potential new columns). Here’s what I found.
Of the 14 already existing properties, insights use only 7 and the
project list UI uses only 10 (though the schema mentions all 14 (as far
as I could tell from scouring the code base)). Additionally, there’s two
properties that I couldn’t find any evidence of being used by either:
- default stickiness
- updatedAt (this is when the project was last updated; not its flags)