331 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[6.8.0] - 2025-03-06
Bug Fixes
Long flag names push table to overflow and flag descriptions are not truncated (#9350)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.4 (#9368)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.4 (#9374)
Update dependency pg to v8.13.3 (#9375)
Get all strategies and check if env to be disabled (#9357)
Solve 31 day month issue by using trafficUnitSize and not constant 1_000_000 (#9404)
Copy strategy is allowed to copy to self (duplicate) (#9407)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.5 (#9423)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.5 (#9424)
Update dependency compression to v1.8.0 (#9437)
- Entra scim setup now includes SCIM compliance flag (#9336)
Show and hide environments (#9323)
Show add strategy button when release plan (#9329)
Add tests for filterEventsByQuery (#9338)
Make env selector filterable (#9340)
New environment box (#9342)
Now project moving is split into two events (#9358)
Ignore events in log when nothing has changed (#9364)
Allow command bar navigation to wrap around (#9370)
SQL performance optimization to count instances (#9369)
Now instances are only shown for last 24 hours (#9372)
Backend connections tab (#9381)
Frontend traffic tab (#9385)
Use new strategy list in release plans (#9405)
UI for archiving release templates (#9415)
Project environments include visible property (#9427)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Await so change requests banner shows up after adding release plans changes (#9328)
Visualize connected edges (#9325)
Handle narrow windows for the flag header. (#9321)
Make Edge instance node width consistent (#9335)
Reduce tab sizes on flag page + fix wrapping/overlapping issue with action buttons (#9339)
Upgrade vitest to 3.0.6 (#9337)
Improve UX in the Edge observability latency table (#9343)
Edge observability width fix (#9345)
Add file and component names to
output class names in dev (#9351) -
Fix small UI issues in release templates/plans (#9341)
Node sdk version upgrade to support deltas (#9356)
Months old version banner (#9352)
Deprecate and undeprecate protected environments (#9360)
Remove deltaApiStreaming flag (#9362)
Remove uiGlobalFontSize flag (#9331)
Improve release plan template form validation (#9371)
New env strategy containers (#9361)
Fix text on last seen instances (#9376)
Wrap strategy list in an ordered list (#9377)
Consumption model flag (#9379)
Handle release plans in new strategy list (#9380)
Adjust env dropdown (#9382)
colors; update non-legacy components (#9378) -
Adapt existing tests to new components (#9396)
Release template card min height (#9390)
New add release plan dialog (#9389)
Release plan replacement UI (#9400)
Flip UI and backend validation for project env disabling (#9395)
Migration for new archive columns on release defintion (#9412)
Archive release plan template event (#9414)
Remove frontendHeaderRedesign flag (#9428)
Remove dataUsageMultiMonthView flag (#9429)
Rename networkViewEnabled to prometheusAPIAvailable (#9330)
Fix deprecation for string truncator (#9359)
Makes the drag args optional, defaulting to noops (#9394)
New constraints style (#9363)
Strategy draggable item is now proj/env agnostic (#9411)
- Connection count chart functions (#9383)
[6.7.2] - 2025-02-19
Bug Fixes
Command bar spacing (#9288)
Make the chip in the playground project selector small (#9298)
Add some missing button labels on the project page (#9299)
Add strategy and more strategies button are different heights (#9300)
Hydration event should update with every event (#9310)
Mutating delta events (#9303)
Return undefined from delta if no events (#9311)
Access e2e test (#9313)
Add a metric to track client registrations (#9314)
Delete project segment with change request (#9315)
Fix unintended scroll on dashboard (#9316)
Handle singular counts in project status lifecycle boxes (#9317)
Use bucket stop as timestamp for metrics bucket (#9327)
- Include create db permission required for new tests (#9301)
Connection count usage (#9294)
Frontend API POST endpoint (#9291)
New flag header (#9302)
New flag info box (#9308)
Add stale badge to the new header (#9320)
Project field to feature removed event (#9322)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Use gitcliff changelog for release (#9289)
Add migration that backfills scim user email hashes (#9295)
Bump unleash client version to beta 6.5 (#9305)
Make setting service handle conflict on insert (#9160)
Add edge observability tables (#9307)
Add change request events to teams integration (#9309)
Add status_code to edge traffic table to store 304s as well (#9312)
Remove references to admin token kill switch (#9324)
[6.7.1] - 2025-02-11
Bug Fixes
Font size flag change to boolean (#9290)
Use the right theme even if the payload is a variant. (#9292)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Create test db from template (#9265)
[6.7.0] - 2025-02-11
Bug Fixes
Add removed back after deleting from updated (#9099)
Feature-dependencies-removed event should not be created always (#9100)
Setup id-token permissions
Setup concurrency limitation and rename session to reflect unleash (not edge)
Remove deleted event from being update event (#9106)
Resolve lifecycle image from asset path (#9121)
Align project roles checkboxes (#9123)
Specify colors for buttons (#9124)
Add a hover color for buttons in the period selectors. (#9125)
Correct name order -> traffic usage data -> traffic data usage (#9156)
Tabs not growing to fill all available space (#9161)
Commandbar colors (#9162)
Dynamic highlight width (#9166)
Original url for uniqueness tracking (#9172)
Relax email checking (#9182)
Relax email checking (#9183)
Re-align the dropdown menu with the dropdown (#9188)
Make traffic usage test more robust by using this month's actual numbers (#9193)
Heroku reset for tests (#9197)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.2 (#9200)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.2 (#9201)
Users groups table columns on small screens (#9194)
Now hydration event is being returned if revision does not exist in cache (#9203)
License banner using message type (#9209)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.8 (#9211)
Update dependency unleash-client to v6.4.2 (#9213)
Fix broken skip link (#9239)
Identyfication headers typo (#9244)
Project roles - include change request config in project update (#9256)
Return if empty array (#9254)
Don't navigate through the list on tab (#9259)
Update docusaurus monorepo to v3.7.0 (#9261)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.10.0 (#9260)
Killwitch to block usage-metrics from non-exiting flag-names (#9266)
Change log-level to info for filterExistingFlagNames
Open/close animation on personal dashboard is choppy (#9253)
Don't check license in OSS (#9277)
Some accessibility issues (#9282)
Add legacy button styles (#9283)
Enterprise Use Case Tutorial - User Management, Access Controls, and Auditing with Feature Flags (#8998)
New theme (#8994)
Fix table of contents horizontal scroll (#9137)
New landing page (#9087)
Improve ASK AI button (#9140)
Align table of contents with content (#9141)
Add previously resolved suggestions to commit (#9142)
New theme header (#9151)
Fix background img dark mode opacity (#9157)
New theme footer (#9158)
Identification headers (#9241)
Organize/update custom project permissions to reflect Unleash Admin UI (#9246)
Remove notifications docs (#9258)
New lifecycle icons (#9098)
Conditionally show groupId in StrategyExecution under rollout (#9101)
Rename lifecycle stages (#9102)
Update lifecycle tooltip style (#9107)
Transparent header (#9108)
Connection id counting fallback (#9115)
Max parallel sessions config (#9109)
New in Unleash - Lifecycle 2.0 (#9112)
Initial impl of new month/range picker (#9122)
Store support for data traffic from a range (#9127)
Delta rework (#9133)
Show a dialog when adding a release plan to a change request enabled feature environment (#9139)
Configurable global font size (#9155)
Segment implementation in delta (#9148)
Use new API for chart creation (#9149)
Separate frontend backend counting (#9167)
Wraps the new datepicker in a dropdown (#9169)
Send the add release plan change request from dialog when submitted (#9174)
Drop x- header prefix (#9175)
Limit user filter options (#9179)
Ability to communicate other license messages (#9192)
Move create user validations to the input (#9189)
Virtual autocomplete (#9181)
Render markdown in toats (#9207)
Productivity report only for seen users (#9204)
Productivity report unsubscribed users (#9220)
Client spec to support deltaApi (#9222)
Move timeline to panel (#9243)
Implement dialogs for changerequest milestone handling and removing release plans (#9240)
Emit delta updated event (#9250)
Add delta api streaming flag (#9269)
Allow SCIM user deletion (#9190)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Move strategy UI into milestonecard and open milestone when adding strategy to it (#9095)
New release plan template card (#9096)
Feature release plans other strategies indicator (#9097)
Prioritize milestone strategies in sorting (#9081)
Make remove release plan warning conditional on env. enabled (#9103)
Fix release template strategy padding and spacing (#9104)
Added push to public.ecr (#9105)
Fix traffic data timezone visualization issue with getUTCDate (#9110)
Use the user's locale settings for formatting the tooltip date (#9113)
Move the bricks (#9114)
Switch notify enterprise to main (#9119)
Create the releasePlanChangeRequests feature flag (#9126)
Remove feature toggle kill switch for admin token UI (#9154)
Add new query for daily data that uses date ranges (#9150)
Add orval schemas for the new API endpoint (#9164)
Gather metrics every hour (#9163)
Add website docs generated to the ignore list
Ignore website docs generated in biome (#9168)
Minor button style adjustments (#9170)
Add hint to release plan template gradual rollout strategy groupId (#9171)
Drag to reorder release plan template milestones (#9176)
Update request info boxes to new design (#9180)
Drop release plan template view permissions (#9195)
Filters data coming from the API to remove data points we're not interested in (#9205)
Pull delta controller out of OSS (#9206)
Add tests for new traffic usage functions (#9208)
Extract into hook, use new endpoint if flag on (#9218)
Use union type for traffic search data (#9221)
Clear scim fields when deleting user + migration for existing cases (#9217)
Release plan changes in change request view (#9225)
Mark release management as an enterprise feature (#9229)
Remove lifecycle v2 flag (#9224)
Changes the panel title to "Event timeline" (#9245)
Release management plausible events (#9230)
Remove sortProjectRoles flag (#9226)
Ability to run FE tests manually (#9249)
No border for event timeline / dropdowns to the right (#9252)
Make the milestone status a button (#9255)
Add release management to new in unleash (#9257)
Tests are timing out (#9264)
Removes extra border on collapse for the event timeline (#9270)
Make truncator a span (#9272)
Make playground code editor height dynamic (#9271)
Make mui buttons respect font size changes (#9275)
Add button styles to dark mode too (#9285)
Retry release 6.7 (#9287)
Remove concurrency block (#9286)
Project permissions list (#9082)
Project users virtual autocomplete (#9196)
UseTrafficData / NetworkTrafficUsage.tsx cleanup (#9191)
Period selector component (#9202)
Add functions to estimate monthly usage from data directly (#9219)
Theme - font size (#9273)
[6.6.0] - 2025-01-14
Bug Fixes
Change Open API validation middleware to specify and use path parameters (#8913)
Update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.4.1 (#9021)
Update dependency mime to v4.0.6 (#9034)
Update dependency @slack/web-api to v7.8.0 (#9036)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.1 (#9037)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.1 (#9038)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.5.0 (#9039)
Update docusaurus monorepo to v3.6.3 (#8800)
Legal values styling in segments (#9044)
Remove archived from delta (#9051)
Save context button spacing (#9059)
Delta do not return archived as changed (#9062)
Text overflow on project users access page (#8853)
Etag support RFC 9110 standard (#9077)
Remove archived features from delta (#9088)
Force updated_at date to change (#9092)
Remove explicit "in project" text from change request event text (#9091)
Only display oss included projects/environments when install is oss (#8896)
Remove borders, improve draggable visibility etc (#9002)
Delta api e2e test (#9003)
Grouping of project level roles in autocomplete (#9046)
Log warning if there is diff between client/features and delta api (#9047)
Rework frontend validation for release plan templates (#9055)
Ability to upsert single legal values (#9056)
Ability to delete single legal values (#9058)
Making context service transactional (#9063)
Add migration (#8891)
Read logs and update cors maintenance root-role permissions (#8996)
Unique connection tracking (#9067)
Migration for unique connections (#9076)
Unique connection counting (#9074)
Unique connection gauge metric (#9089)
Remove create admin token from API (#9090)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Bump version to 6.5.3
Use 20.18.1 instead of 20.14 as our node base image (#9004)
Remove alpine reference as a suffix in image name (#9009)
Remove Unleash AI (#9010)
Streaming client no etag (#9011)
Group cards redesign (#9048)
Export context service factory (#9053)
New user avatar tooltip (#9050)
Improve group projects tooltip behavior (#9054)
Reorder release plan template UI files (#9057)
Make grid group cards have a consistent height (#9064)
Upgrade node sdk with x-headers (#9066)
Improve the release plan template accordion looks (#9065)
New hosted auth handler (#9045)
Remove simplifyProjectOverview flag (#9068)
Remove oidcRedirect flag (#9069)
Remove connection id from tracking (#9072)
Remove unused newHostedAuthHandler flag (#9070)
FeatureToggleService use optionallyDisableFeature instead of duplicating logic (#9073)
Mark SSO as an Enterprise only feature (#9071)
Fix migration file (#9078)
Fix migration file (#9079)
Improve create template fields for name+description (#9075)
Fix smaller broken UI things in release templates (#9084)
Update renovate configuration json file (#9016)
- Context service feature oriented (#9052)
- Fix timezone-related inconsistencies in tests (#9083)
[6.5.3] - 2024-12-19
Bug Fixes
Use strategyName instead of name property for component to load (#8983)
Can't sort on undefined sdks (#8982)
Now null sdks will also be handled nicely (#8984)
Check for enterprise in the create/edit templates UI (#8985)
Streaming error handling (#8999)
- Swapi.dev no longer exists (#8997)
Move delta controller to new path (#8981)
Add prom metrics (#8980)
Segment delta (#8990)
Authentication configuration permission (#8987)
Release templates strategy interaction improvements (#8992)
Date range selector (#8991)
Store memory footprints to grafana (#9001)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add auth config permission (#8988)
[6.5.2] - 2024-12-13
Bug Fixes
Initialize cache when we get the first request (#8971)
Only call project overview from connect dialog when open (#8977)
Template edit UI issues (#8974)
Streaming headers with app name (#8972)
New read model for client feature toggle cache (#8975)
Deleted feature names should come from event (#8978)
Enable docker version tag on main (#8979)
- Add permissions for instance maintenance (#8885)
[6.5.1] - 2024-12-12
- Remove features export import flag (#8890)
- Align copy to seats used and change in -> over (#8889)
Bug Fixes
Ignore segment order in diff calculation (#8880)
Permission button tooltip behavior (#8882)
Swap subscribe and unsubscribe events (#8900)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.7 (#8917)
Permission button unintended full width behavior (#8920)
Adjust favorite icon placement (#8930)
Move productivity report to features dir (#8960)
Make project ui query optimized (#8961)
Productivity report small screens (#8963)
Clear "removed tags" when you bulk update tags (#8952)
Migrations e2e test (#8965)
Remove unused vulnerable transitive dependency 'prompt' (#8953)
E2e cypress create flag delay (#8968)
Do not initialize cache when flag is off (#8969)
Upgrade make-fetch-happen (#8970)
Readme architecture diagram (#8881)
Enviroment->environment (#8893)
Update React Native / Expo community SDK entry (#8902)
Trunk-based development use case tutorial (#8867)
Switch recommendation from proxy to edge (#8908)
Fixed diff syntax (#8937)
Favorites take less space (#8888)
Add variant etag (#8922)
Productivity report cta (#8936)
Additional email headers test (#8540)
Release plan template milestone UI listing strategies (#8933)
Health rating color in email (#8943)
OIDC redirect flag (#8944)
Add core feature alert gh action (#8948)
Maintenance root roles (#8875)
Productivity report trends visualization (#8956)
Make segments editing work with template milestone strategies (#8964)
Productivity email action text (#8966)
First revision of delta api (#8967)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Release plans small misc improvements (#8879)
Remove release-checks (#8884)
Enabled in OSS. (#8856)
Filter out milestone strategies in features_view (#8883)
Update release plans icon (#8894)
Improve release plan events and add them to event timeline (#8895)
Streaming spike (#8907)
Streaming node sdk (#8921)
Default metrics storage days updated (#8931)
View more insights color update (#8938)
Update node sdk (#8940)
Remove oidc UI flag (#8949)
Make toasts smaller (#8935)
Remove uses of toast text and confetti (#8941)
Remove console.log
Remove docker package setup. (#8959)
- Autocomplete component in PlaygroundCodeFieldset (#8912)
- Loosen up useTrafficData test (#8901)
[6.5.0] - 2024-11-28
- Add initial visuals for lifecycle summary (#8679)
- Close sidebar when you click a link within it (#8763)
- Add remaining lifecycle header + tooltip (#8722)
- Count flags in each stage (#8699)
- Round the project health (#8718)
- Small UI tweaks sidebar boxes (#8721)
- Fix wrong counting for unhealthy flags (#8772)
- Refetch CR notifs on actions (#8767)
- Update project navigation for the simplified view (#8770)
- Db migration to make potentially stale non-nullable (#8796)
- Extract project status into own component. (#8823)
- Wires up stale data from the API (#8752)
Bug Fixes
Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.7.0 (#8605)
Remove extra event search controller
Text color in timeline event group for light mode (#8635)
Enterprise routes 404 when not logged in (#8640)
Email table alignment on mobile (#8641)
Set a dynamic yesterday date instead of a fixed one. (#8646)
Fix project settings path for oss (#8650)
Console errors from highlight component and tag key prop placement (#8669)
Prevent rendering too many hooks error (#8667)
Active flags double stale flags (#8673)
Dashboard onboarding flow correct conditions (#8676)
Show archive tooltip only on project screen (#8685)
Console warnings and errors related to event timeline and strategy form (#8692)
Password auth metrics (#8735)
Send UI error tracking (#8725)
Update dependency compression to v1.7.5 (#8744)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.16 (#8745)
Project Status UI fixes (#8762)
Fix keyboard navigation issues with sidebar (#8769)
Device count flag without variant (#8773)
Update dependency unleash-client to v6.1.3 (#8777)
Use the correct design token color for the health chart background (#8783)
and change to useparameters
method instead (#8734) -
Update users session warning in users table (#8794)
Link to unhealthy flags filter (#8802)
Don't break personal dashboard charts if the flag is called
(#8807) -
Center health widgets and text (#8810)
Count lifecycle more accurately (#8816)
Cleanup should be completed (#8819)
Fix status sidebar top padding (#8817)
IsOss check + minor UI things (#8828)
Link typo for upgrade (#8842)
Keep change request type in table (#8849)
Show data for last 30 days where we say we do (#8850)
Change requests placeholder (#8724)
User header layout on narrow screens (#8858)
Use a proper dark theme for the activity graph (#8865)
Show variant diff on applied CR (#8869)
Stop changing null to empty string when reading empty title (#8878)
A/b testing doc V2 (#8501)
Update go sdk to newer version (#8857)
Add enterprise awareness section (#8847)
Update orval schema (#8595)
Plain text productivity report (#8589)
Initial setup of change request notification indicator (#8606)
Traffic limits for enterprise-payg (#8596)
Archived row styling (#8608)
Hide archive tab when simplify enabled (#8611)
Archived label tooltip correct format (#8610)
User email un-subscription (#8612)
Update demo plans modal (#8594)
Archive movement informational tooltip (#8617)
Use actionable change request data in UI (#8613)
Project status backend structure (#8630)
Unsubscribe link to user profile (#8637)
Now backend returns event counts for activity chart (#8638)
Productivity report subscription UI (#8639)
Style project resources component (#8636)
Orval schema update (#8647)
User subscriptions store and service (#8648)
Composition root for user subscriptions (#8649)
Activity widget (#8628)
Export transactional user subscriptions service (#8651)
option handled by environment variable (#8634) -
User profile returns user subscriptions (#8656)
Hook up project resources API to resources widget (#8657)
Add user preference change to event log (#8652)
Read productivity report from profile (#8662)
Activity chart polish (#8665)
Deleting release-plan templates (#8678)
Health widget (#8686)
Count recently deleted users (#8688)
Health score backend (#8687)
Activity chart now shows full year (#8690)
Connect project health frontend with backend (#8695)
Add lifecycle summary info read model + average time spent in lifecycle query (#8691)
Archived toggles do not show switch (#8696)
Remove excessing debug logging (#8701)
Remove archive tooltip conditionally (#8702)
Hook up lifecycle read model data to endpoint (#8709)
Define activity labels (#8713)
Now tooltip will not be over the main content (#8714)
Update zindex to theme
Email will be stored hashed now for all users (#8720)
Edit release plan template (#8723)
Metrics for password and scim enabled (#8730)
Coloring of health chart (#8731)
Frontend initial page for creating release templates (#8732)
Introduce new term licensed users (#8737)
Add tooltips to lifecycle boxes (#8739)
Prometheus now gets licensed users data (#8740)
Delete stale user sessions (#8738)
Add stale flags counter (#8741)
Licensed users migration table (#8748)
Show deleted user sessions (#8749)
Add stale flag count to project status payload (#8751)
Now pay as you go billing banner has link (#8761)
Add project status feedback (#8764)
Max sessions limit (#8765)
Show users with multiple parallel sessions (#8756)
Log excessive logins (#8774)
Implement call to add release-plan to feature environment (#8778)
Combine health and status widgets (#8782)
Show max count of sessions that users have to an admin (#8781)
Change max session count warning to 4 devices (#8792)
Create and edit release plan template milestones (#8768)
Add potentiallyStale filter (#8784)
Add potentially stale filter to flags filter (#8798)
Backfill licensed users (#8791)
Upgrade more environments (#8804)
Upgrade change requests (#8812)
Remove bold/strong from personal dashboard events (#8330)
Info about unlimited projects option (#8814)
Upgrade sso (#8813)
Licensed users ui rework (#8809)
Create project upgrade link (#8822)
Archived tooltip alignment (#8820)
Backfill archived features lifecycle (#8824)
Licensed seats sidebar (#8834)
Selector dropdown for milestone new strategy (#8841)
Licensed users chart (#8844)
Deleting strategy variants indicator (#8840)
Add PROJECT_ARCHIVED event to send message to Slack (#8848)
View diff in change requests (#8852)
Release plan template strategy types, constraints, segments (#8861)
Change request applied diff for update strategy (#8859)
Add variants to release plan template strategies (#8870)
View diff in edit segment CR (#8874)
- Email colors on iOS (#8680)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Add support for PAYG billing (#8582)
Bump version to 6.4.0
Remove navigation sidebar flag (#8607)
Drop experimental from new signal meta properties (#8553)
Bump version to 6.4.1
Add migration for release-plans-definitions that removes fk on users(id) (#8614)
Upgrade to biome 1.9.4 (#8616)
Use palette.background.alternative for background (#8627)
Re-order project settings menu (#8626)
Add placeholder project status sidebar (#8629)
Stub out project resources for status model (#8631)
Add Unleash AI to New in Unleash (#8642)
Add connected environments to project status payload (#8645)
Cascade user unsubscription (#8655)
Add initial styling bits to status modal (#8658)
Orval types (#8661)
Add flagOverviewRedesign flag (#8653)
Export user subscriptions read model (#8664)
New feature flag overview metadata panel (#8663)
Added Release Plan Template events (#8668)
Update SCSS preprocessor API to modern-compiler (#8659)
Remove project segments gate for oss users (#8666)
Explicitly allows Artistic-2.0 license (#8694)
Remove stale flags (#8689)
Flag overview page redesign - environments (#8683)
Put project lifecycle read model in own directory + add fake (#8700)
List release templates in strategy popover (#8703)
Added migration for release plan template permissions (#8707)
Added release plan template permissions to permissions.ts (#8708)
Add release plan events (#8715)
Handle edge cases (#8719)
Prepare for lifecycle comments (#8733)
PAYG billing (#8743)
Improve the performance of our instance stats (#8766)
Use memoized stats for version (#8776)
Remove project connected environments (#8775)
Stop using personal dashboard UI flag (#8793)
Hide release plan template permissions behind feature flag (#8799)
AddReleasePlan api hook use template id in payload (#8801)
Remove personal dashboard UI flag (#8795)
Change avg health to current health in project status (#8803)
Minor cleanup of project health and status (#8806)
Disable flagOVerviewRedesign on OSS (#8808)
PAYG traffic bundles (#8805)
Make project status fit on 1080 height (#8818)
Hide project status widgets for oss (#8827)
Update utm links (#8835)
Allow openapi "date" format of strings (#8837)
Update orval schema (#8839)
Switch to using milestoneId instead of index (#8845)
Added unique index for release plan templates (#8846)
Milestone strategy tabs (#8851)
Rename toggle to flag (#8854)
Rename toggle to feature (#8855)
Release plans flow in flag environments (#8843)
Adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios
Make milestone_strategies.title nullable (#8864)
Adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios (#8862)
Release template sidebar (#8871)
Add licensed user data to the licensed users box (#8868)
Add Thomas's weird files to .gitignore (#8872)
Update toggle to flag (#8876)
Update texts
Introduce a highlight reusable component (#8643)
method on ApiTokenStore (#8674) -
Sessions for user without error (#8742)
Remove unused component UserSeats (#8757)
Optimize png (#8826)
Extract add strategy diff (#8877)
User subscripton read model (#8654)
Add tests for project resources data (#8675)
Flaky flag type selection (#8677)
Add more tests for the lifecycle avg calculation query (#8698)
Session deleted toast (#8754)
Device count without experimental env key (#8771)
Fix feature e2e test by checking flag name in a td instead of url (#8863)
Strategy variant tests in CRs (#8873)
[6.4.0] - 2024-10-30
Bug Fixes
Fix tracking of menu bar for no search results (#8326)
Update go snippet (#8333)
Node.js SDK link (#8334)
Event styling personal dashboard (#8337)
Only ask for project details if we have a project ID (#8339)
Add grid w/container query for projects (#8344)
Make gaps 1px instead of 2px (#8351)
Add back flex container. (#8356)
Vertically center owners and roles content (#8357)
Return 404 if the project doesn't exist (#8362)
Small breakathon fixes (#8368)
No owners listed in personal dashboard for default project (#8373)
Use ip-address for remote-strategy (#8380)
Import svg viewbox misalignment (#8216)
Handle project fetching error (#8375)
Handle lots of project roles better (#8383)
Removes welcome message and updates view details button (#8385)
Route for environments for pro customers (#8390)
Make no data look like no data (#8396)
Environments route should be hidden from menu for open-source (#8397)
Display tick values for chart Y axis (#8412)
Chart issues in dark mode (#8414)
Show empty chart when we're loading flag metrics (#8419)
Fix title sizes (#8420)
Revert link changes (#8425)
Section sizes (#8423)
Adjust the height of the flag section (#8426)
Handle narrow screens better (#8430)
Order API integration update (#8431)
Now health widget will match will chart (#8432)
Spacing between lifecycle metrics and env/period selector (#8433)
Handle cases where the flag name causes API errors (or other errors occur) (#8439)
Archived flags without metrics do not count towards onboarding (#8443)
Fix environment order form state (#8449)
Same site api call with session cookie (#8435)
Unleash AI chat message code not breaking to new line (#8455)
Group and user has at least 1 project owner counter respects multirole project groups (#8453)
Wrap the UserAvatar component in forwardRef (#8461)
Fix two disabled tooltips (#8464)
Traffic estimate should Math.floor price estimate to full million (#8468)
Add the dashboard icon to the iconrenderer (#8474)
Allow you to add spaces to role descriptions (#8475)
Missing page titles (#8477)
Handle loading states for project details for a single project (#8492)
Break words first, break all second (#8495)
Don't allow . or .. in feature url (#8479)
Update dependency cookie-parser to v1.4.7 (#8503)
Fontend dev command to start in sandbox pro environment (#8376)
Enable nav sidebar for previous uis (#8508)
Update dependency express to v4.21.1 (#8511)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.4.1 (#8512)
Update dependency express-session to v1.18.1 (#8513)
Update dependency ip-address to v10.0.1 (#8515)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.6 (#8516)
Stretch strategies (#8519)
Stretch strategies underlying root cause (#8520)
Update dependency response-time to v2.3.3 (#8524)
Invalid spreading of keys into table rows everywhere (#8551)
Now feature table does not dissapear (#8554)
Correctly filter for
dates (#8567) -
Set path-to-regexp version in docker (#8572)
Productivity report email (#8574)
Update dependency @slack/web-api to v7.6.0 (#8584)
Update dependency pg to v8.13.0 (#8585)
Welcome message with no name (#8588)
- Rename Project Insight -> Project health (#8374)
Personal dashboard project avg health scores (#8328)
Handle owners and project roles in the UI (#8315)
Improve onboarding flow (#8327)
Improve styles (#8323)
Add all outlined icons (#8332)
Health trend insight (#8335)
Add logging for lifecycle prom metrics (#8341)
Health score components in personal dashboard (#8348)
Archived features will be included in onboarding (#8350)
Improve steps dividers (#8346)
Add plausible for onboarding (#8352)
Update congratulations message (#8354)
Make personal dashboard UI more compact (#8359)
Add comments to snippets (#8361)
Add flag to purchase additional environments (#8366)
Store dashboard state (#8382)
Start capturing onboarded status also from register endpoint (#8386)
Android/swift slow metric info (#8387)
Add timestamps to project events (#8389)
Order additional environments email templates (#8401)
Make panels collapsible (#8395)
Order environments service implementation (#8415)
Handle cases where user has no flags (#8416)
Order environment plausible events (#8427)
Additional environments - API integration (#8424)
More clear pricing text (#8429)
Now you can add env type to env order (#8442)
Ability to configure when users are considered inactive (#8454)
Prompt for feedback after second flag created (#8467)
Release plans nav menu item and icon suggestion (#8469)
Increase latest events in personal dashboard (#8491)
Personal dashboard scrollbars and spacing (#8493)
Email service for productivity report (#8517)
Rework application overview db query (#8518)
Start tracking project tab navigation
Track personal dashboard seen (#8539)
Emails sent table migration (#8528)
Send traffic info to prometheus (#8541)
Playground result count buckets (#8555)
Email config (#8571)
Archived features can be searched now (#8568)
Archive is now part of project feature list (#8587)
Hide archive UI behind flag (#8591)
Search endpoint should return archived at date (#8592)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Timeline ux alignment (#8283)
Bump version to 6.3.0
Timeline event group icon when events are all same type (#8322)
Test that owners and roles are returned (#8319)
Remove the projects? Property from ICreateGroupModel (#8246)
Update metrics interval from 5 to 1 (#8331)
Add labels to env/period selectors (#8329)
Remove unused flag (#8340)
Event timeline signals tip (#8342)
Timeline plausible tracking (#8338)
Event timeline help icon (#8345)
Plausible event for event timeline signals tip click (#8349)
Add event timeline to new in unleash (#8358)
Update the copy to align between project view and personal dashboard (#8365)
A feature flag -> one (#8367)
Make signals visible on event timeline for non admins (#8364)
Add beta badge to event timeline in new in unleash (#8377)
Better show hide event timeline tooltips (#8379)
Update debugging lifecycle format (#8371)
Update jsdom to 25.0.1 (#8355)
Removes setup badge from personal dashboard (#8384)
Update docs URL for event timeline (#8388)
Add timers to count queries (#8393)
Add unleashAI feature flag (#8399)
Move flag activity info to the left (#8411)
Remove graph, update health message (#8403)
Add OpenAI API key configuration (#8400)
Add unleashAI chat schemas (#8405)
Flag for webhook domain logging (#8413)
Debug lifecycle only when have new stages (#8418)
Track personal dashboard navigation (#8417)
Origin middleware flag cleanup (#8402)
Use new signal meta properties in event timeline (#8421)
Improve addon metrics usage
Unleash AI API hook (#8441)
Unleash AI chat UI (#8445)
Rename personal dashboard menu item to dashboard (#8437)
WrapTimer function types (#8428)
Make onboarding concepts img more readable (#8448)
Remove all deprecated imports of act (#8398)
Add descriptions to accordion headers (#8452)
Fix invalid dom nesting (#8451)
ReleasePlans feature flag (#8458)
Make the Unleash AI chat resizable (#8456)
AI chats db migration (#8460)
Fix "key" prop issues in front end tests (#8459)
Update schemas related to Unleash AI chat (#8463)
Adapt UI to server-side Unleash AI chat ownership (#8466)
Patch text when trying to add a root role group (#8470)
Silence remaining front end test warnings (#8465)
Add a class to handle aggreggation queries (#8446)
Scroll-related UX adjustments in the Unleash AI chat (#8478)
Add an initial disclaimer to Unleash AI (#8482)
Unleash AI chat UX bug fixes (#8488)
Add Plausible events to Unleash AI chat (#8494)
Remove navigation sidebar leftover flag (#8504)
Prometheus metrics refactor (#8484)
Add 0BSD license (#8506)
Unleash AI UX adjustments: placement, icon, color (#8521)
Add migration for release plans (#8529)
Bump unleash client to 6.1.2 (#8558)
Allow CC-BY-4.0 (#8570)
Move orval to dev dependency (#8569)
Event timeline GA (#8552)
Add migration for milestone strategy segments (#8593)
Remove the addonUsageMetrics flag (#8590)
Implement an event timeline context and provider (#8321)
Use promise.all instead of sequential awaited calls (#8316)
Use css grid for flags and no content grid (#8347)
Use splash api to store splash state (#8422)
Refactor personal dashboard front end code pt1 (#8440)
Front end code pt II (#8444)
Composable new in unleash (#8505)
- Small adjustments to dashboard schemas (#8363)
[6.3.0] - 2024-10-01
Bug Fixes
Update dependency @slack/web-api to v6.12.1 (#8103)
Also display strategy variant information on default strategies (#8115)
Give project_default_strategy_write the ability to update the default strategy (#8112)
Allow you to see default strategies if you have write access (#8113)
Allow you to save default strategies with the right permissions (#8114)
User projects should exclude archived ones (#8118)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.4.0 (#8127)
Update dependency unleash-client to v5.6.1 (#8129)
Update dependency git-url-parse to v14.1.0 (#8128)
Invert logic (#8135)
Update dependency express to v4.20.0 [security] (#8138)
Docker warnings (#8148)
Express upgrade to 4.21 (#8169)
Upgrade openapi to drop dompurify and fix path-to-regexp (#8170)
Connect sdk description bg color (#8171)
Archive project curl (#8181)
Update playground SDK to increase the possible random numbers used for stickiness id (#8182)
Typo and improved example in latest ADR (#8063)
Now onboarding will show up in correct times (#8214)
Onboarding img asset path (#8213)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.15 (#8224)
Trim messages longer than 3000 chars (#8219)
SDK snippets import (#8235)
Adjust welcome dialog size (#8244)
Layout content width on large screens (#8267)
Trim role names before validation (#8277)
Trim name and description before validation (#8275)
Now only one onboarding screen will be shown at time (#8290)
Event timeline should unmount when hidden and be closed by default (#8294)
Some integrations only counted errors not all results (#8295)
Extend feature_toggle_update counter with details about action (#8202)
Handle empty strings on permissions gracefully in access service (#8306)
Add missing awaits on events (#8320)
Add in gradual rollout use case doc (#8172)
Remove extra diagram (#8203)
Demo is pro (#8270)
Recommend PG v13 or later (#8276)
Feature lifecycle availability (#8288)
A/B Testing Use Case Tutorial (#8257)
Check flag status snippet (#8097)
Change sdk action (#8098)
Connection status bubble (#8099)
Onboarding stepper (#8100)
Onboarding step badges (#8102)
New onboarding welcome screen logic (#8110)
Make node example more consistent (#8111)
Explain complete feature name (#8120)
Swift and flutter sdk snippets (#8149)
Personal dashboard route (#8173)
My projects ui stub (#8185)
Personal dashboard project selection (#8188)
Personal dashboard connect sdk (#8190)
Placeholder flag metrics chart (#8197)
Onboarding flow will not break (#8198)
Welcome dialog with unleash concepts (#8199)
Onboarding can be now closed (#8215)
Personal dashboard api (#8218)
Personal flags UI component (#8221)
Complete java example (#8227)
Only show sdk button to specific roles (#8231)
Sdk snippets in files (#8233)
Personal flag metrics display (#8232)
Add your projects (with roles) to personal dashboard api (#8236)
Highlighting flags chart (#8237)
Add group project roles to project roles (#8245)
Flag exposure in personal dashboard (#8247)
Rust SDK snippet (#8239)
Add project owners to personal dashboard project payload (#8248)
Nodejs snippet for production (#8256)
Display new completed dialog (#8255)
Sdk connected using production snippet (#8266)
Get projects by ids (#8269)
Show user's roles and project owners (#8253)
Project details for personal dashboard (#8274)
Vue and Svelte snippets (#8250)
Read projects from personal dashboard API (#8279)
After onboarding show success box with resources (#8278)
Personal dashboard project details API stub (#8282)
Now code examples are joined into one (#8284)
Create page for when you have no projects (#8285)
Add production snippets and resources (#8286)
Return latest project events (#8287)
Android snippet (#8281)
Display basic list of project events (#8291)
Adjust search query for personal project (#8296)
Add project owners to personal dashboard (#8293)
Last project events ui polishing (#8298)
Add Unleash admins to API payload (#8299)
Open unleash concepts (#8301)
Add onboarding status to personal dashboard api (#8302)
Use onboarding status to conditionally show badge and message (#8304)
Hook up admin / owner data to UI (#8300)
Personal dashboard flag created (#8305)
Include favorite projects in personal dashboard (#8309)
Skeleton loaders for personal dashboard (#8313)
Return project owners (#8312)
Return project roles (#8314)
Add transactional support for access service (#8311)
Add links to examples (#8308)
Redirect to personal dashboard when no last project (#8318)
.NET snippet (#8307)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Bump version to 6.2.0
Remove unused SCIM setting - assumeControlOfExisting (#8101)
Adjust language names (#8117)
Add logging to new code path (#8133)
Add stringified logs (#8134)
Bump version to 6.2.1
Bump version to 6.2.2
Update go sdk examples (#8145)
PHP SDK example fix (#8146)
Remove debug logs (#8147)
Upgrade unleash-client and mime libraries (#8158)
Add eventTimeline feature flag (#8159)
Update docker yarnlock (#8174)
Bump version to 6.2.3
Make count column bigint. (#8183)
Event timeline (#8176)
Finalize python sdk example (#8186)
Enables github docker cache (#8187)
Update project onboarding UI text (#8189)
Orval gen (#8220)
Event timeline tooltips (#8205)
Full js sdk example (#8229)
Feature event formatter md format style (#8222)
Send full message without trimming to the addon event (#8230)
Event timeline header placement (#8234)
Event timeline persistent state (#8240)
Update orval for personal dashboards (#8268)
Remove manual anonymization of outgoing project owners (#8252)
Move onboarding flow and dialog under same location (#8272)
Implement event grouping in the event timeline (#8254)
Fix search events endpoint description (#8289)
Event timeline signals (#8310)
Move getProjectsByUser to read model (#8262)
Composition root for personal dashboard service (#8280)
Extract my projects component (#8317)
Onboarding test with existing key (#8116)
Improve onboarding test (#8121)
Reduce noise from test warnings (#8251)
Skip vercel toolbar in e2e tests (#8273)
Test the dashboard admins property (#8303)
[6.2.3] - 2024-09-18
Bug Fixes
[6.2.1] - 2024-09-11
Bug Fixes
[6.2.0] - 2024-09-05
- Use of conditionals in JSX (
) (#8025)
Bug Fixes
Missing space in delete project message (#7771)
Update dependency ajv to v8.17.1 (#7786)
Don't delete projects screen from history (#7787)
Select an item only from the filtered list of options (#7789)
Allow for empty groupId in form (#7798)
Show environments page as enterprise feature (#7796)
Playground env column spacing made bigger (#7806)
Don't show link stubs in slack notifications (#7810)
Update avatar usage in change requests (#7818)
Event creators, distinct on two users with same id (#7824)
After encryption some emails end up being too long (#7828)
Don't always fetch all flags on project flag screen (#7834)
Display feature naming patterns in dialog (#7837)
Search events by user ID, not by user name (#7846)
Remove flag from UI (#7857)
Remove another scimApi flag (#7858)
Make archivedAt nullable (#7872)
Messed up on merge-conflicts (#7873)
Change request enabled check should ignore disabled envs (#7869)
Add collaborators to ignored props for feature diff notif (#7877)
Cap number of collaborators displayed (#7879)
Always provide empty segments list in feature env strategies (#7880)
Display 3 types of models image (#7885)
Exclude archived features in segments count (#7886)
Exclude archived features in segments count (#7897)
Projects archive search (#7898)
Orphaned token label only for items without projects (#7901)
Avoid awkward overlaps of group cards with lots of members, long project names, and small cards (#7915)
Last seen metrics exceeding table limits (#7923)
Don't count flags multiple times (bonus: don't count non-project events) (#7931)
Delete project action (#7934)
Update the customer success email for limits (#7933)
React-timeago issue (#7936)
Only show addon delete button when editing addons (#7930)
Misc fixes for project archive (#7948)
Project owner name overflow (#7949)
Enable disabled strategies keeps settings (#7950)
Fix events with no-project projects (#7951)
Fixing flaky test, because order for distinct may be random (#7954)
Serialize API token data correctly in instance stats (#7953)
When backporting we don't want to push latest docker tag (#7961)
When running on main we need to use latest=auto (#7969)
Normalize casing for API token types before insert (#7972)
Split features schema into archived and project features (#7973)
Add migration to normalize api token types (#7974)
Project last seen at metrics (#7988)
Copy strategy should always add a new strategy (#7994)
Support search for tags that has colon inside (#7998)
Change .inc calls to .increment (#8000)
Project badge alignment (#8019)
Boolean logic for feature last seen toolbar (#8016)
Project archive card (#8024)
Prevent config resolver snapshot test (#8041)
Force languages in cypress browser for tests (#8049)
Onboarding events corner cases (#8057)
Reduce integration events requests (#8055)
Deps revert for chartjs plugin (#8060)
Editor can add dependencies in default project (#8077)
Add request body schema in update segment endpoint (#8085)
Use the correct env vars for initial admin account (#8095)
Align short owner username on project card (#8093)
Change request preview playground (#7738)
Update projects docs (#7941)
Mention what the minimum values are if you override the limits (#7971)
Redirect featureflagbook.com to best practices guide (#8026)
Remove mention of admin name and email env vars (#8096)
- Projects OpenAPI update (#8036)
Front end filter state management for event search (#7776)
date inclusive (#7775) -
Archived at column in projects (#7782)
Wait for postgres to boot before running tests (#7790)
Archive project service (#7794)
Add paging to event log (#7793)
Transactional project service support (#7799)
Archive project form (#7797)
Filter out archived projects from the main project list (#7803)
Prevent adding flags to archived project (#7811)
Event creators (#7809)
Add collaborators to feature schema (#7821)
Add index on events created at (#7836)
Events table type column index (#7838)
Prevent revive flag/flags in archived project (#7826)
Prevent move feature to archived project (#7839)
Export events as json (#7841)
Exclude archived projects from insights and project stats (#7843)
Revive project (#7847)
Add event creators data to filter (#7822)
Update feature completed payload to have boolean instead of string (#7855)
Exporting events as csv (#7860)
Query archived projects (#7862)
Plausible for events export (#7868)
Archived projects query improved (#7866)
Allow editing root role/description on SCIM group (#7874)
Start using event service composition root (#7871)
Dialogs for project revive and delete (#7863)
Support private projects for event search (#7884)
Resolve useragent source and add as source label to metrics (#7883)
Return archived at in project overview (#7888)
Show project archived message (#7899)
Static link to archived flags in archived project (#7913)
Feature flags for metrics and service name logging (#7916)
Adjust archived card styling (#7917)
Metrics for outgoing integrations (#7921)
Project actions count metric (#7929)
Prevent revive feature to archived project (#7939)
Filter projectless events for normal users (#7914)
Log domain every time a webhook is invoked (#7962)
Command menu docs (#7963)
Add remaining resource usage to instance stats (#7958)
Introduce new icons for import/export (#7970)
Make hide nav info always visible (#7981)
Align insights charts (#7984)
New in unleash tooltip (#7991)
Signals preview img (#7993)
New in unleash summary text (#7996)
Fixed full mode navbar width (#7999)
Fixed full mode navbar width (#8001)
Add database url to environment variable (#7792)
Start tracking user first login migration (#8006)
New project card (#7992)
Start populating user first seen column (#8010)
Start collecting prometheus metrics for onboarding events (#8012)
Projects onboarding metrics (#8014)
Projects list sorting (#8011)
Collect onboarding events in separate table (#8020)
User loging event emitting with login order (#8021)
Display the build number as extra data (#8022)
Onboarding store (#8027)
Onboarding table to prometheus (#8034)
Onboarding service composition root (#8035)
Welcome to your project component (#8039)
Update Orval config (#8038)
Connect sdk step 1 (#8042)
Onboarding connect api token generation (#8054)
Start returning onboarding status with project overview (#8058)
Ignore onboarding events for existing customers (#8064)
Select sdk onboarding pt 1 (#8065)
Can select client and frontend sdk (#8066)
Connect sdk icons (#8075)
Welcome to project onboarding status rendering (#8076)
Connect welcome to sdk dialog (#8078)
Connect sdk concepts (#8079)
Navigate between all stages (#8080)
Sdk snippets in test connection phase (#8082)
Copy to clipboard sdk snippet (#8083)
Add sdk example box (#8092)
- Time to production (#7835)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Archive projects flag (#7772)
Remove scim api flag (#7780)
Bump version to 6.1.0+main
Bump version to 6.1.2+main
Align with 6.1 (#7804)
Remove docker build & push on PRs (#7805)
Remove flagCreator flag (#7807)
Remove featureLifecycle and featureLifecycleMetrics flags (#7808)
Fixed typo (#7774)
[Gitar] Cleaning up stale flag: featureCollaborators with value true (#7820)
Generate orval for event creators (#7823)
Bump version to 6.1.3+main
Bump version to 6.1.4+main
Bump version to 6.1.5+main
Create skeleton loading for new event screen (#7861)
Begin front end cleanup (#7865)
Initial admin email (#7795)
Bump version to 6.1.8+main
Code cleanup: event log filters (#7870)
Bump version to 6.1.9+main
Update openapi (#7881)
Extract project read model (#7887)
Add flags
(#7905) -
Bump version to 6.1.10+main
Minor cleanup in new project read model (#7911)
Impl empty results for fake project read model (#7912)
Change integration events api tag to addons (#7932)
Allow you to use the options object to override all the new resource limits (#7938)
Type our path parameters when they are numbers (#4471)
Bump version to 6.1.11+main
Remove create feature component (#7959)
Bump version to 6.1.12+main
Remove unused feature flag for webhooks name logging (#7968)
Move flags widget 2 widgets down (#7977)
Strip +main from package version (#8017)
Upgraded yarn to 4.4.1 (#8033)
Remove upgrade edge banner. (#8032)
Reorganize product data in footer (#8030)
Update Frontend schema (#8037)
Bump frontend yarn version to 4.4.1 (#8052)
Remove operator upgrade alert (#8053)
Clear onboarding events (#8062)
Rename createdAtFrom/To to from/to (#7773)
Split EventLog into separate components and hook up new Event search (#7777)
Project archive card (#7859)
in project service (#7904) -
(#7943) -
Prepare project card iteration (#7990)
Make avatar group more customizable (#7989)
Ts checking conditionallyrender props (#7840)
Replace IProjectCard with openapi type (#8043)
Extract generate api key stage into component (#8061)
[6.1.11] - 2024-08-21
Bug Fixes
- Enable disabled strategies keeps settings (#7952)
[6.1.10] - 2024-08-16
Bug Fixes
- Orphaned token label patch (#7903)
[6.1.9] - 2024-08-14
Bug Fixes
- Add collaborators to ignored props for feature diff notif (#7877)
- Allow editing root role/description on SCIM group (#7874)
[6.1.8] - 2024-08-14
Bug Fixes
[6.1.7] - 2024-08-14
Bug Fixes
- Messed up on merge-conflicts
[6.1.6] - 2024-08-14
- Update feature completed payload to have boolean instead of string (#7855)
Miscellaneous Tasks
[6.1.5] - 2024-08-13
Bug Fixes
- SCIM UI flag removal (#7856)
[6.1.4] - 2024-08-13
Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Cherry-pick SCIM flag removal (#7851)
[6.1.3] - 2024-08-13
Bug Fixes
Don't always fetch all flags on project flag screen (#7834)
Display feature naming patterns in dialog (#7837)
[6.1.2] - 2024-08-08
Bug Fixes
[6.1.0] - 2024-08-07
Bug Fixes
Involuntarily scrolled to the top when mousing off group/project avatars (#7287)
Project settings table overflow (#7288)
Trim sso URL fields (#7301)
Remove null users in filter (#7308)
Update dependency ajv to v8.14.0 (#7314)
Update dependency joi to v17.13.1 (#7315)
Update dependency slug to v9.1.0 (#7316)
Update react monorepo to v18.3.1 (#7318)
Tweak docker build
Lifecycle metrics on metrics insert (#7322)
Yarnv4 requires shebangs in shell scripts to allow execution (#7323)
Remove immutable switch from frontend build (#7331)
Revert yarn4 (#7334)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.3.0 (#7342)
Remove stale stats widget (#7353)
Yarn v4 requires prepack instead of prepare script when building… (#7371)
Playground parent deps check (#7384)
Exclude lifecycle from stale checks (#7386)
Fix unstable search (#7391)
Lifecycle button permissions (#7395)
Project to lifecycle events (#7400)
Make default for gradual rollout work on the correct strategy name (#7401)
Make rendering of new project form independent of rendering the project list (#7405)
Check for permission in group access assignment (#7408)
Turn off showing usernames and emails in the project cards when the flag is turned on (#7421)
Add license key notice to upgrade instructions (#7440)
Long project name display (#7435)
Change lifecycle stage duration metric type (#7444)
Make search selects explicit (#7445)
Banner duplication on strategy edit with change requests (#7452)
Strategy form buttons spacing (#7468)
Prevent strategy variant weight from going into negative numbers on Frontend (#7460)
Update dependency joi to v17.13.3 (#7476)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.14 (#7477)
Cap project ids to 90 characters (without suffix) (#7481)
Improve menu styling (#7513)
Prevent project cell overflow on api keys table (#7472)
Command menu hover (#7515)
Remove focus on ESC (#7535)
Sidebar update active when navigated via command menu. (#7545)
Update addon counter to include new relic addon
Update cache, even when the total is 0 (#7582)
Make loader not exlpode to 100vh in unnecessary locations (#7589)
Prevent long names from breaking form layouts (#7591)
Toast error doesn't tell you what the error is (#7601)
Insights sticky header (#7607)
Update OpenAPI error converter to handle query param errors too (#7609)
Validate patched data with schema (#7616)
Use a fullscreen loader for the initial redirect load (#7619)
Change "features flags" -> "feature flags" (#7632)
Check for admin in signal endpoints hook (#7642)
Add workaround for tooltip (#7649)
Recently visit should only use main paths (#7655)
Capitalize input labels (#7667)
Validate project names on blur (#7668)
Hide project selection option in CreateFeatureDialog when OSS (#7669)
Show the selected project's name on the button, not its ID (#7671)
Project icon sizing and color (#7672)
Make config dropdown list generic over values (#7676)
Prevent long project names from blowing out the form (#7673)
Shorten max project name width in feature toggles creation form (#7678)
On project delete with tokens put token deleted in audit log (#7675)
Avoid weird spacing between title and collab mode icon (#7683)
Break long project/flag names in the event log to prevent overflow (#7684)
Allow editors to create flags again (#7685)
Allow editors to submit flag form (#7687)
FeatureForm - not jsx comment (#7689)
Health stats number (#7688)
Use nested flexboxes instead of grid area (#7654)
Don't cut off hover-color of favorite button (#7691)
Flex layout used the wrong axes for layout. (#7696)
Avoid react key warnings in tables (#7694)
Rollback should await a result (#7712)
Align event log filter buttons (#7726)
Strategy parameters UI (#7713)
Show "System" for system users, instead of "User ID n" where n is the project's number in the order. (#7734)
Strategy edit required param error (#7747)
Avoid collaborators being smooshed together (#7741)
Playground parent disabled with strategy (#7744)
Insights health info link placement (#7750)
Decrease collaborator font size (#7754)
Show api token on playground (#7753)
Feature type is now validated (#7769)
Don't delete projects screen from history (#7787)
Add yarn back
Merged migration articles into a single document (#7324)
Made the Rust tutorial simpler
Scim entra docs (#7300)
V6 upgrading notes (#7275)
Move provisioning reference to scim reference (#7338)
Updated and formatted license docs. (#7349)
Replace png with svg for feature flag org methods (#7407)
IOS tutorial (#7486)
Add a docs entry for file based OSS featureset import (#7520)
Document resource limits (#7567)
Add a footnote about how archived flags don't count towards the flag limit (#7587)
Documented the environment variables available for configuring SSO (#7630)
Added oidc example to lycheeignore
Add minimum and recommended specs for Unleash and for Database (#7653)
Removed the recommended chapter of PostgreSQL config (#7661)
Integration events (#7670)
Add new android sdk readme (#7665)
Cleanup 🧹 (#7659)
Add subpages of edge documentation (#7720)
Insights v2 docs update (#7692)
Add created by in search results (#7285)
Project flag creators api (#7302)
Display created by user in search (#7292)
Filter by created by (#7306)
Show creators from non archived features (#7309)
Add popover to users in flags list (#7344)
Global search by flag type (#7346)
Filter by user when interacting with the avatar (#7347)
Upgrade from react v17 to v18 (#7265)
Adding full creator information to view used by feature read (#7356)
Command bar poc (#7350)
Read flag creator (#7357)
Clean up command bar props (#7368)
Extract global feature search (#7372)
Recent project by name (#7375)
Search features from command bar (#7378)
Command bar last visited: improve project/feature icons and paths (#7383)
Optimize search store by removing inline EXISTS (#7385)
Optimize search (#7387)
Command bar search projects (#7388)
Max strategies metrics (#7392)
Optimize search store by removing inline EXISTS (#7394)
Command bar pages and name resolving (#7397)
Menubar is not dependant on query params anymroe (#7399)
Anonimize demo users list flag view (#7432)
Lifecycle stage count (#7434)
Stage count by project metric (#7441)
Now command bar will not search behind the scene (#7443)
Now able to search pages (#7446)
Tweak command bar UI styles to match sketches (#7447)
Lifecycle stage entered counter (#7449)
Search only features when there is search string (#7450)
Transactional complete/uncomplete feature (#7451)
Command menu items can have description as tooltip now (#7455)
Largest projects and features metric (#7459)
Command bar track events (#7469)
Introduce large cache for swr (#7470)
Strategy limit to 30 (#7473)
Configurable strategies limit (#7488)
Move recording recently visited into separate component (#7494)
Add environments to resource limit schema (#7495)
Command bar feedback (#7485)
Constraint values limit (#7498)
Constraint values limit UI (#7501)
Allow enterprise override for constraint values limit (#7502)
Use new environment limit in Unleash UI (#7500)
Command bar results key down should exit/refocus input (#7509)
Clear search string and close box after click (#7511)
Projects limit (#7514)
Add resource limits for API tokens (#7510)
Project limit UI (#7518)
What's new in Unleash (#7497)
Segments limit (#7524)
Track interaction with search (#7526)
Segments limit ui (#7528)
Use different cache key for command bar (#7530)
Quick suggestions click close (#7533)
UI limit for API tokens (#7532)
Change billing plan get in touch to support email (#7523)
Extended SDK metrics (#7527)
Limit component (#7538)
Limit component used in strategies (#7542)
Hide command bar when losing focus (#7544)
Command bar up down navigation (#7546)
Add solid border for contrast (#7550)
Limit environments component (#7548)
Update description on project deletion (#7539)
New Relic integration (#7492)
Limit segments component (#7553)
Constraints limit in a strategy (#7554)
Constraints limit in a strategy UI (#7555)
Add limit warning for feature flags (#7556)
Constraints values limit in a strategy UI (#7557)
Project limits ui (#7558)
Disallow repeating last 5 passwords. (#7552)
Exclude archived features in max reporting (#7559)
Statistics for orphaned tokens (#7568)
Show orphaned API tokens (#7569)
API Tokens limit - UI (#7561)
User seats component (#7583)
Show all results in the same time (#7590)
Select first item after query (#7592)
Remove first item selection (#7596)
Make frontend aware that OIDC can be configured through env (#7597)
Insights filters (#7608)
Make SAML dialog aware that it might be configured via env (#7606)
Show info on healthy flags in health tooltip (#7611)
Filter project flags by state (#7618)
Allow you to gradually scale back constraint usage (#7622)
Feature collaborators read model (#7625)
Feature collaborators added to API behind a flag (#7627)
Separate command bar and search hotkeys (#7651)
Update openapi schema for feature creation for tags (#7657)
Tag feature on creation (#7664)
Added PoC for the new feature creation dialog (#7666)
Add tags selection to feature creation (#7674)
Redirect to new feature flag creation (#7679)
Use a toggling button for impression data on/off (#7682)
Human readable project names in insight charts (#7686)
Health stats insights explanation (#7690)
New event search flag (#7699)
Rollback transaction wrapper (#7706)
Add filter dropdowns to event log pages (#7711)
Create gauges for all resource limits (#7718)
UI for playground of change requests (#7721)
Preview changes button (#7722)
Remove orphaned tokens flags (#7714)
Orphaned tokens - new API tokens list icon (#7693)
Copy strategy to current environment (#7730)
New event search (#7708)
Add event types to filter button (#7733)
Add projects and environments to cr preview (#7740)
Event search on new endpoint, first test (#7739)
Change request preview integration (#7743)
Playground try configuration mode (#7752)
Event search e2e tests (#7755)
New useEventSearch hook (#7757)
Link to frontend api url (#7770)
Link to release notes from orphaned tokens (#7731)
Wait for postgres to boot before running tests (#7790)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Orval search created by feature (#7290)
Bump version to 6.0.0+main
Orval types for flag creator (#7305)
Test that the tags API still returns tags that you can't create anymore (#7304)
Use node 20 for linting (#7311)
Make feature.spec and segements.spec more resilient (#7289)
Upgrade to yarn v4 (#7230)
Merged 11 principles articles into a single document (#7266)
Make the User Avatar size configurable (#7332)
Bump version to 6.0.1+main
Add gitignores to frontend and website subdirectories (#7336)
Remove debug metrics flag (#7348)
Use HTML (custom) tooltip for permission switches (#7355)
Added www.java.com to lychee ignore
Disable filtering for unknown users (#7369)
Use new ScreenReaderOnly component in config buttons (#7352)
Yarn v4 (#7345)
Bump version to 6.0.2+main
Wait to input the name of the segment when checking for error messages (#7377)
Add some tests for the useRecentlyVisited hook (#7380)
Bump version to 6.0.3+main
Add metrics/gauges for "max constraint values" and "max constraints" (#7398)
Delete ice cream icon 🍦 (#7403)
Bump unleash-client to 5.5.5 (#7412)
Bump version to 6.0.4+main
Remove createProjectWithEnvironmentConfig and newCreateProjectUI flags (#7429)
Remove unstable label from GA metrics features (#7433)
Change "toggle updated" to "flag updated" in toast message (#7439)
Remove unused interfaces from old state import (#7448)
Change generated project id format to use incrementing numbers instead of hashes (#7456)
Better debug logs in slack app (#7467)
Yarn v4 (#7457)
Resource limits flag (#7471)
Sync dependencies with enterprise (#7482)
Rename recent and page suggestions (#7484)
Command bar refactor of search result items for consistent styling and icons (#7483)
Change get in touch email and use biome from node_modules (#7496)
Customer requested to CS to be removed from this list.
Remove multer, since it isn't being used (#7512)
Rename command bar files (#7516)
Fix searchbar styling when focus is on results (#7517)
Command bar feedback focus and text size (#7521)
Fix command bar missing icons in quick suggestions (#7522)
Extract api token service composition root; place it in /features (#7519)
Remove unused clone code (#7529)
Command bar remove strategy types as page suggestion (#7543)
Fix command bar key prop usage (#7534)
Make sdk metrics snake case (#7547)
Don't prevent users from entering the env form when they're at the limit (#7549)
Use a command bar shadow thats visible in darkmode as well (#7551)
Delete project api tokens when last mapped project is removed (#7503)
Bump biome to 1.8.3 (#7540)
Added flag to remove unsafe inline style src header (#7566)
Fix project name overflow (#7575)
Remove share insights button (#7600)
Add integrationEvents feature flag (#7602)
Db migration for integration events (#7604)
Send prometheus metrics when someone tries to exceed resource limits (#7617)
Integration events store (#7613)
Integration events service (#7614)
Feature collaborators flag (#7623)
Register integration events in webhooks (#7621)
Allow you to lower constraint values even when they're above limit (#7624)
Register integration events in Slack integration (#7626)
Extend uiConfig schema with new SSO variables (#7628)
Don't ask OSS users to reach out to CS (#7633)
Register integration events in Slack App integration (#7631)
Register integration events in Teams integration (#7634)
Register integration events in Datadog integration (#7635)
Update .lycheeignore (#7640)
Register integration events in New Relic integration (#7636)
Integration events API (#7639)
Integration events hook (#7641)
Add integration events modal (#7648)
Keep latest integration events for each integration configuration (#7652)
Show latest integration event on card (#7656)
Add flag configuration for the new flag creation flow (#7662)
Create shared dialog form template (#7663)
Update description/docs for the new feature creation dialog fields (#7677)
Origin middleware (#7695)
Change log level to info in origin middleware (#7705)
Change request playground flag (#7707)
Composition root playground service (#7710)
Request origin prom metrics (#7709)
Use EventSchema instead of IEvent (#7732)
Update handling of strategy deletion for demo walkthrough (#7719)
Generate orval types (#7742)
Lifecycle stage duration outside instance stats (#7442)
Largest resources queries (#7466)
Insights actions container relaxed width (#7603)
Encapsulate playground limit in service (#7700)
Make event log look and act like other pages (#7704)
Rename rollback to more explicit rollbackTransaction (#7723)
Simplify event log filters component and adds more data (#7736)
- Bump ws dependency (#7697)
Filter by created by/author (#7307)
Describe default stickiness bahavior in a test (#7379)
Remove last seen at assertion (#7487)
Insights filtering (#7612)
Flexible strategy component stickiness and groupId (#7735)
- Split out avatar group; use same tooltip for all avatars (#7681)
- Use a default value (of nothing) for NODE_OPTIONS (#7759)
[6.0.4] - 2024-06-19
Bug Fixes
[6.0.3] - 2024-06-14
Bug Fixes
- Backport lifecycle and playground fixes (#7396)
[6.0.2] - 2024-06-12
Bug Fixes
[6.0.1] - 2024-06-10
Bug Fixes
[6.0.0] - 2024-06-06
Bug Fixes
Badge should render children 0 value (#6981)
Duplicate column name in search query (#6989)
Remove columns from the search api query (#6996)
Update dependencies in OSS docker file
Optimize table placeholder loading (#7002)
Move slug to real deps (#7004)
Removed dupliacted component (#7013)
Fix prometheus metrics for lifecycle (#7030)
Adjust meta data icons (#7026)
Center last seen column (#7035)
Make the project submission work from the project creation modal (#7040)
Lifecycle improvements/fixes (#7044)
Make name validation work properly. (#7042)
Omit yes no from stale data comparison (#7052)
Add appropriate response headers to SPA entry point HTML response (#6992)
Loading is causing a glitch that changes the size of the dialog for a split second (#7062)
Disable the create button when api call is made (#7063)
Bearer tokens with base-path (#7065)
Reached stage should emit feature name (#7068)
New strategy using default strategy (#7075)
Refresh project after import (#7082)
Make numbers in chart to locale string (#7084)
Deprecate useProjectNameOrId (#7086)
Small improvements (#7090)
Also check includedTraffic before calculating overage and showing warning (#7091)
No requests before project loaded (#7096)
Don't send change request info unless using the new form (#7102)
Make dialog the right height and make it scroll if it's smaller (#7103)
Set min-height on dropdown item list (#7106)
Prevent single-select lists from reopening when you select an item from the search bar (#7111)
Add accessible descriptions to the dropdowns (#7112)
Minor UI adjustments (#7117)
Make CR button wider always (#7173)
Change request environment selector button label (#7176)
Attempt a react friendly fix of summing (#7151)
Use a fixed-width button label for CR selector in new project creation form (#7179)
Fix empty events when no features need to be deleted (#7181)
CR button shows docs for change requests when selected (#7196)
Get rid of horizontal scrollbar on narrow screens in CreateProjectDialog (#7198)
Footer overflow (#7203)
Show 2 insights components to pro (#7207)
Sort segments before comparing in cr diff calculations (#7202)
When finding median time to production, ignore 0s (#7200)
Handle long owner names for projects (#7215)
Handle long names in new project card footers (#7216)
Handle overflowing avatars in the new project card (#7217)
Correctly align project card info when some cards have multi-line names (#7223)
Increase performance of outdated SDK query (#7226)
Demo steps should search the main table (#7227)
Created by on application-created adds the ip as created by (#7231)
Update dependency memoizee to v0.4.17 (#7236)
Update dependency unleash-client to v5.5.3 (#7237)
Prevent jumping content navbar switch (#7232)
Mobile menu font size (#7252)
Resolve tar to 6.2.1 (#7256)
Hide insights from sidebar for oss and kill switch (#7270)
Import export pointing to new docs (#7274)
Display previously selected tags in dialog (#7271)
Disallow invalid tag values (#7268)
Trying to create a tag that's too short gives errors (#7269)
Involuntarily scrolled to the top when mousing off group/project avatars (#7287)
- Visually hide labels in the create project form (#7015)
- Add Java YouTube Tutorial Video (#7059)
Update feature availability (#6971)
Make sure we use latest axios
Add Python YouTube Video tutorial (#7033)
Feature lifecycle (#7034)
Optimizing AWS Lambda Documentation (#6991)
Add spring boot video to tutorial (#7098)
Update quickstart and tutorials with flag reference (#7142)
Okta SCIM setup (#7130)
Add more clarification on when to use sx vs styled (#7209)
Add completed event as webhook event (#6968)
Search order by final (#6976)
Merge feature toggle details with feature meta info box (#6977)
Configure CRs when creating projects (#6979)
Start exposing environment metrics from feature endpoint (#6986)
Show documentation relating to the specific thing your configuring in the new project form (#6993)
Create initial stages for features (#6983)
Pass metrics to feature component (#6994)
Increase possible number range for yes/no metrics (#6995)
Allow to use CA certificate file path for DB (#6985)
Duration in stage, add feature lifecycle prometheus metrics (#6973)
Generate project ids if they're missing (#7003)
Completed stage lists all environments (#7007)
Lifecycle is now navigatable by tab (#7005)
Add project id to prometheus and feature flag (#7008)
Front end can create projects without ids (#7009)
Add status fields for feature lifecycle table (#7014)
Feature lifecycle completed schema (#7021)
Expose lifecycle stage in project overview search (#7017)
Add completed status backend (#7022)
Lifecycle in project overview (#7024)
Mark completed ui selector (#7025)
Create project dialog (#7012)
Pre-live should include disabled prod (#7031)
Lifecycle prometheus metrics per project (#7032)
Webhook data for completed (#7043)
Kept and discarded read model (#7045)
Expose postgres version (#7041)
Track complete event (#7047)
Lifecycle column extracted (#7049)
Uncomplete tracking (#7053)
Backfill current stage on startup (#7057)
Move SCIM config into separate tab (#7055)
Deprecate feature toggle variants at environment level (#7058)
Deprecate feature toggle environment variants api (#7066)
Refactor data usage into hooks, estimate monthly added fees (#7048)
Outdated sdks project level (#7080)
Project level outdated sdks, project level banner (#7083)
Switch to hook without features list (#7085)
Add global isAdmin method for access service (#7088)
Add prometheus metrics error logging (#7105)
Debug metrics flag (#7108)
Show docs with icons in sidebar (#7109)
Rename toggle to flag with db migration (#7118)
Navigation sidebar stub (#7121)
Plan specific navigation (#7126)
Mini navigation sidebar (#7131)
Navigation switch (#7132)
New mobile sidebar (#7135)
Add ip to state-service and group-service (#7120)
More spacious layout (#7138)
Hide top nav (#7140)
Persist navigation settings (#7144)
Upgrade make fetch happen (#7147)
Error log on unsupported pg (#7139)
Adjust change request banner for new layout (#7160)
Add remote ip to all events (2) (#7149)
User profile preview (#7150)
UI tweak new sidebar (#7165)
Persist expand collapse (#7169)
Currently selected nav item (#7182)
Sidebar nav tweaks (#7185)
Content padding matches top nav (#7187)
Project insights out of beta (#7188)
Last viewed project (#7191)
Expand admin settings (#7192)
Insights docs (#7189)
Smart sticky expand/hide button (#7201)
Insights out of beta and expose 2 widgets to pro (#7177)
Remove accordion line (#7205)
Synced last viewed projects (#7208)
Move demo to the right (#7212)
Recent flags (#7211)
Add tooltips to new project creation form config buttons (#7213)
Now CLIENT_METRICS event will be emitted with new structure (#7210)
File import (#7219)
Align list items on mode switch (#7229)
New sidebar by default for OSS (#7239)
Explain stickiness (#7248)
Project health chart now goes from 0 to 100 to give perspective (#7249)
Clickable tags in project overview (#7263)
More powerful feature search by type (#7267)
Filter by feature type (#7273)
Adds information about project modes to the project creation form (#7250)
Preview dependency (#7284)
- Overflow sidebar cr banner (#7193)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Fix failing test; don't rely on a single item only (#6974)
Version in package.json
Remove project overview refactor flag (#6897)
Add automatic ID generation algorithm (#7001)
Update orval schemas (#7010)
Update documentation for feature toggle variants (#7064)
Bump version to 5.12.4+main
Remove e2e tests for legacy env variants (#7071)
Linter update (#7072)
Bring workflow changes from 5.12 (#7074)
Update workflows (#7076)
Update app.json (#7078)
Rename toggle to flag #1 (#7092)
Rename toggle to flag #2 (#7097)
Change toggle to flag #3 (#7101)
Update input field text sizes (#7107)
Rename toggle to flag #4 (#7114)
Rename feature toggle to feature flag #5 (#7115)
Rename toggle to flag #6 (#7122)
Rename roles toggles to flag (#7123)
Remove e2e that is not needed anymore (#7124)
Rename toggle to flag #7 (#7125)
Update orval types after renaming (#7127)
Make it build again
Workflows call workflows (#7089)
Bump to @types/node 20 as well as updating frontend .nvmrc (#7137)
Rename toggle to flag docs #1 (#7136)
Rename toggle to flags in docs #2 (#7141)
Rename toggle to flags in docs #3 (#7143)
Update anchor toggle titles (#7145)
Rename toggle to flag #final (#7146)
Edge active tokens cache flag removal (#7094)
Remove deprecated legacy features endpoint (#7129)
Remove toggle reference apart from existing links (#7148)
[breaking] [v6] remove error.description in error messages (#7157)
Update illustrations for unleash anatomy (#7163)
New create project dialog UI fixes (#7167)
Fix create project form environment selector button width (#7175)
Rename component to match file name and american spelling (#7174)
Switch insights ui flag to kill switch (#7166)
Update unleash banner in readme (#7178)
Upgrade edge banner version (#7180)
Removed edge bulk metrics endpoint (#7161)
Allow CR selection when no envs are enabled (#7183)
Deprecate custom strategies (#7186)
New project dialog code cleanup 1 (#7113)
Remove state service (#7184)
Code cleanup for new project form pt 2 (#7190)
Remove unused artillery scripts referencing state api (#7194)
Additional removal notices of state api/service (#7197)
Fix button design on narrow screens for new project form (#7195)
Remove unused and deprecated methods in feature toggle legacy controller and in feature toggle service (#7199)
Removed passport from docker package.json file (#7159)
Sync user groups is a system action (#7214)
Added dependency review (#7206)
Mark deprecations with version (#7218)
Remove project list split feature flags (#7224)
Remove flag for new project cards (#7225)
Bump node 20 version in docker image (#7221)
Make ip mandatory (#7220)
Change deny list to allow list (#7242)
Change to fs/promises and add an import from file e2e test (#7240)
Upgrade deps (#7245)
Bump version to 5.12.5+main
Bump version to 5.12.6+main
Readded resolutions for our docker package file (#7253)
Update project overview to flags (#7247)
Bump version to 5.12.7+main
Add a flag+ui flag for commandBarUI (#7264)
Backport changed made in the workflow (#7255)
Upgraded semver dependency (and biome) (#7272)
Regenerate orval with new changes (#7283)
Extract feature lifecycle component (#7023)
Replace useProject with useProjectOverview (#7087)
Navigation sidebar (#7171)
Move import test from cypress to RTL to make it less flaky (#6982)
Move 2 table tests from cypress to rtl (#6984)
Move tests from cypress to rtl (#6987)
Test how the project form deals with project envs and cr env interaction (#6997)
Fix flaky lifecycle test (#7093)
Navigation sidebar (#7172)
- Many strategies pagination (#7011)
[5.6.0] - 2023-10-26
Bug Fixes
Account for array length (#4849)
Version checker update needs permissions to write id-token
Partial index on events announced (#4856)
Permissions in the role payload (#4861)
Add condition for getting max revision id from store (#4549)
Update dependency joi to v17.10.2 (#4883)
Update dependency db-migrate-pg to v1.5.2 (#4894)
Update docusaurus monorepo to v2.4.3 (#4895)
Separate project and project enterprise settings forms (#4911)
Yarn lint:fix (#4917)
Update potentially-stale status dynamically (#4905)
ReportTable status column not updating (#4924)
Linting (#4925)
Only delete SSO-synced group membership where membership was added by SSO sync (#4929)
Make cypress list length checks more relaxed (#4933)
Remove console from FeatureToggleSwitch (#4928)
Remove the info from the variants page (#4937)
Change broken link to groups documentation (#4941)
Local linter did not find formatting error (#4954)
Fail when format or lint is incorrect (#4956)
Ignore errors on changelog generation and include token (#4926)
Typo in enabled event (#4960)
Refactor getProjectOverview store method (#4972)
Added await to getActiveUsers tests
Export NotFoundError and ISegmentService in internals.ts (#4997)
Missing uiFlag newInviteLink (#5000)
Enable segment importing for oss (#5010)
Message banner internal link assumption (#5011)
Message banner zIndex (#5015)
Error icon, add only relevant variants (#5014)
Import segment test and fix (#5017)
Disable all environments when reviving a feature (#4999)
Maintenance banner should show right away when toggled (#5021)
Use correct flag name (#5026)
Feature flag playground features in new store (#5013)
Small adjustments on the new header icons (#5043)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.6 (#5049)
Extract username from user should not return undefined (#5061)
Log diff (#5072)
Server-side request forgery in @cypress/request@2.88.12 (#5077)
Correctly set baseUriPath in setupAppWithBaseUrl (#5068)
Update failing snapshot
Add sort to deep diff (#5084)
Force deletion of archived toggles when deleting a project (#5080)
Add project filter to feature-toggle-list-builder (#5099)
Remove docusaurus from main package json (#5107)
Project overview refactor flag (#5110)
Don't clean up settings when optional data is not present (#5118)
One of our deps breaks on node 21 (#5122)
Draft banner zIndex (#5124)
Wait for bulk archive button to become enabled (#5121)
Grey out text and icons for disabled strategies in playground (#5113)
Read project id in edit project (#5134)
Fix copy functionality always being disabled
Fix linting for copyfeature (#5138)
Last seen at rendering logic (#5136)
Only get rows for toggles in project (#5141)
Project mode can not be set to null anymore (#5145)
Fix broken edit project link (#5147)
Do not track empty strings in playground token input (#5159)
Strategy variants video update (#4854)
Add video to SDK overview reference (#4855)
Rollback docusaurus upgrade so the docs work (#4965)
Make videos bigger (#4980)
Add a custom_edit_url for sdks and edge/proxy (#4985)
Add feature availability troubleshooting guide (#4989)
Updated sidebars and added missing doc ID (#4993)
Dependent features (#5058)
Added Flutter and Next.js Tutorials
Enterprise project settings (#4844)
Read model for dependent features (#4846)
Feature admin API returns dependencies and children (#4848)
Display dependencies and parents in project details (#4859)
Edit and delete dependencies menu (#4863)
Events for dependencies (#4864)
Biome lint (#4853)
Add more events in integrations (#4815)
Parent and child info in feature overview header (#4901)
Generate orval types with dependent features (#4902)
Biome lint frontend (#4903)
Update dependency permission (#4910)
Prevent delete and archive on parent feature (#4913)
Change project with feature dependencies (#4915)
Copy feature with parent (#4918)
Flag for clone dependencies (#4922)
Dependent features in playground (#4930)
Allow defining initial admin user as env variable (#4927)
Allow to delete dependencies when no orphans (#4952)
Render segments changes in feature strategy update event messages (#4950)
Orval types with change request for dependencies (#4961)
Change request dependency UI (#4966)
Do not allow to manage dependencies directly with cr enabled (#4971)
Visualize dependencies managment in change requests (#4978)
Generate declaration map (#4981)
Feature changes counted in new table (#4958)
Delete dependnecy button through change request (#4983)
Add internalMessageBanner feature flag (#4990)
Re-order message banners (#4995)
Make invite link more visible (#4984)
Multiple external message banners (#4998)
Prevent adding dependency to archived or removed parent (#4987)
Protect archive feature (#5003)
Export dependent feature toggles (#5007)
Dynamic icons by adding material symbols font (#5008)
Message banners table migration (#5009)
Make maintenance banner sticky (#5016)
Validate archive dependent features (#5019)
Dependencies import validation (#5023)
Header invite link tracking (#5001)
Verify archive dependent features UI (#5024)
Add a dialog when reviving / batch reviving features (#4988)
Adds a new design to the header icons (#5025)
Remove dependency on archive (#5040)
Make maintenance-related 503s more intuitive (#5018)
Track add and remove dependencies (#5041)
Add playground imrpovements flag (#5045)
Add new message banner events (#5055)
Show dependencies only when using pro/enterprise or at least on… (#5052)
Import dependencies (#5044)
Add option to return disabled strategies (#5059)
Warn about sdk update with feature dependencies (#5065)
Allow selection of text in strategies for contexts (#5071)
Dependent features use new transaction mechanism (#5073)
Adds rate limiting to metric POST endpoints (#5075)
Show disabled strategies in playground (#5081)
Default session id in frontend api (#5083)
Add message banner API hooks (#5078)
Display internal message banners (#5079)
Prevent self dependencies (#5090)
Check if child and parent are in the same project (#5093)
Detect grandchild dependency (#5094)
Ensure at least one owner on remove user/group access (#5085)
Add new sticky component to handle stacked stickies (#5088)
Show warning about dependencies removed on archive (#5104)
Add hasStrategies and hasEnabledStrategies on feature environments (#5012)
Promise timeout on lock (#5108)
Banners admin page (#5111)
Add job that cleans last seen every 24 hours (#5114)
Make multiple roles per group/user GA by removing the flag (#5109)
Replace gravatar-url with inline function (#5128)
Improved has children/has parent indicator (#5135)
Banner modal (#5132)
Feature search stub (#5143)
Use new on/off endpoints in banners toggles (#5144)
Create db table for cr schedules (#5148)
Add feature search service (#5149)
Feature search basic functionality (#5150)
Add input for api token in playground (#5130)
Banner UI/UX adjustments (#5151)
Remove feature flag for datadog json template (#5105)
Make all internal rate limits configurable (#5095)
Token input improvements (#5155)
Playground token input usage tracking (#5157)
Filter features by type (#5160)
Add scheduledConfigurationChanges flag (#5161)
- Copy feature alert when change requests enabled in any env (#4964)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Bump version to 5.6.0 (#4847)
Limit the amount of unannounced events we announce (#4845)
Update DATABASE_URL to use the database created via POSTGRES_D… (#4836)
Unleash users page (#4687)
Adds Biome as a recommended extension for vscode (#4909)
Use https://git-cliff.org for changelog (#4907)
Automate changelog generation on release branch (#4914)
Revamp transactional impl (#4916)
Handle transactions already started at the controller layer (#4953)
Improve UI Config type (#4959)
Improve type on import service (#4962)
Rename validate step (#4969)
Avoid building frontend if not needed (#4982)
Split interfaces for import and export (#5004)
Add enterprise event (#5056)
GA transactional decorator (#5020)
Update node sdk to official ga version with dependent flags (#5042)
Introduce type to prevent potential issues (#5066)
Generate types (#5074)
Add splash screen for oss segments (#5053)
Remove storybook (#5091)
Force tough-cookie to 4.1.3 due to vulnerability (#5092)
Remove ts-ignore and adapt tests (#5103)
Remove invite link flag (#5119)
Disable fsync in gh action postgres to speed up the tests (#5139)
Add CHANGE_REQUEST_SCHEDULED to event types. (#5162)
Expicit names in queries (#4850)
Prefer eventService.storeEvent methods (#4830)
Bubble promise instead of return await (#4906)
Custom render should provide container (#4938)
Make uiFlags typesafe (#4996)
Feature toggle list query (#5022)
Add test coverage (#5046)
Create builder class for converting rows to avoid duplication (#5050)
Add tests for /api/client/features (#5057)
Move message banner interface to common file (#5076)
Rename message banners to banners (#5098)
Rename message banners to banners - events (#5100)
Move version service scheduling to scheduler (#5120)
Proxy service scheduler (#5125)
Move metrics service scheduling (#5129)
Slight clean up after GAing multiple roles (#5133)
Type query params (#5153)
Optimize queries (#5158)
Makes overview spec less flaky by doing 2 step search (#4862)
Playground with dependencies (#4936)
Added tests for has strategies and enabled strategies (#5112)
Silent migration test (#5131)
Speed up the tests (#5140)
- Add note to generate openapi docs before starting local dev (#4976)
[5.5.7] - 2023-10-20
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add splash screen for oss segments (#5053) (#5097)
[5.5.6] - 2023-10-09
Bug Fixes
- Only delete SSO-synced group membership where membership was added by SSO sync (#4929)
[5.5.5] - 2023-10-04
Bug Fixes
- ReportTable not updating status dynamically (#4923)
[5.5.4] - 2023-10-04
Bug Fixes
- Update potentially-stale status dynamically (#4905) (#4920)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Automate changelog generation on release branch (#4914)
[5.5.3] - 2023-09-28
Bug Fixes
- Permissions in the role payload (#4861)
[5.5.2] - 2023-09-28
Bug Fixes
- Partial index on events announced (#4856)
[5.5.1] - 2023-09-27
Bug Fixes
- Account for array length (#4849)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Limit the amount of unannounced events we announce (#4845)
[5.5.0] - 2023-09-27
- Show info about flag naming patterns before making mistakes (#4616)
- Revalidate feature name whenever the project changes (#4628)
- Add feature naming pattern descriptions (#4612)
- Allow you to update example with no pattern + update state better (#4623)
- Return 400 when pattern is empty but example is not (#4609)
- Fix type problems (#4615)
- Show flag naming pattern info when you copy toggles (#4629)
- Hide display of pattern info behind a flag (#4744)
Bug Fixes
Multiline textarea resizing for json input (#4463)
Do not allow creation/update of feature toggle with invalid strategy name (#4555)
Config snapshot (#4593)
Add feature environment variants updated event (#4598)
Reset selected toggle after archive or revive (#4606)
Group roles assumption, refactor group types (#4576)
Prevent 404 on auth settings hook (#4619)
Api token schema (#4633)
Fix failing group service test (#4642)
Addon schema validation (#4643)
Multi project roles UI improvements (#4646)
Add experimental flag (#4649)
Last seen environment remove duplicate entries (#4663)
Integrations UI (#4670)
API improvements aligning the types to our schemas (#4650)
Post global events even when filtering by env (#4672)
Validation for variant payload number type (#4671)
Add additionalproperties to the sdkContextSchema (#4682)
Use postmessage in slack app addon (#4688)
Integrations quality updates (#4677)
Include tags in variants event (#4711)
Env variants event changelog (#4712)
Include strategy variants in the event log (#4716)
Integrations text review (#4706)
Integration multiselector (#4683)
Update dependency json-schema-to-ts to v2.9.2 (#4721)
Update dependency db-migrate-pg to v1.3.2 (#4720)
Disable all errors (#4707)
Update dependency pg to v8.11.3 (#4723)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.5 (#4722)
Variant type number duplicate options (#4719)
Update dependency db-migrate to v0.11.14 (#4724)
Update dependency db-migrate-pg to v1.4.2 (#4735)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v6.11.0 (#4736)
Update dependency joi to v17.10.1 (#4737)
Update dependency js-sha256 to ^0.10.0 (#4740)
Sort toggleNames before updating last seen (#4747)
Point to
instead ofuseUiFlags
(#4748) -
Round dora metrics (#4755)
Misc integration-related fixes and improvements (#4754)
Simplify channels logic in slack app integration (#4756)
Rename Push to Environment button (#4759)
Prevent blur when selecting text (#4762)
Update dependency uuid to v9.0.1 (#4793)
Force permissions export to only be enterprise in ui (#4760)
Datadog addon needs flagResolver (#4806)
String-width issue when running docker container (#4808)
Project mode count even if no settings exist (#4825)
Change check for slider (#4838)
Empty object playground (#4842)
Project features table initial state (#4843)
Strategy variants ruby and dotnet sdk versions (#4570)
Troubleshooting guides (#4592)
Update compatibility matrix with strategy variants (#4626)
Feature flag naming patterns (#4632)
Add mention of multiple project roles (#4648)
Change addons -> integrations (#4523)
Add info on how to troubleshoot and better errors (#4803)
Update the bulleted list case in about-the-docs.md (#4811)
Create feature-flag-best-practices.md (#4804)
Add Feature Flag Migration guide to docs (#4792)
Unleash Slack App integration (#4801)
Improve datadog integration docs (#4802)
- Add prod guard when toggling envs (#4774)
Import service validate duplicates (#4558)
Application usage frontend (#4561)
Multiple project roles (#4512)
Application usage feature flag and cleanup (#4568)
Close dialog when esc is pressed (#4567)
Add a setting for toggling requesting additional scopes (#4551)
Archive toggles in change request UI (#4563)
Change request ui updates (#4574)
Update breakpoint from 1260 to 1280 (#4575)
DORA metrics lead time to production (#4589)
Feature naming patterns (#4591)
Search event log by tags (#4604)
Search suggestion selectable (#4610)
Add request logger env variable (#4614)
Search UI improvements (#4613)
Clickable search filter options (#4618)
Persistent search queries (#4624)
Plausible search (#4625)
Jira plugin page (#4627)
Integration sections (#4631)
Official sdks (#4637)
Integration urls, ux (#4640)
Proxy and edge integration cards (#4636)
Link to request integration (#4634)
Edge integrations page (#4639)
Add plausible to integrations (#4647)
UseUiFlag shorthand hook (#4566)
Remove newApplicationsList feature flag (#4653)
Keyboard navigation in search (#4651)
Variant with number payload (#4654)
Hide project settings for OSS (#4662)
Make import/export work with project patterns (#4652)
Check toggle limit on import (#4665)
Edge integration page (#4657)
Import limit validation (#4669)
Update UI to add hints about implicit ^ and $ (#4667)
Add implicit surrounding
to patterns (#4664) -
Limit exclude archived features (#4680)
Disallow description when no pattern exists (#4679)
Add feature naming pattern tracking (#4678)
Stop regexes with whitespace (#4681)
Add service method to retrieve group and project access for all users (#4708)
Playground custom properties are nested (#4686)
Sdk flat context schema (#4738)
Add a button to download user access information (#4746)
Patch user access query to return projects provided by groups (#4750)
Walking skeleton of private projects (#4753)
Private project filtering and store implementation (#4758)
Add active users statistics to metrics (#4674)
Add ids to scheduled jobs (#4764)
Stub for create dependent features (#4769)
Persist dependent features (#4772)
Implement optional json payload and template (#4752)
Open-source segments 🚀 (#4690)
Move middleware to enterprise (#4767)
Make application usage private through project (#4786)
Simpler integration filters (#4766)
Client api dependent features (#4778)
Private projects handle in playground (#4791)
Strategy variants on strategy overview (#4776)
Optimize private projects for enterprise (#4812)
UI stub for adding dependent features (#4814)
Add group-deleted event (#4816)
Visualize feature variants on cr (#4809)
Enforce no transitive parents (#4818)
Add project collaboration mode to prometheus (#4819)
Context/segment usage private (#4826)
Delete dependency api (#4824)
Add kill switch for client metrics (#4829)
Add dependency dialogue (#4828)
Delete all feature dependencies (#4832)
Connect add dependency api (#4831)
Api to list available parent options (#4833)
Enforce one dependency (#4835)
Show available parent dependency options (#4837)
Add json editor (#4784)
Inject project id to dependencies hooks (#4839)
- Integrations form (#4655)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Prepare next release
Prepare 5.4 release (#4554)
Remove configurableFeatureTypeLifetimes flag (#4569)
Deps update unleash client (#4571)
Remove duplicated tags (#4580)
Return 404 when projectid not found (#4581)
Change request flags removed (#4601)
Strategy variant flag removed (#4603)
Token api simplification (#4600)
Show short error message when validation fails (#4617)
Return 404 when adding environment to project that doesnt exist (#4635)
Explain implicit ^ and $ in docs (#4668)
Update design for feature naming pattern info (#4656)
Dora cleanup (#4676)
Merge one of with properties (#4763)
Improve access service (#4689)
Improve access service iter 2 (#4779)
Remove project select (#4768)
GA (remove flag) for Slack App integration (#4765)
Doc only should skip build (#4820)
Pin @swc/core to v1.3.83 (#4823)
Revert #4823 and bump @swc/core to 1.3.88 (#4827)
Pin node version 18.17.1 (#4834)
Clean up some unused imports (#4597)
Instance health cleanup (#4602)
Use conditionally render instead of && (#4620)
Clean up no longer used PAT methods (#4621)
Simplify flag naming tooltip (#4685)
Remove check for feature naming data object (#4745)
Feature oriented architecture for feature dependencies (#4771)
Contract event group deleted after #4816 (#4817)
- Enforce behavior via test (#4701)
- Make project settings / creation form full-width (#4675)
- Sort tags file (#4595)
- Added workflow for calling update-version-action (#4805)
[5.4.4] - 2023-09-15
Bug Fixes
- Include tags in variants event (#4711)
[5.4.3] - 2023-09-12
Bug Fixes
- Last seen environment remove duplicate entries (#4663)
[5.4.2] - 2023-09-04
Bug Fixes
- Add feature environment variants updated event (#4598)
[5.4.1] - 2023-08-25
Cherry pick configurableFeatureTypeLifetimes (#4572)
Add a setting for toggling requesting additional scopes (#4551) (#4573)
[5.4.0] - 2023-08-23
- Add 'add to draft' button for segments. (#4400)
- Track the feature type and the new lifetime (#4395)
Bug Fixes
Default strategy stickiness (#4340)
Sync enabled and variant status (#4345)
Do not split non string values (#4346)
Frontend variant weights distribution (#4347)
Stable bulk updates (#4352)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.4 (#4362)
UI improvements on CR reorder strategy (#4375)
Update dependency unleash-client to v4.1.0 (#4373)
EventStore#getMaxRevisionId can return null (#4384)
Password hash is null should yield PasswordMissmatch (#4392)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v6.8.1 (#4406)
Environment id missing bug (#4397)
Remove lastSeenAt when exporting FeatureEnvironment (#4416)
Dot in context fields (#4434)
Added cursor pagination to slackapp conversations query (#4442)
Deletion validation didnt account for groups (#4441)
Performance improvements for demo and docs update (#4454)
Demo for old variants (#4455)
CR strategy name changes code (#4449)
Proper aggregation of strategies (#4456)
Disable Edit constraint when context field was deleted (#4460)
Plain link for read about (#4470)
Remove lastSeenAt from useCollaborateData.tsx staleness check (#4461)
Strategy variants in demo link to new variants (#4477)
Diff no changes (#4480)
Add timezones to timestamps (#4488)
Change slackapp to using scheduleMessage (#4490)
Update slack-app tests to reflect what we now do
Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v8 (#4407)
Update dependency pg to v8.11.2 (#4509)
Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.6.2 (#4510)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v6.9.0 (#4516)
Set css preload to false (#4524)
Disallow empty summaries and descriptions (#4529)
Highlighter casing (#4543)
Import duplicate features (#4550)
Diff component for ordering (#4552)
Strategy variants (#4289)
Strategy variants in 5.4 (#4372)
Edge updates for docs/proxy-hosting (#4275)
Update strategy variants sdks and add sidebar link (#4436)
Custom root roles (#4451)
Change requests for segments (#4476)
Strategy variant slider (#4344)
Last seen in feature environment (#4391)
Last seen by env UI (#4439)
Toggle overview env last seen (#4445)
Last seen toggle list (#4541)
Change Request on Reorder UI (#4249)
Incrementing sort order for strategies (#4343)
Strategy variants infop (#4348)
Strategy variants alert (#4371)
Segments service DI (#4376)
Add last_seen_at column to feature_environments (#4387)
Optional change request feature (#4394)
Add lastSeenByEnvironment flag (#4393)
Allow trust proxy (#4396)
Protect segment operations for change requests (#4417)
Segments in pending CR screen (#4420)
Strategy variants events (#4430)
Add prom metric for total custom root roles (#4435)
Add prom metric for total custom root roles in use (#4438)
Default strategy variant (#4443)
Bulk archive usage warning (#4448)
Pointer to strategy variants (#4440)
Demo for strategy variants (#4457)
Cr sidebar segments count (#4466)
Count segment changes (#4468)
Delete segment from CR (#4469)
Segment constraints in UI (#4472)
Track read about (#4478)
Add margin for segment constraints (#4481)
Use update count in cr summary (#4482)
Change request rejected event (#4485)
Change request rejections db table (#4486)
Change request reject UI (#4489)
Reject change request dialog (#4491)
Do not update every second (#4492)
Link to change request configuration (#4494)
Enable migration lock by default (#4495)
Disable scheduler for tests (#4496)
Change request reject docs and step update (#4493)
Get api tokens by name (#4507)
Review buttons makeover (#4513)
Reject timeline state (#4517)
Add usage info to project role deletion dialog (#4464)
Create client_applications_usage table migration (#4521)
Application usage new ui (#4528)
Slack-app can now post to both tagged and default channel (#4520)
Features overwrite warning (#4535)
Persist client application usage (#4534)
Last seen for toggles that have an old usage reported (#4538)
Last seen per environment health (#4539)
Last seen per environment archive (#4540)
More powerful project search (#4542)
Change request advanced search and filter (#4544)
Applicaton usage endpoint (#4548)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Enable strict schema validation by default and fix (#4355)
Clean client api flag removed (#4368)
Add debug information to slack addon (#4379)
Add more debug logs (#4388)
Update orval types (#4402)
Reduce build time (#4405)
Increase max app names to 1000 (#4421)
Simplify coverage report (#4429)
Update orval with latest change request schema updates (#4446)
Remove customRootRoles flag in favor of killswitch (#4431)
Fix formatting of openapi description (#4503)
additionalProperterties: true
annotation. (#4508) -
Remove newProjectLayout flag (#4536)
Remove emitPotentiallyStaleEvents flag (#4537)
Clean up remaining schemas, part 1 (#4351)
More schema cleanup (#4353)
Remaining schema updates (#4354)
Add operation tests: require summaries and descriptions (#4377)
Default strategy stickiness (#4341)
Matching variants (#4349)
Fix import and access e2e tests due to recent changes (#4467)
- Add CODEOWNERS and set thomas as docs owner (#4418)
[5.3.5] - 2023-08-15
Bug Fixes
- Change slackapp to using scheduleMessage (#4490)
[5.3.4] - 2023-08-11
Bug Fixes
- Added cursor pagination to slackapp conversations query (#4442)
[5.3.3] - 2023-08-02
Bug Fixes
- EventStore#getMaxRevisionId can return null (#4384)
[5.3.2] - 2023-07-26
Bug Fixes
- Playground variants
[5.3.1] - 2023-07-25
Bug Fixes
[5.3.0] - 2023-07-25
Add flag for emitting potentially stale events (#4237)
Update to prepare for emitting potentially stale events (#4239)
Activate event emission (#4240)
Add openapi definition for the new endpoint (#4256)
Bug Fixes
Default email sender to getunleash.io domain (#3739)
Metrics performance patch (#4108)
Project 404 (#4114)
Default strategy groupId failure (#4120)
Demo flow with split strategy button by making step optional (#4125)
SERVER_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT env variable should be seconds (#4130)
Improve users search (#4131)
Add resolution for semver
Change to the proper author (#4141)
Hide users list extra searchable columns (#4142)
Ensure userId context exists when running demo (#4144)
Some security vulnerabilities (#4143)
Add resolution for semver
Disallow deletion of single login history entries (#4149)
Avoid expression injection (#4157)
Update yarn.lock (#4160)
Added service-account events (#4164)
Add change-edited event
Disallow deletion of all login history entries (#4159)
Project tokens can now be created with the correct permissions (#4165)
Initial playground env (#4167)
Resolution for semver in docker as well (#4168)
Update dependency pg to v8.11.1 (#4172)
Bulk tags will work now with project permissions (#4177)
Validate min constraint values in openapi (#4179)
Remove dangerouslySetInnerHTML (#4181)
Only load if document present
Do not include rio server-side
Constraint validation affecting disabled button (#4183)
Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.6.1 (#4173)
Delete project dialog cancel redirect (#4184)
Add focus style to vertical tabs (#4186)
Correct escaping of ui flags for plausible (#3907)
Missing flags (#4214)
Return 400 on incorrect client metrics input (#4193)
Reduce severity of api token middleware errors (#4216)
Min items was breaking import (#4219)
Existing stickiness value should be available in the dropdown (#4228)
Feature OpenAPI endpoints - project related (#4212)
Reactive stickiness strategy variants (#4255)
Unwrap create strategy event creation (bug) (#4264)
DigitalOcean template (#4287)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v6.7.1 (#4301)
Variant table deadlocks (#4309)
Update dependency knex to v2.5.1 (#4322)
Group cleanup (#4334)
Missing events in the event store (#4335)
Global role is called root role (#4336)
Drop staleness column form features archive (#4338)
404 in dark theme (#4337)
Addons toggle (#4312)
Add configurable feature type lifetimes flag (#4253)
Move event types into a separate reference doc. (#4268)
Context api tag (#4117)
Not on latest unleash with openapi enabeld (#4024)
Auth tag (#4126)
Documentation around metrics API (#4134)
Switch order of api doc sidebar items; put legacy docs under legacy header (#4135)
Events tag (#4152)
Project overview (#4176)
Add description to requests per seconds schemas (#4182)
Add descriptions and examples to tag schemas (#4194)
Add impression events as supported in the java sdk (#4213)
Update proxy hosting to point to Frontend API (#4191)
Suggest to use strategy constraints instead of custom strategies (#4215)
Highlight unleash edge (#4229)
Add description of how to install jira cloud plugin (#4197)
Update playground docs to mention advanced features (#4266)
Update postgres ssl docs to accurately use ca over key (#4271)
Document feature potentially stale on events (#4278)
Responsive strategy icons (#4121)
Remove experimental flag for telemetry (#4123)
Frontend api openapi spec (#4133)
Improve demo welcome screen options (#4132)
Advanced playground UI tweaks (#4136)
Hovering over feature shows full feature name (#4138)
Openapi schema for user admin (#4146)
User openapi spec (#4162)
No results on playground error (#4170)
Show username and email in name column (users tables) (#4180)
Project UI rework, move edit and delete buttons deeper (#4195)
Strategy variant test UI (#4199)
Project feature limit UI (#4220)
Sort feature strategies (#4218)
Strategy variant migrations (#4225)
Add slackAppAddon feature flag (#4235)
Feature creation limit crud together with frontend (#4221)
Strategy variant schema openapi (#4232)
Persist strategy variants (#4236)
Slack App addon (#4238)
Client api with proper client segments and strategy variants (#4244)
Strategy variant UI spike (#4246)
Strategy variants stickiness (#4250)
AdvancedPlayground flag used only for runtime control (#4262)
Group schema updates (#4258)
Feature toggle type - edit form (#4269)
Improve slack app addon scalability (#4284)
Strategy variants in playground (#4281)
Feature type lifetime API integration (#4295)
Slack app addon default channels (#4308)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Remove sync to enterprise from release branches (#4112)
Remove unused imports from
yarn lint
(#4082) -
Openapi docs for archive (#4127)
Bump semver from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3 in /frontend (#4088)
Change request info (#3971)
Document endpoint tagged Unstable (#4118)
Add debug information (#4140)
Avoids code injection through git commit (#4147)
Add paths-ignore to more workflows (#4041)
Remove group root role toggle (#4026)
Remove OpenAPI snapshot tests (#4153)
Add reo to docs
Openapai favorite endpoints (#4189)
Datadog addon, ability to include source type name (#4196)
Add auto-generated doc index to gitignore (#4198)
Mark potentially stale features (#4217)
Update demo qr (#4241)
Remove context/segment usage flag (#4242)
Remove split button strategy flag (#4245)
Prepare next release (#4257)
Update OpenAPI definitions generated for frontend (#4283)
Roles - make better plan assumptions (#4113)
Clean up deprecated permissions (#4124)
instead ofisAdmin
(#4115) -
Split NoAccessError into ForbiddenError + PermissionError (#4190)
Move status codes into classes (#4200)
Error param prop (#4247)
Don't use multiple expect.stringContaining in one statement (#4158)
Add some basic tests to the new slack app (#4259)
- Change the playground diff link to be a button. (#4274)
- Mark descriptions on strategies as nullable (#4156)
tag (#4116) -
Update API tokens tag (#4137)
Update tag description (#4178)
Update misc 'features'-tagged endpoints (#4192)
Update the splash endpoints and schemas for splash (#4227)
Document operations for admin ui feedback (#4226)
Update ui-config endpoints (#4280)
Remove all the extra data info (#4277)
- Pin at ^7.5.3
- Add customHeaders as possible parameter. (#4139)
- Return better error message if a segment doesn't exist (#4122)
[5.2.9] - 2023-07-25
Bug Fixes
- Client metrics name validation (#4339)
[5.2.8] - 2023-07-12
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Prepare 5.2 patch (#4224)
[5.2.7] - 2023-07-07
Bug Fixes
- Disable on invalid constraints
[5.2.6] - 2023-07-07
Bug Fixes
- Bulk tags will work now with project permissions (#4177)
[5.2.5] - 2023-07-06
Bug Fixes
- Project tokens can now be created with the correct permissions (#4165)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove sync to enterprise from release branches (#4112)
[5.2.4] - 2023-07-06
Bug Fixes
- Update yarn.lock (#4160)
[5.2.3] - 2023-07-06
Bug Fixes
- Bump and pin semver to 7.5.3
[5.2.2] - 2023-06-29
Bug Fixes
[5.2.0] - 2023-06-28
Bug Fixes
Misc UI fixes mostly responsiveness related (#3868)
Use correct event type for maxRevisionId (#3870)
Reject unauthorized client requests (#3881)
Remove consecutive slashes (#3882)
Update dependency pg to v8.11.0 (#3867)
Update dependency openapi-types to v12.1.1 (#3885)
Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.6.0 (#3886)
Update dependency prom-client to v14.2.0 (#3887)
Update dependency semver to v7.5.1 (#3888)
Update dependency unleash-proxy-client to v2.5.0 (#3889)
Author and email should be for PRs (#3899)
Remove repository which is no longer needed (#3900)
Remove unneseccary constraint validation request (#3914)
Propagate http-errors as they are (#3922)
Only show simple tag type if there are no tag types in the server (#3919)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.3 (#3934)
Fix variant metrics (#3947)
Update dependency unleash-client to v3.21.0 (#3948)
Add createdAt in projects API response (#3929)
Allow empty appName as it may come in the url (#3953)
Update dependency json-schema-to-ts to v2.9.1 (#3945)
Feature not found in project yields 404 (#3958)
Fix sort order for environments (#3992)
Table imports (#3982)
Show environment reorder handle (#3990)
Column initial state for project features (#3983)
Add trial expired warning for enterprise (#3997)
Can review CR with skip change request (#3998)
Demo to use new query param (#4000)
Usage of default strategy (#3995)
Filter out usage for export (#4006)
Specific actions for enterprise trial messages (#4001)
Playground link (#4008)
Reject API admin tokens when importing features (#4016)
Infinite playground rendering (#4031)
Creating groups should work without users (#4033)
Consider ADMIN in API tokens fetch permissions (#4032)
Default segments should only be selected when using default stra… (#4040)
Multi env select should always have an environment selected (#4061)
Disallow empty list of envs and invalid env names in advanced playground (#4060)
Autocomplete bug when changing context field (#4064)
Add admin guard to groups (#4069)
Fetching user root roles include custom ones (#4068)
Update roles permission guard (#4070)
Remove playground results flip (#4076)
Add strategy bug when strategySplittedButton flag is on (#4071)
Set max height for add/replace button (#4085)
Update dependency semver to v7.5.2 (#4087)
Add timestamp to feature toggle metrics (#4094)
Break toggle description niceley (#4093)
Max revision query order (#4096)
Allow roles to be selected when adding user to project (#4102)
- Update stickiness docs (#3928)
ADR: Separation of Request and Response schemas (#3869)
Health check endpoint (#3959)
Instance admin (#3961)
How to synchronize unleash instances (#3977)
OpenAPI Client tag (#3979)
Mark 'yes' and
as required, add more details to variants (#3984) -
Angular unleash proxy client (#3897)
Encourage feedback for sync (#4003)
Document how and why we collect data when using Unleash (#4020)
Add note about how to handle more than 150 groups in Azure SSO (#4044)
Add reference to Haskell SDK (#3752)
Add usage of segment in list (#3853)
Segment usage ui test (#3872)
Disable notifications flag (#3874)
Autocomplete off on login password (#3901)
Change own password confirmation (#3894)
Usage on context fields in list (#3906)
Display strategy title and type (#3908)
Generate object combinations (#3920)
Context field usage backend (#3921)
Context field usage frontend (#3938)
Walking skeleton of the advanced playground (#3949)
Context/segment usage plausible (#3956)
Draft branch playground evaluation (#3967)
Add instance stats to version check (#3835)
Update predefined strategies tooltip (#3964)
Split strategies table into two with new design (#3969)
Advanced playground openapi (#3972)
Custom root roles (#3975)
Playground environment table (#3985)
Add max order to environments (#3988)
Advanced playground table (#3978)
Strategy tooltip grouping and default (#3986)
Virtualized table with parent ref (#3993)
Add support for turning telemetry off with environment variable (#3987)
Roles unification (#3999)
Playground environment diff table (#4002)
Change CR strategy title and name behaviour (#4004)
Implement better roles sub-tabs (#4009)
Environment diff (#4007)
Store playground settings in local storage (#4012)
Separate api token roles (#4019)
Query complexity validation (#4017)
Enable oas by default (#4021)
Use new role components in project access (#4018)
Initial scroll trigger (#4036)
Configurable playground limit (#4047)
Add "edit" link to playground strategies (#4027)
Advanced playground multi value context fields (#4053)
Ui tweaks for playground (#4058)
Plausible for new strategy flow (#4057)
Execution plan diff table (#4065)
Link to strategy edit screens from playground strategy results (#4063)
Count number of combinations from playground (#4077)
Expose kapi as part of docs (#3996)
Upgrade AdminAlert to PermissionGuard (#4074)
- Laggy toggles (#3873)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Name and email convention (#3871)
Simplify workflows (#3902)
Remove unnecessary build (#3910)
Lower log-level for unexpected errors (#3837)
Improve joi errors (#3836)
Clarify error logs (#3915)
Avoid building frontend twice (#3918)
Optimize docker build oss (#3951)
Rename version to reflect next candidate (#3944)
Set unleash version to be either the enterprise version or OSS (#3974)
Upgrade orval types (#3981)
Add advanced playground table test (#4005)
Remove variant metrics flag (#4042)
Update orval models (#4062)
Document default strategy (#4010)
Remove unused values to stop linter complaining (#4078)
Filter out deprecated permissions (#4083)
Remove strategyImprovements flag (#4043)
Playground in feature oriented architecture (#3942)
Read project ids in memory (#3965)
Extract playground steps (#3966)
Address custom root roles PR comments (#3994)
Misc cleanups (#4022)
Token permissions, drop admin-like permissions (#4050)
Advanced playground (#3968)
Meta schema rules should not check description on ref (#3980)
Playground env table display (#3989)
Advanced playground error (#4023)
- Reject multiple successive slashes in path (#3880)
- Make keepalive configurable via an environment variable (#4015)
[5.1.9] - 2023-06-16
Bug Fixes
[5.1.8] - 2023-06-12
Bug Fixes
[5.1.6] - 2023-06-07
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Clarify error logs (#3915)
[5.1.5] - 2023-05-27
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes (#3882)
[5.1.4] - 2023-05-27
Bug Fixes
- Reject unauthorized client requests (#3881)
[5.1.3] - 2023-05-27
- Reject multiple successive slashes in path (#3880)
[5.1.2] - 2023-05-26
- Laggy toggles (#3873)
[5.1.1] - 2023-05-26
Bug Fixes
- Use correct event type for maxRevisionId (#3870)
[5.1.0] - 2023-05-25
Bug Fixes
Allow null checker to not fail if it gets no output (#3779)
Block adding a root role to a group with a project role (#3775)
Change commit hash step name (#3784)
Prevent variant name from containing extra whitespace (#3777)
Demo QR code (#3793)
Fix deleting feature from global archive (#3786)
Strategy remove menu (#3807)
Properly handle flag resolver variants (#3808)
Move title at the top in default strategy (#3812)
Laggy switch (#3814)
Update dependency helmet to v6.2.0 (#3824)
Update dependency joi to v17.9.2 (#3825)
Make area behind bulk actions clickable (#3838)
Use the correct actor (#3842)
Only show names as changed when titles have changed. (#3843)
Default strategy screen not loading when no default strategy (#3840)
New workflow name (#3845)
Update dependency json-schema-to-ts to v2.8.2 (#3844)
Move application logic to service (#3846)
Add confirmation to disable password login (#3829)
Update dependency log4js to v6.9.1 (#3847)
Workflow was moved (#3852)
Hide password login when it's disabled (#3851)
Profile should wait for loaded state before rendering (#3855)
Change password alert when password based login is disabled (#3856)
Default strategy screen not loading (#3857)
Rollout not reflected correctly for default strategy (#3859)
Update dependency make-fetch-happen to v11.1.1 (#3863)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.2 (#3865)
Extend group documentation to include information on setting root roles (#3696)
Openapi schema specifications for Projects tag (#3571)
Maintanance mode impact (#3858)
Azure sso guide (#3431)
Remove "docs under restructuring note" (#3864)
Release inputs added to dispatcher (#3756)
New notify enterprise workflow (#3781)
Set commit hash as static asset version (#3783)
Base path support for openapi (#3780)
Create stubs for bulk toggle (#3792)
Basic bulk update implementation (#3794)
Remove icons to prepare space for bulk toggle (#3796)
Bulk enabled disable (#3797)
Message banner (variants) (#3788)
Bulk enable disable change requests (#3801)
Bulk enable hints (#3802)
Transactional bulk update (#3806)
Change requests UI for activate disabled strategies (#3787)
Disable bulk toggles flag (#3827)
Disable bulk update env var (#3828)
Maintenance mode disables scheduler (#3854)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Use concurrently to run parallel builds (#3785)
Disable null checks until we have time to fix this (#3830)
Delay static asset generation (#3848)
Add Unit test result check task (#3695)
[5.0.11] - 2023-06-07
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Clarify error logs (#3915)
[5.0.10] - 2023-05-27
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes (#3882)
[5.0.9] - 2023-05-27
Bug Fixes
- Reject unauthorized client requests (#3881)
[5.0.8] - 2023-05-27
Bug Fixes
Use username instead of tokenName
Hard code not found error to 404 in app
- Reject multiple successive slashes in path (#3880)
[5.0.7] - 2023-05-26
Bug Fixes
Anonymise PII fields in user access if flag is set (#3773)
Use correct event type for maxRevisionId (#3870)
[5.0.6] - 2023-05-12
Bug Fixes
- Log missing user at warn level (#3735)
[5.0.5] - 2023-05-11
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Tmp 5.0.5 (#3746)
[5.0.2] - 2023-05-08
Bug Fixes
- Anonymize email in event payload (#3672)
[5.0.1] - 2023-04-28
Bug Fixes
- Correct error for missing context field (#3647)
[4.23.4] - 2023-06-05
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes
[4.23.3] - 2023-05-10
Bug Fixes
- Project tokens type bug fix (#3734)
[4.23.2] - 2023-05-08
Bug Fixes
- Import tags (#3709)
[4.22.9] - 2023-06-06
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes
[4.22.8] - 2023-04-26
Bug Fixes
- Migration failure when sessionId exists (#3624)
[4.22.7] - 2023-04-25
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Patch 4.22.7 (#3618)
[4.22.6] - 2023-04-25
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Patch 4.22.6 (#3603)
[4.22.3] - 2023-04-06
Bug Fixes
- Stickiness (#3471)
[4.22.1] - 2023-04-05
Bug Fixes
- Concurrency issue when running multiple requests (#3442)
- Add PAT kill switch (#3454)
[4.21.3] - 2023-06-06
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes
[4.21.2] - 2023-03-29
Bug Fixes
- Hide project stats behind flag and backport to 4.21 (#3419)
[4.21.1] - 2023-03-22
Bug Fixes
- Properly escaping app names (#3368)
[4.21.0] - 2023-02-22
- Mention env var options for auth config (#3169)
[4.20.6] - 2023-06-06
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes
[4.20.5] - 2023-02-09
Bug Fixes
- Make sure we have a user in event store
[4.20.4] - 2023-02-02
Bug Fixes
- Latest changes in network overview
[4.20.3] - 2023-02-01
Bug Fixes
- When app count is zero because it just started (#3029)
[4.20.2] - 2023-01-30
Bug Fixes
- List projects with all archived toggles (#3020)
[4.20.0] - 2023-01-26
Bug Fixes
Prevent deleting the last variable variant on the ui (#2964)
Preload error (#2980)
Redirect only happening on root path with replace (#2981)
Project table overflow (#2987)
Revert table virtualization in variants per env (#2990)
Small fixes on variants push to env UI (#2991)
Check is flag enabled! (#2993)
Project without potential actions health items separation
- Fix typo in front-end api url
Add front-end API setup to the quickstart guide (#2984)
Generate client-side SDK docs from readme (#2949)
Add push to all button to UI (#2969)
Visualize variants diff in CR (#2979)
Back transition from validate to configure (#2982)
Import stage (#2985)
Adds CR to variants per env UI (#2989)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Increase max number of environments from 15 to 50 (#2968)
Ignore Twitter link from being checked (#2971)
- Changing variants blocked by cr (#2966)
[4.19.5] - 2023-06-06
Bug Fixes
- Remove consecutive slashes
[4.19.4] - 2023-01-13
Bug Fixes
- Found an edge case exporting variants (#2900)
[4.19.3] - 2023-01-12
Bug Fixes
- Export features with variants event when feature is disabled (#2824)
[4.19.2] - 2023-01-11
Bug Fixes
- Dots in env name accessor
[4.19.0] - 2022-12-15
Bug Fixes
Allow publish-new-version action to run from branch (#2698)
Disable networkView for dev, fail more gracefully (#2701)
- Update availability notice for sso keycloak group sync
- First draft of chart for instance traffic in frontend (#2670)
[4.18.9] - 2022-12-14
Bug Fixes
- Background frontend settings should not crash tests
[4.18.8] - 2022-12-12
Bug Fixes
- Move docker-compose to this repo (#2666)
[4.18.7] - 2022-12-09
Bug Fixes
Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 (#2613)
IsPro check on change request configuration (#2610)
Update vercel proxy paths (#2623)
Update package json and remove empty exports (#2625)
Add resulution for qs dep
Tags endpoint returning 404 when featureId is not set (#2621)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v1.4.7 (#2646)
- Integration tests (#2422)
[4.18.6] - 2022-12-06
Bug Fixes
Upgrade express to v4.18.2
Json-schema-to-ts is a dev-dependency
[4.18.5] - 2022-12-06
Bug Fixes
Add resulution for 'decode-uri-component'
Favorites column visibility (#2605)
- Add more (missing) redirects, fix links (#2592)
[4.18.4] - 2022-12-06
Bug Fixes
- Allow import @server (#2601)
[4.17.3] - 2022-11-23
Bug Fixes
- Broken UI after import (#2447)
[4.17.1] - 2022-11-08
Bug Fixes
- Merge order for UI config
[4.17.0] - 2022-11-04
Bug Fixes
- Clone environment creating token everytime (#2335)
[4.16.4] - 2022-10-21
Bug Fixes
- Respect environment if set on context (#2206)
[4.16.3] - 2022-10-18
Bug Fixes
- Should only require CREATE_ADDON when creating addon (#2204)
[4.16.2] - 2022-10-17
Bug Fixes
[4.16.1] - 2022-10-06
Bug Fixes
- Equality check on feature strategy (#2145)
[4.16.0] - 2022-10-03
Bug Fixes
Add env and project labels to feature updated metrics. (#2043)
Do not call store function in constructor
Update SDK matrix
S/Never logged/Never/g in frontend (#2075)
Deletes all sessions for user on logout (#2071)
Revert breaking change for incoming token creation reqs (#2084)
Make unit test target work (#2082)
Client registration events are on eventStore (#2093)
Support coverage reports on external PRs (#2087)
Update UI labeling: custom constraint -> (strategy) constraint (#2101)
Typo in strategy-constraints.md (#2115)
Add appName to http response time metrics (#2117)
Url encode application name in links (#2121)
Updated develper guide to force UTC timezone for test db
Update coverage
Update API access for new token type (#1958)
Update docusaurus deploy command to generate openapi docs
Fix typo: Unlash -> Unleash
Update link for symfony sdk (#2048)
Test broken links in website (#1912)
Update images using latest UI screenshots (#1992)
Fix broken link to how-to-create-API token guide (#2073)
Move user groups section to after permissions section (#2081)
Fix broken link to front-end API tokens (#2094)
Add method for migrating proxies without environment validation (#2056)
Update to pull_request_target (#2059)
Open-Source Strategy Constraints (#2112)
New profile page and PATs front-end (#2109)
- Prevent password reset email flooding (#2076)
Miscellaneous Tasks
[4.15.5] - 2022-10-03
Bug Fixes
Correct path for login
Add env and project labels to feature updated metrics. (#2043)
[4.15.4] - 2022-09-19
Bug Fixes
Update snapshot to new version
Updated snapshot to not include api version
[4.15.2] - 2022-09-12
- Add method for migrating proxies without environment validation (#2056)
[4.14.5] - 2022-08-18
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update frontend version
[4.14.4] - 2022-08-16
Bug Fixes
- Default to an empty array in mapFeaturesForBootstrap
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update frontend
[4.14.3] - 2022-08-15
Bug Fixes
- Check variants before mapping
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update unleash-frontend
[4.14.2] - 2022-08-08
Add new standard errors (#1890)
Change log level for OpenAPI to debug (#1895)
Change log level for OpenAPI to debug (#1895)
[4.14.1] - 2022-08-05
Bug Fixes
Update docusaurus monorepo to v2.0.1 (#1871)
Add missing client variant schema fields (#1880)
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.14.3 (#1888)
Add missing client variant schema fields (#1880)
- Fix formatting of docusaurus admonitions
- Return detailed information on feature toggle evaluation (#1839)
[4.14.0] - 2022-07-28
Bug Fixes
Make additionalProperties true (#1861)
Update dependency unleash-proxy-client to v2.0.3 (#1841)
Fix broken OpenAPI spec (#1846)
Remove unneeded ts-expect-error now that types in knex are in sync (#1866)
Update dependency json-schema-to-ts to v2.5.5 (#1865)
SortOrder updates needs to be async
- Bump unleash-frontend to 4.14.1
[4.13.1] - 2022-07-14
Bug Fixes
- Use left join for segments to avoid nullmapping
[4.13.0] - 2022-06-29
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Bump front end to 4.13.0
[4.12.6] - 2022-06-14
Bug Fixes
- Update
- Update frontend to 4.12.4
[4.12.5] - 2022-06-01
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update frontend
[4.12.4] - 2022-06-01
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update unleash-frontend
[4.12.3] - 2022-05-31
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.12.1
[4.12.2] - 2022-05-31
Bug Fixes
- Flag for anonymising user search
[4.12.1] - 2022-05-30
Bug Fixes
- Add flag to annomise event log
[4.12.0] - 2022-05-27
Bug Fixes
Require equal environments when moving toggles (#1595)
The replaceGroupId field should be optional (#1608)
Include jest coverage files (POC)
Specify coverage files to use for jest pr action (poc)
Only specify base-cov-file for jest action (poc)
Add debug step
Remove parametersSchema maxLength requirement (#1616)
More debug
More debugigng to jest coverage action (POC)
Do not ignore coverage/report.json
Failing test
Auto-push coverage
Coverage build for main should be a seperate workflow
Coverage action
Add gh creds to coverage action
Coverage action need username
Switch gh token for coverage action
Inline coverage action script commands
Coverage action
Do not produce report.json in coverage action for now
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.11.0 (#1597)
Project environments order (#1599)
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.11.2
Upgrade multer to v1.4.4
Allow project roles to be changed when the relevant user has a root role (#1632)
Add "how to run for development" to CONTRIBUTING.md (#1600)
Switch all slack links to slack.unleash.run (#1613)
Update import to use named export instead of default (#1609)
Use named export instead of default (#1614)
Use named export instead of default (#1615)
Miscellaneous Tasks
Fix coverage badge
Update coverage
Update coverage reports
- Add external PRs to project board
[4.11.2] - 2022-05-23
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update unleash frontend to 4.11.2
[4.11.1] - 2022-05-20
Bug Fixes
Remove parametersSchema maxLength requirement (#1616)
Failing test
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update snapshot test since the cherry-pick is not clean
[4.11.0] - 2022-05-18
- Bump unleash frontend to 4.11.0
[4.10.5] - 2022-05-11
Bug Fixes
- Correct patch for feature project id
[4.10.4] - 2022-05-11
Bug Fixes
- Repair feature strategies with broken project ids (#1593)
[4.10.3] - 2022-05-11
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Upgrade frontend
[4.10.2] - 2022-05-10
Bug Fixes
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.10.2
[4.10.1] - 2022-05-10
Bug Fixes
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.10.1
Set favicon icon to CDN if prefix is set (#1553)
Remove console.log from test
Correct types used in addon.ts
[4.10.0] - 2022-04-29
Bug Fixes
Update react monorepo to v18.1.0
Update dependency unleash-proxy-client to v2.0.1
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.10.0-beta.8 (#1545)
Pr-build use pull_request_target event
Remove deprecation notices for tags.
Add more Api information + add disable toggle info
Link to the correct new endpoints in the features v2 API
Add docs for vue and svelte clients (#1541)
Update compat table with custom stickiness for go (#1544)
Change the remoteAddress description (#1539)
Correct custom activation strategies param types (#1547)
Update ApiRequest to accept POST w/o payloads
Bump frontend to 4.10.0
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove code leftover code
Fix a few eslint module boundary type overrides (#1542)
Disallow additionalProperties in response schemas (#1543)
- Use make-fetch-happen (#1500)
[4.9.1] - 2022-03-23
Add more content around database connections
Add code samples, move db configuration to separate section
Remove duplicate db connection options description
PR feedback: configure db url, db url file, precedence
Sort options alphabetically in example object.
Add note about PHP crashing if it doesn't recognize the op
List v1.3.1 of the PHP sdk as first compatible w/adv constr.
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to 4.9.0
[4.9.0] - 2022-03-23
Bug Fixes
Remove placeholder comment
Mark .NET sdk as not having
context field -
Delete empty table row
Remove empty ruleset
Make sure customer type is included in the payload.
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.9.0-beta.1
Update dependency knex to v1.0.4
Update config tests for enabled environments
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.9.0-beta.2
Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.9.0-beta.3
Minor rewording and clarification around strategy impl/eval
Start scaffolding out new constraint operator info
Add description of each of the strat constraint operators.
Update "constraint structure" section
Add availability note, finish first draft of constraint ops
Finish first draft of new strat constraints doc.
Add unleash context and compat table updates
Remove 'introduced in' column in Unleash Context table.
Move string operator case sensitivity note to table
Update SemVer section: clarify what requirements we have
Update description of
in the Unleash context. -
Add note about how invalid context field values are handled
Update semver format after discussion and alignment
with "advanced constraints" row -
Document how to get SEMVER_GTE/LTE functionality
Add a note saying passord is password for Norwegian
Create initial outline for how to schedule feature releases
Describe details of enabled_environments in unleash config docs
Add more placeholder / structural content.
Create first draft of schedule how-to
Bold important text
Add note to strategy constraints about undefined behavior
Add screenies and update descriptions accordingly
Clear up that constraints are available to pro customers too
Add note saying that some SDKs will crash with new operators.
Note the minimum SDK versions necessary for adv constraints
Add php support version for advanced constraints
Add more comprehensive overview of sdk incompatibilities
Change spec to specification, add link to spec
Update min versions for node, python, ruby
Only list feature versions for constraint ops inclusion
Link to strategy constraints from the schedule how-to guide
Add a link to the SDK incompatibility section
Add data: "was the form opened manually" and "current page"
Validate strategies (#1429)
Add environment variable to set override enabled environments
Enabled environments override now also moves projects and toggles to new environments
Miscellaneous Tasks
Merge main -> this branch
Extend tests for enabled environments
- Always add values to constraints (#1448)
[4.8.2] - 2022-03-01
Bug Fixes
- Configure user endpoint when AuthType is NONE (#1403)
[4.8.1] - 2022-02-25
Bug Fixes
- Readd orderBy statement to project query (#1394)
- Remove "future enhancements" section of environments doc
[4.8.0] - 2022-02-24
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.8.0-beta.10
- Correct oas for creating feature toggle
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.8.0
- Add migration patch
- Remove project column from roles if exists
- Mark PHP as advanced constraint compatible in compatibility table
- Update docs for Go SDK because wait until initialized already exists
[4.7.5] - 2022-04-21
Bug Fixes
- Add release script
- Cleanup migrations after the 3.13.0 bug
[4.7.4] - 2022-03-30
- Move front end to v4.7.3
[4.7.3] - 2022-03-02
Bug Fixes
- Configure user endpoint when AuthType is NONE (#1403)
[4.7.2] - 2022-02-10
Bug Fixes
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.7.2
[4.7.1] - 2022-02-09
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.7.1
- Typo (#1346)
- Use
instead ofsome-public-key
- Fix delete call for deleting feature toggles
- Hide 'back-to-main-menu' entry in narrow menu
- Add docs for impression data (#1328)
- Change API how-tos label from "API" to "API how-tos"
- Add "sendEmail" field to user-admin.md (#1329)
- Update compatibility matrix
- Fix contrast issues with dark theme link color.
- Move light-specific theme changes to 'light-theme' css
- Dark mode fix contrast in sidebar and with vid comp
- Use a purple color for primary theme color
- Remove 'documentation' link in na bar.
- Fix issues with transparent pngs; add borders, centering
- Use ifm variable for border width.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Fix broken link to community sdks section
- Remove trailing full stop.
[4.7.0] - 2022-02-03
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency knex to v1.0.2
- Jest-coverage-report-action disable annotations
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update frontend
[4.6.8] - 2022-04-21
Bug Fixes
- Add release script
- Cleanup migrations after the 3.13.0 bug
[4.6.7] - 2022-03-30
- Upgrade frontend to v4.6.5
[4.6.6] - 2022-03-02
Bug Fixes
- Configure user endpoint when AuthType is NONE (#1403)
[4.6.5] - 2022-02-01
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update frontend
[4.6.4] - 2022-02-01
Bug Fixes
- Rbac should pick up projectId from path if available
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.6.3
[4.6.3] - 2022-02-01
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.6.2
- Fix link to addons page
- Fix link to getting started page
- Link directly to the markdown file
- Link directly to the markdown file
- Fix markdown file name
[4.6.1] - 2022-01-31
Bug Fixes
- Set migration for feedbacK (#1315)
[4.6.0] - 2022-01-31
Bug Fixes
- Convert simple-password-provider.test.js to ts
- GoogleAnalytics for docusaurus to new format (#1306)
- Pin dependency @docusaurus/plugin-google-analytics to 2.0.0-beta.15 (#1307)
- Readme.md
- Remove test subcat from sidebar
- Welcome-email should not include password-link when disabled (#1302)
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.6.0
- Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.2.1
- Metric counters should use bigint (#1313)
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.6.1
- Remove role 'alert' from availability notice.
- Update how-to for cprs with new video element.
- Finish v1 of the video content element.
- Remove redundant video heading and commented-out content.
- Remove container query polyfill
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Make docs sidebar hover and active color same unleash grey.
[4.5.3] - 2022-04-21
Bug Fixes
- Add release script
- Cleanup migrations after the 3.13.0 bug
[4.5.2] - 2022-03-31
- Upgrade front end to 4.4.2
[4.5.1] - 2022-01-06
Bug Fixes
- Pin dependency @docusaurus/remark-plugin-npm2yarn to 2.0.0-beta.14 (#1224)
- Expose ApiUser out of Unleash
- Update dependency helmet to v5 (#1215)
- Correct format for API tokens
- Downgrade faker to 5.5.3
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.4.1
- Should not remove variants when updating feature toggle metadata (#1234)
- Update yarn.lock
- Add steps for running the proxy in node with custom strats.
- Indent code block properly.
- Highlight
option. - Fix comparison operator from
- Pluralize SDK -> SDKs
- Add
annotation to all npm commands - Remove spacing, change 'node' -> Node.js
- Minor language improvements
- Add description of
authentication type. - Add difference between
and env var option. - Add information on using env vars for startup imports.
- Change wording slightly.
- Add init api tokens option (#1181)
- Add support for cdnPrefix for static assets (#1191)
[4.4.8] - 2022-03-31
- Move frontend to v4.4.2
- Move frontend to 4.4.2
[4.4.7] - 2022-02-23
Bug Fixes
- Cleanup data from v3.13.0-bug
- Connect admin user with admin role
[4.4.6] - 2022-02-22
Bug Fixes
- Adding missing project column to roles
[4.4.5] - 2022-01-03
Bug Fixes
- Adds feature-variant-updated event. (#1189)
- Adjust feature-variant-updated event
- Update dependency knex to v0.95.15
- Fix broken link to how-to guide.
- Align code and highlight indentation.
- Realign indentation of code and comments
- Update updateUser code to reject empty emails (#1210)
- Gradual rollout: custom stickiness -> point to SDK table
- Update doc; add how-to make custom context fields.
- Add custom stickiness header.
- Add note about custom stickiness being in beta.
- Fix quickstart image not being displayed.
- Add custom stickiness section to context docs.
- Add img of legal values' effect on the UI.
- Reference the SDK compat table in stickiness docs
- Rough draft of how to create custom context fields.
- Full draft for how to create custom context fields.
- Add note to context docs re: creating and updating.
- Spilt strat constraints into ref and how-to.
- Add note about creating standard context fields.
- Update strat constraints with SDK info.
- Add link to how-to guide for strat constraints.
- Update how-to doc title for strat constraints.
- Update availability notes for custom context fields.
- Adjust heading levels, add ideas.
- Separate reference and how-to
- Add note about unimplemented strats.
- Semi-scaffold how-to section
- Start filling in how-to for custom strats
- Add steps for custom strats with proxy.
- Add note to proxy docs about custom strats.
- Describe using custom strats when proxy is not docker.
- Mention required params
- Update param type overview
- Update docker commands to start containers in detached mode
- Fix list numbers
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove unnecessary escape sequences.
- Format table
- Correct compatibility matrix for server SDKs
[4.4.4] - 2021-12-17
Bug Fixes
- Adds feature-variant-updated event. (#1189)
- Adjust feature-variant-updated event
[4.4.1] - 2021-12-15
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.4.0
- Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.1.2
- Add discussion topic on a/b testing
- First draft of a/b testing discussion
- Rename A/B testing file
- Rename 'discussion' -> 'concepts'
- Add a first iteration of the compatibility table.
- Flesh out descriptions
- Add links to concepts in table.
- Add slack link to text
- Add .net gradual rollout custom stickiness
- Center icons in table
- Link to sdks in table headers, use human strat names.
- Rename 'concepts' -> 'topics'
- Delete env strat constraint image, rewrite paragraph.
- Update strategy constraints documentation.
- Update variants screenshot
- Update archive page.
- Update audit log chapter.
- Update API access document.
- Update environments section.
- Update project images.
- Update text (and add alt text) in projects document.
- Update control-rollout document.
- Update the custom strategy documentation.
- Update tech debt section.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Format compat table.
- Unhyphenate kebab-menu -> kebab menu
- Lowercase
[4.4.0] - 2021-12-10
Bug Fixes
- Remove unused dep
- Remove lastUpdate from fieldToRow
- Rename last_update to updated_at
- Add timestamp on project creation for update_at column
- Bump unleash-frontend to v4.3.0
- Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.1.1
- Open validate endpoint (#1162)
- Updated API docs to reflect v4.3
- Update frontend
- Rename metrics-service to client-instance service
- Move toggle-counters to metrics service
- Lint
- Rename services
- Drop client_metrics table
- Uintroduce call to update last_seen on client-instance
- Adjust variant outline; add rough ideas.
- Explain what the proxy configuration variables are.
- JS proxy client: explain client keys
- Android SDK: reformat and add more details on client secrets
- React proxy sdk: explain clientKey and other config vars.
- IOS proxy: add info about client keys and environments.
- Start documenting variant properties and weights
- Finish variant weight reference documentation
- Document variant payloads.
- Add some first info on overrides.
- Stickiness, disabled variant.
- Conflicting overrides; rm usage
- Clarify weight distribution
- Remove old metrics service
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.4.0
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Require json-schema 0.4.0 or higher
- Fix syntax highlighting for a json code snippet.
- (docs) keep list styling (internally) consistent
[4.3.4] - 2022-04-21
Bug Fixes
- Add release script
- Cleanup migrations after the 3.13.0 bug
[4.3.3] - 2022-03-31
Bug Fixes
- Updated API docs to reflect v4.3
- Move front end to 4.3.2
[4.3.2] - 2021-12-06
Bug Fixes
- Remove unused dep
- Remove lastUpdate from fieldToRow
- Rename last_update to updated_at
- Add timestamp on project creation for update_at column
- Bump unleash-frontend to v4.3.0
- Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.1.1
- Open validate endpoint (#1162)
- Updated API docs to reflect v4.3
- Update frontend
- Explain what the proxy configuration variables are.
- JS proxy client: explain client keys
- Android SDK: reformat and add more details on client secrets
- React proxy sdk: explain clientKey and other config vars.
- IOS proxy: add info about client keys and environments.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Require json-schema 0.4.0 or higher
- Fix syntax highlighting for a json code snippet.
- (docs) keep list styling (internally) consistent
[4.3.1] - 2021-12-03
Bug Fixes
- Bump unleash-frontend to v4.3.0
[4.3.0] - 2021-12-03
Bug Fixes
- Add migration
- Styling
- Remove record splash and update sql query in add-splash-entry
- Update sql query in add-splash-entry
- Update e2e test for splash
- Remove req.body from the splash object when update
- Add cascade query inside create table for splash
- Return be object instead of array
- Update dependency db-migrate to v0.11.13
- Image inclusion and alt text syntax was wrong.
- Make new variant api validate name uniqueness (#1126)
- Stop healthrating from including archived (#1128)
- Metrics v2 should await for the clearer (#1114)
- Require json-schema v0.4.0 or later (#1135)
- Correct version number for unleash-frontend
- Cleanup old user permissions (#1150)
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.3.0-beta.1
- Always require permission for POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE (#1152)
- Update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6 (#1136)
- Update feature-toggles-api.md (#1105)
- Add a tip about docker names having to be unique.
- Add docs for Jira server plugin
- Mark Jira Cloud plugin as not recommended
- Added screenshot successful install
- Improve readability of jira server installation plugin slightly
- Remove jira cloud plugin docs for now (#1118)
- Add initial (untested) steps on how to run the proxy locally.
- Fix up docker commands to have consistent formatting.
- Add always pull to docker commands
- Add always pull to getting started
- First pass at updating the feature toggle types entry.
- Fix internal links.
- Link to feature-flag-types from important concepts.
- Touch up the section on deprecating feature toggles.
- Add initial outline id for custom stickiness.
- Add basic info to stickiness.
- Update reference to gradual rollout (was 'flexible rollout')
- Add stickiness document to advanced section.
- Remove link to old activation strategies document.
- Delete old activation strategies file.
- Delete old unleash-context doc.
- Add image for custom stickiness.
- Update stickiness docs.
- Fix a typo in activation strategies: use -> user
- Fix links to old versions of pages; link to new versions.
- Remove link to non-existing page about sdk capabilities.
- Use internal links for linking to other doc pages.
- Add note about Unleash using MurmurHash for stickiness.
- Clarify that health rating is only updated once an hour.
- Add environments post to side bar.
- Remove references to environments being a beta feature.
- Typo; change "metics" -> "metrics"
- Add section on (potentially) stale toggles to tech debt
- Describe the shape of the data returned by the Unleash proxy
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Upped postgres version for Heroku. (#1112)
- Update frontend
- Update frontend
- Require json-schema 0.4.0 or higher
- Add a workflow that validates docs for PRs (#1123)
- Add link to FCC video (#1127)
- Ban changes to variants through feature (#1130)
- Sort variants by name (#1132)
[4.2.4] - 2022-04-21
Bug Fixes
- Add release script
- Cleanup migrations after the 3.13.0 bug
[4.2.3] - 2021-11-12
Bug Fixes
- Update dependency knex to v0.95.14
- Prevent deadlock for batchinserting usage metrics (#1100)
- Refactor client-metrics list and ttl-list to TypeScript (#1080)
- Upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.2.13
- Clarify that the proxy does not expose disabled flags (#1094)
- Add syntax highlighting to react-sdk
- Polish text on environments.
- Simplify language + pre-configure -> preconfigure
- Add paragraph to intro: things will still work (default env)
- Add notes about users having to add strats to enable envs.
- Updated maven coordinates for java sdk
- Clean up events (#1089)
[4.2.2] - 2021-11-04
Bug Fixes
- Convert iso-strings from db to date object
[4.2.1] - 2021-11-04
Bug Fixes
- Be explicit when specifying time & replace moment with date-fns (#1072)
- Update docusaurus monorepo to v2.0.0-beta.9 (#1081)
- Update mime library method signature to 2.X (#1078)
- Update dependency knex to v0.95.13
- Update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.2.12
- Disable projects (#1085)
- ix: add default sort order for built in envs (#1076)
- chore: mute expected test errors
- feat: Disable password based login (#1046)
- chore: remove console.error for tests expecting error
- fix: lint
- fix: legacy feature stale on/off needs to return full toggle
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to v4.2.11
- fix: add endpoint for fetching a single user (#1074)
- fix: reuse message formatter for addons (#1058)
- fix(deps): update dependency knex to v0.95.12
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.6
- fix: demo-auth should use /auth path
- chore(deps): update metcalfc/changelog-generator action to v2 (#1062)
- fix: use date-fns for date/time maths instead of (wrong) Date#setHours (#1070)
- chore: pool min 1, max 4 DB connections & limit Jest workers to 4 (#1069)
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.5
- docs: minor typo
- chore: add video to environments
- fix: rename websitev2 to website
- fix: Environments documentation
- fix: place dollar sign before amount (#1066)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.2.0
- fix: removing a strategy from a toggle should only require UPDATE_FEATURE permission
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.4
- Chore: rework docker-postgres.sh to be cross-platform (#1037)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.1.0
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/js-yaml to v4.0.4
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v10.4.0
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.2.10
- Update feature-toggle-types.md
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.2.9
- fix: Only trigger environment enabled/disabled events if different f… (#1053)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8 (#1012)
- fix: simplify how we update projects
- fix: Remove duplicate FEATURE_METADATA_UPDATED from events list for webhook addon (#1052)
- fix: only send FEATURE_UPDATED for legacy (#1054)
- fix(deps): update docusaurus monorepo to v2.0.0-beta.8 (#1057)
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v10.3.1
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.2.8
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5 (#1018)
- fix: add constraint for changing project. (#1049)
- fix: only add project environments if enabled (#1050)
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v7.0.4
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.2.7
- fix: Create a apiuser for demo auth. (#1045)
- add try-catch to demo auth middleware (#1044)
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.3.1
- fix: make hasPermission call handle api tokens (#1041)
- Fix/feature strategies needs project update (#1040)
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.3.0
- chore(deps): update node.js to v14.18.1
- chore(node-version): move node spec to .node-version (#1034)
- docs: add reference to developer-guide (#1035)
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v27.0.7
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/faker to v5.5.9
- fix: event-log
- Update developer-guide.md
- fix(deps): update docusaurus monorepo to v2.0.0-beta.7
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.2.6
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v27.0.6
- fix: bump unleash-forntend to 4.2.5
- fix: update context field does not await the response (#1027)
- fix(deps): update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.2.4
- fix: add support for experimental flags (#1025)
- fix: feature_strategies paramter column should not be null (#1024)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.25.2
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.4.4
- docs: typo fix (#1021)
- docs: grammatical error (#1022)
- fix: create admin users if enabled and zero users already
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.2.3
- chore(deps): update metcalfc/changelog-generator action to v1.0.1
- Make Appinstance registration include environment (#1014)
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v10.3.0
- Update node.md (#1016)
- Docs: Update python.md (#1015)
- Trigger STALE events when patching stale field
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.3
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.2
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.1
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.2.5
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-airbnb-typescript to v14.0.1
- feat/metricsV2 (#1005)
- feat: clone feature toggle API (#1006)
- feat: add new more specific feature/environment events to addons (#994)
- fix: modify actions for PRs
- fix: custom test-script for yart coverage reporter action
- fix: custom test-script for yart coverage reporter action
- fix: adjust test-script for jest-coverage action
- chore: add jest coverage action for pr builds (#997)
- fix: add sort order to environments (#1004)
- task: Disables feature_environments without strategies (#1003)
- docs: Mention php sdk as supporting variants (#1001)
- docs: Update php documentation to include context provider (#1000)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.33.0
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.0
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v4 (#980)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.32.0 (#983)
- fix(deps): update dependency prom-client to v14 (#987)
- chore(deps): update dependency glob-parent to v6 (#981)
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v2 (#977)
- chore(deps): update dependency tsc-watch to v4.5.0 (#975)
- fix(deps): update dependency unleash-frontend to v4.2.0 (#976)
- fix: allow renovate-bot to autmerge minor and patch
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v10.2.1 (#973)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.4.1 (#974)
- chore(deps): update dependency supertest to v6.1.6 (#969)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.31.2 (#972)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.4.3 (#971)
- chore: security resolutions
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.24.2 (#960)
- fix(deps): update docusaurus monorepo to v2.0.0-beta.6 (#968)
- fix(deps): update dependency knex to v0.95.11 (#967)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v3.4.1 (#961)
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v7.0.2 (#965)
- chore(deps): update dependency source-map-support to v0.5.20 (#966)
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.2.2 (#962)
- chore(deps): update dependency trim to v1 (#963)
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v27.0.5 (#964)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v27.0.2 (#958)
- fix(deps): pin dependencies (#957)
- chore: Add renovate.json (#956)
- docs: minor adjustments.
- fix: environments should have type
- feat: rename :global: env to "default" (#947)
- Fixed the react link appearance
- fix: Enforce non-nullability of environment type (#950)
- Add UPDATE and DELETE TAG_TYPE permissions (#951)
- fix: don't include archived feature strategies (#955)
- removed the --save from npm command
- removed the --save flag
- docs: Readme update dashboard screenshot (#953)
- docs: remove the conflict between docker steps and docker-compose (#952)
- chore(deps): bump prismjs from 1.24.1 to 1.25.0 in /websitev2 (#946)
- chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (#949)
- fix: correct test verifications
- fix: Added displayName to feature environments
- Add type to environments
- Merge pull request #948 from Unleash/documentation-update
- update the advanced part
- update the docs with the new screenshots
- chore: set transitive resolutions
- fix: upgrade connect-session-knex to version 2.1.0
- added tests and exports for 3.17, 4.0 and 4.1 (#944)
- feat: add project and environment columns to events (#942)
- Respect sort order when displaying strategies (#943)
- Feat/api key scoping (#941)
- fix: lint error
- fix: convert schemas to typescript
- fix: convert more tests to typescript
- fix: convert api-def.js to typescript
- fix: convert xtract-user.js to typescript
- fix: convert event-hook.test.js to typescript
- fix: convert files to typescript
- fix: convert feature-schema.test.js to typescript
- feat: Move environments to enterprise (#935)
- fix: correct failing feature toggle test
- fix: Cleanup new features API with env support (#929)
- fix: Added indices and primary key to feature_tag (#936)
- fix: failing test
- fix: add resetDb to migrator
- Set default SMTP port to 587 instead of 567
- docs: add react-sdk to proxy docs.
- Update README.md
- chore: update frontend
- fix: fine tune db-config based on experience
- chore: trigger docs generation
- fix: set DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH for docusaurus
- fix: upgrade docusaurus to 2.0.0-beta.5
- fix: addon-service should only trigger enabled addons
- fix: improve performance for fetching active api tokens
- Fix/sso docs (#931)
- chore(deps): bump tar from 6.1.7 to 6.1.11 (#930)
- chore: update frontend
- fix: set correct projects count in metrics
- docs: Added mikefrancis/laravel-unleash (#927)
- chore: update frontend
- fix: make sure exising projects get :global: env automatically
- docs: cleanup unleash-hosted refereces
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.1.0-beta.10
- fix: correct data format for FEATURE_CREATED event
- chore: update frontend
- chore: update frontend
- fix: oas docs on root
- Revert "fix: oas being overriden"
- fix: oas being overriden
- fix: only add strategies to addon texts when available
- fix: add user and project counters
- fix: import schema needs to understand :global: env
- fix: import should not drop built-in strategies
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.1.0-beta.7
- Update index.md
- Update feature-toggles-archive-api.md
- Update configuring-unleash.md
- chore: update yarn.lock
- Fix/feature events (#924)
- fix: getFeatureToggleAdmin should include project
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.1.0-beta.5
- chore: update unleash-frontend
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Fix/switch project endpoint (#923)
- fix: only update name if not undefined
- feat: sync fields when logging in via SSO (#916)
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to 4.1.0-beta.3,
- fix: add php syntax highlighting to docs (#921)
- fix: add properties to legacy endpoints (#919)
- docs: Add official php documentation (#920)
- fix: add member and toggle count to project list (#918)
- Fix the custom activation strategy example (#913)
- chore: update yarn.lock
- Fix typo in sample (#917)
- Fix Common Grammar Error in ReadMe (#914)
- WIP: Feat/quickstart oss (#912)
- fix: adjust logo in emails
- Revert "fix: uri encode smtp connection string (#901)"
- fix: Clean up exported types even more
- fix: exported types x2
- fix: export types from main entry
- fix: upgrade unleash-fronendt to 4.1.0.beta.2
- docs: Update Unleash Proxy docker pull instructions (#911)
- feat: Adds sendEmail flag to body of create user request (#894)
- fix: Controller wraps handler with try/catch (#909)
- fix: upgrade husky to 7.0.1
- Revert "fix: upgrade js-yaml to 4.1.0"
- fix: upgrade js-yaml to 4.1.0
- fix: bump eslint-plugin-import to 2.24.0
- chore: remove resolution
- fix: update supertest to version 6.1.5
- fix: bump @types
- fix: update ts-node to 10.2.0
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to v4.0.10
- fix: uri encode smtp connection string (#901)
- fix: Stores as typescript and with interfaces. (#902)
- fix: add node v16 as build target
- docs: update footer
- docs: update link to unleash-proxy-client-js
- doc: add import query params in doc (#673) (#903)
- fix: yarn.lock resolution for website docs
- fix: update yarn.lock file
- fix: failing tests
- fix: clean dist folder on build
- chore: document password requirements
- doc: Remove link to laravel php sdk
- fix: only import feature_tags for imported features
- Use absolute url to api-token doc
- fix: Use 4.0.9 of frontend
- Fix typo (#899)
- fix: Update node.md (#896)
- fix: remove public.pem (unused)
- fix: logout-controller should support logoutUrl override (#881)
- fix: Remove trailing backslash (#892)
- fix link to proxy-javascript (#889)
- fix curl health call (#888)
- fix: always add global environment to new projects
- fix: return empty array if no features are found for project
- doc: Add rikudou/unleash-sdk to community clients (#885)
- feat: Wip/environments (#880)
- Fixed typo (#884)
- Fix contextProvider not being in code block (#883)
- Fix link to unleash-client-go (#876)
- fix: digital ocean specs
- fix: deploy.template.yaml to follow specs
- fix: digitalocean deploy template
- fix: Added cascade to user_feedback foreign key
- fix: refactor code
- fix: add option for graceful shutdown (#872)
- docs: Added api key for algolia
- fix: Do gracefull shutdown of Unleash on 'SIGINT' & 'SIGTERM' (#870)
- docs: improve introduction section
- docs: improve introduction section
- docs: fix wrong grafana query
- chore: update readme
- docs: fix typo and remember to note that the slack addon needs Unleash URL
- chore(deps): bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /websitev2 (#869)
- doc: redirects for external links
- fix: userFeedback should not be allowed to throw
- fix: make sure routes/user handles api calls
- feat: pnps feedback (#862)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to v4.0.4
- chore: docs updates
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.1
- fix: projects needs at least one owner
- fix: create config should allow all options params
- fix: a lot of minor docs improvements
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0
- fix: add migration (#847)
- fix: Refactor/update email (#848)
- chore(deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 in /website (#843)
- Add explanation of how to run multiple instances of Unleash to the Getting Started doc (#845
- fix: Upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-beta.5
- fix: Update docs to prepare for version 4
- fix: upgrade to unleash-frontend 4.0.0-beta.4
- fix: versionInfo as part of ui-config
- fix: misunderstanding node URL api
- fix: demo auth type should support api token
- upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-beta.3
- fix: convert to typescript
- fix: report email as not sent to fe if it throws (#844)
- chore: update changelog
- fix: reset-token-service should use unleashUrl
- chore: expose an endpoint to really delete a toggle (#808)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-beta.2
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-beta.0
- fix: rbac now checks permission for both projects (#838)
- fix: an hour is 3600000 seconds not 60000 seconds
- fix: readd support for DATABASE_URL_FILE
- fix: reload of admin/api page yields 404
- feat: global events requires admin role
- fix: remove toast info from bootstrap controller (#834)
- feat: add migration (#832)
- fix: set name type to be min 1 character (#833)
- fix: bum unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-alpha.14
- fix: /api/admin/user should not allow caching
- fix: match bootstrap uiConfig with expected data format (#830)
- feat: Datadog integration (#820)
- fix: regular users are not API users
- Feat: format base path (#828)
- fix: more types
- fix: move permission to types
- fix: bump unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-alpha.12
- fix: catch all route only for baseUriPath (#825)
- Feat/serve frontend with baseuri (#824)
- fix: define root role by setting the name of the role (#823)
- feat: automatically add all existing users as owners to all existing … (#818)
- fix: project store was wrongly typing its id field as number (#822)
- feat: Teams addon for messaging on Microsoft teams (#814)
- feat: add user create/update/delete events (#807)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 4.0.0-alpha.11
- fix: Authentication required options is optional
- fix: default custom auth hook now denies all requests to api endpoints (#811)
- fix: deletes sessions for user when user is removed (#810)
- fix: import statements for type/events
- fix: refactor event types
- fix: move AuthenticationRequired to types
- fix: migrate only users without any role
- fix: migration to create root roles for users with permissions (#816)
- fix: set default DATABASE_SSL to not rejectUnauthorized (#817)
- fix: handle password being undefined when validating (#809)
- fix: active sessions are now destroyed if auth/reset and auth/validate endpoints are used (#806)
- fix: send email on process.nextTick (#805)
- fix: add hosted auth option
- fix: fix test data
- fix: correct test data
- fix: migration should call cb on down
- fix: change default admin password
- fix: add types for node-fetch
- chore: update frontend
- feat: add option for LOG_LEVEL (#803)
- fix: make users emails case-insensitive (#804)
- fix: update unleash-frontend
- fix: emailservice now just returns if email was configured
- fix: simplify isConfigured check
- fix: loading of emailtemplates
- fix: should allow revive toggles
- fix: hasPermission should not throw
- fix: Added enterpriseVersion to root of IUnleashConfig/IUnleashOptions
- feat: add new user email (#793)
- fix: User should require a ID field set (#799)
- fix: introduce settingService
- fix: migration rollback use DROP for column
- fix: skipLocked when updating lastSeen for toggles
- feat: Add change-password endpoint to user-controller (#800)
- fix: convert AUTH_TYPE to uppercase (#797)
- Fix: strategies sort order (#798)
- fix: only ADMIN can list all users
- fix: enable demo-authentication (#796)
- fix: default db SSL to undefined
- fix: use db config with schema for db-migrate
- feat: options need types (#794)
- feat: add ui-bootstrap endpoint (#790)
- feat: add ui-bootstrap endpoint (#790)
- feat: expose user permissions (#791)
- feat: Reset token (#786)
- fix: rename rbac roles. (#788)
- fix: remove unused import
- fix: fully remove enableLegacyRoutes option
- fix: failing tests
- fix: expose auth-type in ui-config
- feat: Email service (#757)
- feat: unleash v4 will require node 14 or higher (#784)
- feat: Add username/password authentication (#777)
- fix: should only do checkRbac if it exists
- fix: docs transitive dependencies
- chore: typos in migration-guide
- fix: remove enableLegacyRoutes option from v2
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to latest alpha
- fix: migrate all permissions to rbac (#782)
- fix: add default empty array to strategies from db (#781)
- feat: added basic email-service (#780)
- fix: Clear-Site-Data header needs to be double quoted
- chore: upgrade frontend 4.0.0-alpha.1
- chore(deps): bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (#775)
- Feat: Api-Tokens (#774)
- fix: skipLocked when updating lastSeen for toggles (second attempt)
- fix: skipLocked when updating lastSeen for toggles
- fix: version-checker must have instanceId
- fix: ensure createdBy is not empty
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.14.1
- fix: make sure CREATE_APPLICATION events are only sent once per application
- fix: make sure applying unique constraint on client_instances works
- fix: initial event.tags should be array type
- fix: always set instanceId in ui-config
- fix: upgrade docusaurus
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.14.0
- Add import/export for tags and projects (#754)
- feat: Default roles and RBAC permission checker. (#735) (experimental)
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.14.0
- fix: make sure applying unique constraint on client_instances works
- fix: projectId must follow nameType in query
- fix: publish events about unannounced applications
- fix: messages to slack for archived toggles (#750)
- fix: makes event-store emit id and createdAt (#746)
- fix: don't use hardcoded timestamps as default values (#745)
- feat/return feature on create (#742)
- fix: incorrect sql syntax in migration.
- feat: add support for bulk operations on client apps/instance registr<80> (#744)
- fix: add unit test for addon-retry
- fix: add strategy constraints
Began work on a technical debt dashboard on the frontend. The first iteration of this dashboard is included in this release.
- fix: not crash if addon http post throws (#738)
- fix: update unleash-frontend dependency (#736)
- fix: project id should be validated correctly on create
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.13.1
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.13.0
- feat: make client features endpoint memoizable (#734)
- feat: Add instance id to ui-config endpoint
- fix: make sure test-data is urlsafe
- feat: check latest version
- feat: expose current and latest version to ui-config
- feat: Use express-session backed by postgres
- feat: update unleash-frontend to version 3.12.0
- feat: Handle database connection errors with 500 (#725)
- feat: Introduce specific "feature stale" events (#727)
- fix: generate uuid in js migration instead of from db
- fix: Don't check version when starting up in dev mode
- fix: TypeScript should be a dev dependency (#730)
- fix: make sure static site includes CNAME
- fix: gh-720 Use express path templates for prometheus metrics (#724)
- feat: setup typescript
- fix: refactor context to use service pattern
- feat: allow stickiness on context-fields
- fix: add middleware verifying content type
- chore: Remove git add from husky
- fix: update unleash-frontend to version 3.11.4
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.11.3
- feat: Add support for filtering toggles on tags, projects or namePrefix (#690)
- feat: Introduce addon framework
- feat: Added tags to events table and emitted events
- fix: upgrade prom-client from 12.0.0 to 13.1.0
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.11.2
- fix: Add a test for validation of empty params
- fix: add docs for addons
- fix: Add validation of required parameters
- fix: add unleashUrl option
- fix: Addons should support sensitive params
- fix: should wait for seen apps
- fix: typo in message in simple-authentication.js (#707)
- fix: even-store should not block on emit
- fix: Added the ability to specify db-schema via ENV (#702)
- fix: Strategy schema should allow deprecated field (#700)
- docs: update getting started guide with docker options (#697)
- fix typo in /api/client/features docs (#694)
- fix: website: require immer 8.0.1 or higher
- fix: Add support for configuring database pool size (#705)
- feat: Set default min dbpool size to 0
- feat: Set default max dbpool size to 4
- fix: remove fields from /api/client/features respnse (#692)
- feat: add tags (#655)
- feat: add tag-types (#655)
- feat: Added servicelayer (#685)
- feat: Allow deprecation of strategies (#682)
- feat: add lastSeenAt for feature toggles
- fix: upgrade knex to 0.21.15
- fix: Updated docs about event-types (#684)
- fix: Add application-created event (#595)
- fix: stateService undefined
- fix: this.timer merge conflict
- feat: add stop() method to gracefully terminate unleash (#665)
- feat: First draft of admin Open API specification (OAS) (#652)
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.8.2
- fix: OpenApi - Added Client API calls (#667)
- fix: run build also for external PRs
- fix: eslint ignorePatterns for OAS
- fix: typo in OAS servers
- fix: add support for basic auth with simple-auth (#659)
- fix: remove unused github action
- fix: add heroku server to openapi servers
- fix: add import options as part of environment variables
- fix: bump dev-deps for security
- fix: Replace travis with GitHub Actions
- fix: disable david-dm
- feat: Add support for explicitly set database version. (#654)
- feat: stateServices only exposed via services object
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to 3.7.0
- feat: Add technical support for projects
- chore(docs): Fix url typo in docs
- chore(docs): Fix url typo
- chore(docs): Add clojure client to doc (#649)
- chore(docs): Add clojure client to doc (#648)
- chore(docs): Add clojure client library reference (#647)
- fix: upgrade to unleash-frontend 3.5.6
- fix: Allow spaces/special chars in application names
- chore(docs): update sidebar
- feat: Allow migration style import (#645)
- fix: Variants missing from client API docs
- fix: constriants must have at least one value defined
- fix(docs): wrong id for feature-types
- fix: do not allow empty ('') constrain values.
- chore(deps): bump dot-prop from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 in /website (#644)
- fix: clarify PostgreSQL version support
- fix: update list of SDKs supporting variants
- fix: add docs for disabled variant
- fix: Add api documentation for strategy constraints.
- fix: join link to slack in help section
- chore: fix typo in docs
- fix: update unleash-frontend to version 3.6.4
- fix: upgradde unleash-frontend to version 3.6.3
- fix: context legalValues should be at max 100 chars
- fix: enable trust-proxy
- fix: upgrade cookie-session library
- fix: default maxAge for session set to two days
- fix: add TTL to sessions
- fix: use validated and stripped data when updating
- fix: should use stripped update data for featureToggle
- fix: set clear-site-data on logout
- fix: use secure proxy to session cookie
- fix: add secureHeaders option for HSTS
- fix: stickness parmeters for stickiness is camelCase (doc)
- feat: Remove applications (#635)
- feat: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.6.2. Notable changes:
- feat: add search for applications
- feat: Should be possible to remove applications
- fix: make sure application is updated on edit
- fix: list parameters should be trimmed
- fix: show notification when app updates
- fix: show notification when app updates
- feat: upgrade knex to version 0.21.5
- fix: Name conflict should return 409
- fix: improve import/export documentation
- fix: update helmet config
- fix: Heroku Postgres add-on version change (#631)
- fix: Add option via env for ADMIN_AUTHENTICATION
- fix: upgrade yargs to version 16.0.3
- fix: helmet wap csp in quotes
- fix: lax helmet csp config for styles.
- fix: add optional helmet security headers
- fix: The links for Kotlin and PHP clients got mixed up (#623)
- fix: upgrade to unleash-frontend v3.5.1
- feat: add stale property on toggle (#619)
- fix: upgrade joi to version 17.2.0
- feat: Add support for toggle types (#618)
- feat: added time-ago to toggle-list
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.4.0
- fix: version should be part of ui-config (#616)
- feat: add weightType as legal property on variant schema (#614)
- Update getting-started.md (#617)
- Update @types/node to the latest version 🚀 (#596)
- fix: upgrade js-yaml to latest
- chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /website (#611)
- fix: replace @hapi/joi with joi
- Update getting-started.md
- fix: exporting only feature toggles as yaml should not crash
- fix: add keepAliveTimeout option
- feat: Adds server.create() (#606)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to verson 3.3.5
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to verson 3.3.3
- fix: we now support node 14 :hurray
- fix: upgrade db-migrate-pg to version 1.2.2
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.3.2
- chore: add a few more community client SDKs
- fix: add user-store (#590)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to 3.3.1
- fix: license year and company
- chore: add dart sdk details
- fix: pg dependency for db-migrate as well
- fix: support node 14 by upgrading pg to 8.0.3
- fix: we are not ready for node 14
- fix: remove Procfile for Heroku
- fix: stop measure responsetime for unknown paths (#591)
- fix: expose evaluated config and permissions object
- fix: user should not crash if email is missing
- fix: Support proper SSL settings using
(#585) - fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.21
- fix: add users-table to store user details (#586)
- fix: disable ssl for local postgres in dev
- fix: use airbnb lint rules directly (#583)
- chore: reduce log-level for metrics
- feat: Update "enableLegacyRoutes" to false (#580)
- feat: require node >= 12
- feat: move secrets to settings (#577)
- fix: Update unleash-frontend to version 3.2.20 (#582)
- fix: Logout should not be xhr call (#576)
- fix: Update pg to the latest version 🚀 (#578)
- fix: upgrade eslint to verson 6.8.0
- fix: upgrade ava to version 3.7.0
- chore: update getting-started guide
- Fix: typo webpage (#579)
- fix(readme): improve heroku 1 click deploy behavior (#575)
- chore: Fix typo in gogole-auth-hook example (#572)
- fix: bump acorn from 7.0.0 to 7.1.1 (#571)
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.19
- fix: lock knex to version 0.20.10
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.18
- fix: more metrics
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.17
- fix: add settings column to postgres
- feat: api supports context fields (#564)
- fix: failing user.test on gravatar url
- fix: use gravatar-url instead of gravatar dep
- fix: upgrade lint-staged to latest
- fix: upgrade @hapi/joi to version 17.1.0
- fix: upgrade husky to version 4.2.3
- fix: remove prometheus-gc-stats dependency
- fix: Update prom-client to the latest version 🚀 (#562)
- chore: update lolex to latest version
- fix: variant weights can be up to 1000
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.15
- fix: upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.13
- fix: upgrade to @hapi/joi to version 16.1.8
- fix: Upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.2.11
- fix: update yargs to version 15.1.0
- fix: add appName as label in usage metrics
- fix: missing strategy makes the toggle-configure crash
- fix: update @types/node to latest
- fix: constraints should be part of toggle schema
- fix: Update yargs to to version 15.0.1
- fix: Update log4js to the latest version 🚀 (#524)
- fix: Add option to disable database migrations #526 (#52
- fix: update knex to version 0.20.0
- fix: Update unleash-frontend to 3.2.9
- feat: Add new Flexible Rollout Strategy (#517)
- fix: bump knex from 0.19.4 to 0.19.5 (secutiry-fix)
- fix: Update unleash-frontend to version 3.2.7
- fix: lint error
- fix: Add admin api for context-field definitions
- fix: Update lolex to the latest version 🚀 (#508)
- fix: Only use set-value 2.0.1
- chore: Added static context props in docs (#507)
- fix: Update dev-dependencies
- fix: upgrade prettier to version 1.18.2
- fix: Upgrade express to version 4.17.1
- fix: update eslint to version 6.5.1
- fix: update @passport-next/passport to version 3.0.1
- fix: remove unused dependency: commander
- chore: Add details about Larvel (php) SDK
- chore: Added unleash-client-core as official sdk (#505)
- fix: e2e tests should only set up one database per test file (#504)
- chore: Added reference to official client implementation in .Net (#503)
- fix(deps): bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 (#487)
- fix: do not destroy db on startup
- fix: remove old test-setup hacks
- fix: upgrade knex to version 0.19.4
- fix: upgrade @types/node to version 12.7.9
- fix: upgrade lint-staged to version 9.4.1
- fix: add more logging if test-db destroy fails
- fix: upgrade async to version 3.1.0
- fix: upgrade supertest to version 4.0.2
- chore: upgrade ava to version 2.4.0
- fix: remove unused depenency yallist
- fix: Bump yargs to version 14.0.0
- fix: bump husky to version 3.0.8
- chore: Updated slack invite token (#501)
- fix: Upgrade log4js to version 5.1.0
- chore: increase test-logging
- chore: see if travis is hapy with serial tests
- Revert "fix: build on node 10 and 12"
- fix: build on node 10 and 12
- fix: bump pg to 7.12.1
- fix: only build with node v10 for now
- fix: build on node 10 and 12
- Fix asset paths (#486)
- chore: fix broken links
- chore: Add Elixir Unleash Library to README (#480)
- fix: update keycloak example (#478)
- fix(package): update commander to version 3.0.0
- feat: add db query latency metrics
- fix: fix: update knex to version 0.19.1
- fix: remove unused dependency install
- fix: Upgrade lint-staged to version 9.2.1
- fix: Upgrade husky to version 3.0.1
- fix: upgrade eslint to version 6.1.0
- fix: Update unleash-frontend to version 3.2.6
- fix: upgrade ava to 2.2.0
- fix: Update @passport-next/passport to the latest version rocket (#469)
- chore: Add guide for how to use eventHook to send updates to Slack
- fix: Unleash bin should allow databaseUrl to be defined in env.
- feat: add option and functionality that allows a user to hook into feature mutations (#457)
- chore: add budgets as a company using unleash (#456)
- fix: Add DATABASE_URL_FILE for loading a db url from a file (#455)
- fix: Upgrade knex to version 0.17.5
- chore: Update db-migrate-pg to version 1.0.0
- fix: none authentication should have a mock user (#449)
- fix: Update commander to version 2.20.0
- chore: Update docusaurus to version 1.11.0
- chore: Update ava to version 2.0.0
- chore: Update async to the latest version
- feat: Separate DATABASEURL to multiple DATABASE* variable (#437)
- fix: Strategies should not be required for updateding application details
- feat: boolean strategy paramters
- fix: should be more allow about empty metrics
- fix: Bump unleash-frontend to 3.2.4
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 12.0.0
- fix: LogProvider as option injected to unleash.
- fix: Session cookie should set path to baseUriPath
- Fix: Add support for IPC connections.
- fix(package): update mime to version 2.4.1
- chore(package): update nyc to version 14.0.0
- chore(package): update lockfile yarn.lock
- chore(package): update lolex to version 4.0.1
- chore(package): update lockfile yarn.lock
- chore(package): update husky to version 2.0.0
- chore(package): update lockfile yarn.lock
- chore(package): update superagent to version 5.0.2
- fix: Bump unleash-frontend to version 3.2.3
- fix: Minor logout cleanup
- feat: Added import & export through stateService (#395)
- feat: Customizable ui via ui-config
- fix: Metrics poller should start even if inital fetch fails.
- fix: SimpleAuthentication should work with custom basePaths
- fix: Add explicit endpoints for toggle on/off
- fix: Application list should be alphabetically sorted
- fix: Bump unleash-frontend to version 3.2.1
- fix: Variants should be allowed to be 'null'
- feat: Add beta support for toggle variants
- fix: Critical bugfix 'databaseSchema' not defaulting to 'public'
- fix: Database migrator does use the databaseSchema option.
- feat(permission): Implement beta support for permissions.
- chore(package): Upgrade a lot of dependencies
- chore(package): Upgrade ava to version 1.0.1
- chore(modernize): Clean up internal structure
- chore(modernize): Use joi for all validations
- chore(package): Upgrade moment to version 2.23.0
- chore(package): Upgrade deep-diff to version 1.0.2
- chore(package): Upgrade prom-client to version 11.2.0
- chore(package): Upgrade joi to version 14.3.0
- chore(package): Upgrade pg to version 7.7.1
- chore(package): Upgrade various dev-dependecies
- fix(metrics): Add prometheus compatible feature metrics endpoint
- fix(clientApi): Add namePrefix paramter to /api/client/features
- fix(gzip): Add gzip support
- fix(package): update unleash-frontend to version 3.1.3
- fix(package): update unleash-frontend to version 3.1.1
- fix(log4js): Upgrade log4js to version 3.0.3 and fix default log configuration
- fix(package): update log4js to version 3.0.2
- fix(package): update knex to version 0.15.2
- fix(package): update yargs to version 12.0.1
- chore(readme): Update documentation
- fix(package): update install to version 0.12.0
- fix(revive): Include user information on revive
- chore(package): update eslint to version 5.0.0
- chore(package): update nyc to version 12.0.1
- feat(metrics): Expose toggle updates to prometheus
- chore(package.json): Bump serve-favicon to 2.5.0
- chore(package.json): Bump joi to 13.0.3
- chore(package.json): bump express
- chore(package.json): Bump log4js to 2.6.0
- chore(package.json): Bump moment to 2.22.1
- chore(package.json): Bump @types/node to 10.0.8
- chore(package.json): Bump pg to 7.4.3
- chore(package.json): Bump knex to 0.14.6
- chore(package.json): Bump commander to 2.15.1
- feat(bind): Added option to bind to specific http address
- fix(migration): Unleash should not start if migration fails.
- fix(package): Update unleash-frontend to version 3.0.1
- fix(package): Update db-migrate-pg to version 0.4.0
- fix(package): update prom-client to version 11.0.0
- refactor: use body-parser bundled with express
- fix(package): update express-validator to version 5.0.0
3.0.0 (10.02.2018)
- All changes in all 3.0.0 alpha-releases is included in this version
- fix(package): Upgrade unleash-frontend to version 3.0.0
- chore(package.json): Bump unleash-frontend to 3.0.0-alpha.7
- fix(store): DB should not override createdAt if set.
- Bugfix: more informative name validation errors (#292)
- [Auth] User-provider (#261)
- [Auth] Document how to secure Unleash (#234)
- [Auth] Admin UI should handle 401 (#232)
- [Auth] Client API authentication (#231)
- [Auth] Handle 403 (Forbidden) with custom auth.
- [Auth] Support sign out (#288)
- Bugfix: Should not allow creation of archived toggle #284
- Expose vresion number in /api and in user interface.
- Housekeeping: Upgrading a lot of dependencies
- Bump unleash-frontend
- Add sdkVersion in client registration
- disable edit of built-in strategies
- Strip uknown fields in client requests.
- Disable x-powered-by header
- Add posibility to inject custom logger provider
- upgrade unleash-frontend to 3.0.0-alpha.1
- moved api endpoints to /api/admin/_ and /api/client/_
- refactored all routes to use a standalone router per file
- removed v.1 legacy data support
- removed v.1 legacy /features endpoint
- added prettier and upgraded eslint
- Expose hooks in main export #223
- Bump unleash-frontend to 2.2.6
- Added strategies validation when updating feature toggle
- Allow node newer than 6 to run the app
- Bump unleash-fronted to 2.2.4
- Bugfix for db: timestamps should be with time zone.
- Bump unleash-fronted to 2.2.3
- Bugfix for migration: avoid multiple calls on same callback.
- Provide a set of pre-defined activation strategies. These will automatically be defined by the migrator as long as they don't exist already.
- applicationHostname
- gradualRolloutRandom
- gradualRolloutSessionId
- gradualRolloutUserId
- remoteAddress
- userWithId
- bump unleash-frontend which includes a lot of UI improvements and bug-fixes.
- Fix error message when trying to create a archived feature toggle.
2.0.0 (January 2017)
- Support multiple strategies. This makes it easy to use multiple activation strategies in combination.
- Client metrics. Gives details about what toggles a specific client application uses, how many times a toggle was evaluated to true / false. Everything presented in the UI.
- Client registration. This gives insight about connected clients, instances, strategies they support.
- Client Application overview. Based on metrics and client registrations.
- Database-migration done internally by Unleash, no external migration step required.
- Publish unleash-server to npm.
- Provide Prometheus endpoint for service metrics (response times, memory usage, etc).
- A lot of bug-fixes (check commit history and issues for reference)
- Unleash-frontend as a separate repo: https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-frontend. Total rewrite of UI using react + redux + material Design.
- Unleash moved to it’s own organization: https://github.com/Unleash making it more open and allow everyone to contribute.
- Unleash-docker as a separate module: https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-docker
- Unleash binary, making it easy to install and use Unleash as a service.
- Removed all config/tuning that was specific to FINN.no usage of Unleash.
If you are migrating from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 we recommend reading the migration guide
1.0.0 (January 2015)
- Initial public release