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Developer Guide


To run and develop unleash you need to have PostgreSQL databse (PostgreSQL v.9.5.x or newer) locally.

Create a local unleash databases in postgres

$ psql postgres <<SQL
CREATE USER unleash_user WITH PASSWORD 'passord';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE unleash to unleash_user;
CREATE DATABASE unleash_test;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE unleash_test to unleash_user;

Then set env vars:

(Optional as unleash will asume these as default values).

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://unleash_user:passord@localhost:5432/unleash
export TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://unleash_user:passord@localhost:5432/unleash_test

PostgreSQL with docker

If you dont want to install PostgreSQL locally you can spin up an instance with docker. We have created a script to ease this process: scripts/docker-postgres.sh


// Install dependencies
npm install

// Build unleash-frontend 
// (yes this is a bit wierd and be easier when we have a release of the frontend artifact).
// You can of course "npm link unleash-frontend" instead 
cd node_modules/unleash-frontend && npm install

// Start server in development
npm start:dev

// Admin dashboard

// Feature API:

// Execute tests in all packages:
npm test

Database changes

We use database migrations to track database changes.

Making a schema change

  1. Create migrations/sql/NNN-your-migration-name.up.sql with your change in SQL.
  2. Create migrations/sql/NNN-your-migration-name.down.sql with the rollback of your change in SQL.
  3. Run db-migrate create your-migration-name and edit the generated file to have this line: module.exports = require('../scripts/migration-runner').create('NNN-your-migration-name');
  4. Run db-migrate up.

Publishing / Releasing new packages

Please run npm run nsp nad npm run lint checks before publishing.

Run npm run publish to start the publishing process. Lerna is setup with independent versioning so you will be prompted with version per package, and lerna will update all the versions across packages.

npm run publish:dry