mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 00:18:01 +01:00
* feat: add bootstrap endpoint redux integration * fix: remove useEffect from app * feat: add path provider * feat: browser router * fix: delete path formatter * fix: return absolute path if no basepath * fix: format seenURI * feat: get bootstrap uri from html * fix: remove unused imports * fix: remove initial loading call * fix: wrap logout in formatApiPath * feat: import logo * feat: remove accessor from receiveConfig * fix: update tests * fix: update asset paths * fix: remove data from app * fix: revert moving access provider * fix: remove build watch * fix: remove console logs * fix: update asset paths * fix: remove path logic from base64 * fix: remove unused import * set uiconfig * change notification text * fix: match uiConfig with expected format * feat: add proclamation * fix: move proclamation * fix: remove unused imports * fix: add target _blank * fix: allow optional toast * fix: return empty string if default value is present * fix: set basepath to empty string if it matches default
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