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2024-02-18 14:30:56 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
# Generic #
# the direction that the language is written (ltr = left to right, rtl = right to left)
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
addPageNumbers.fontSize=Mida del tipus de lletra
addPageNumbers.fontName=Nom del tipus de lletra
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfPrompt=Selecciona PDF(s)
multiPdfPrompt=Selecciona PDFs (2+)
multiPdfDropPrompt=Selecciona (o arrossega) els documents PDF
imgPrompt=Selecciona Imatge(s)
processTimeWarning=Alerta: Aquest procés pot tardar 1 minut depenent de la mida de l'arxiu
pageOrderPrompt=Ordre de Pàgines (Llista separada per comes) :
pageSelectionPrompt=Selecció de pàgines personalitzada (Introdueix una llista separada per comes de números de pàgina, 1,5,6 o funcions com 2n+1):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
saveToBrowser=Desa al navegador
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
filesSelected=fitxers seleccionats
noFavourites=No s'ha afegit cap favorit
downloadComplete=Descarrega completa
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
bored=Avorrit esperant?
downloadPdf=Descarregueu PDF
font=Tipus de lletra
selectFillter=-- Selecciona --
pageNum=Número de pàgina
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
error.pdfPassword=El PDF està protegit o bé el password és incorrecte
WorkInProgess=En desenvolupament, pot no funcionar o contenir errors. Si us plau, informa de qualsevol problema!
poweredBy=Impulsat per
2024-01-28 18:37:02 +01:00
changedCredsMessage=Credencials canviades!
notAuthenticatedMessage=Usuari no autenticat.
userNotFoundMessage=Usuari no trobat.
incorrectPasswordMessage=La contrasenya actual és incorrecta.
usernameExistsMessage=El nou nom dusuari ja existeix.
invalidUsernameMessage=Nom dusuari no vàlid, només pot contenir lletres, números i els següents caràcters especials @._+- o ha de ser una adreça de correu electrònic vàlida.
invalidPasswordMessage=La contrasenya no pot estar buida ni tenir espais al principi o al final.
confirmPasswordErrorMessage=La contrasenya no pot estar buida ni tenir espais al principi o al final.
deleteCurrentUserMessage=No es pot eliminar lusuari actualment connectat.
deleteUsernameExistsMessage=El nom dusuari no existeix i no es pot eliminar.
downgradeCurrentUserMessage=No es pot reduir la funció de l'usuari actual
disabledCurrentUserMessage=Lusuari actual no pot ser deshabilitat
downgradeCurrentUserLongMessage=No es pot baixar la funció de l'usuari actual. Per tant, no es mostrarà l'usuari actual.
userAlreadyExistsOAuthMessage=Lusuari ja existeix com a usuari OAuth2.
userAlreadyExistsWebMessage=Lusuari ja existeix com a usuari web.
goHomepage=Vés a la pàgina principal
joinDiscord=Uneix-te al nostre servidor de Discord
seeDockerHub=Veure Docker Hub
visitGithub=Visita el repositori de GitHub
donate=Fes una donació
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
addToDoc=Afegeix al document
legal.privacy=Política de Privacitat
legal.terms=Termes i condicions
legal.cookie=Política de galetes
legal.impressum=Avís Legal
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-01-01 15:19:22 +01:00
# Pipeline #
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pipeline.header=Menú de Processos (Beta)
pipeline.uploadButton=Càrrega personalitzada
pipeline.submitButton=Envia-ho de Processos
pipeline.scanHelp=Ajuda per a lEscaneig de Carpetes
pipeline.deletePrompt=Estàs segur que vols eliminar els processos?
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-01-01 15:19:22 +01:00
# Pipeline Options #
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pipelineOptions.header=Configuració del Procés
pipelineOptions.pipelineNameLabel=Nom del Procés
pipelineOptions.saveSettings=Desa la configuració de l'operació
pipelineOptions.pipelineNamePrompt=Introdueix el nom del procés aquí
pipelineOptions.selectOperation=Selecciona Operació
pipelineOptions.addOperationButton=Afegeix operació
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
enterpriseEdition.button=Actualitza a Pro
enterpriseEdition.warning=Aquesta funció només està disponible per a usuaris Pro.
enterpriseEdition.yamlAdvert=Stirling PDF Pro admet fitxers de configuració YAML i altres funcions d'SSO.
enterpriseEdition.ssoAdvert=Busques més funcions de gestió d'usuaris? Consulta Stirling PDF Pro
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
# Analytics #
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
analytics.title=Vols ajudar a millorar Stirling PDF?
analytics.paragraph1=Stirling PDF té analítiques opcionals per ajudar-nos a millorar el producte. No recopilem cap informació personal ni el contingut dels fitxers.
analytics.paragraph2=Si us plau, considera habilitar les analítiques per ajudar Stirling PDF a créixer i permetre'ns entendre millor els nostres usuaris.
analytics.enable=Habilita analítiques
analytics.disable=Desactiva analítiques
analytics.settings=Pots canviar la configuració de les analítiques al fitxer config/settings.yml
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
navbar.darkmode=Mode Fosc
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
navbar.multiTool=Multi Tool
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
navbar.sections.convertTo=Convertir a PDF
navbar.sections.convertFrom=Convertir des de PDF i Seguretat
navbar.sections.edit=Visualitzar i Editar
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
settings.update=Actualització Disponible
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
settings.updateAvailable=La versió actual instal·lada és {0}. Una nova versió ({1}) està disponible.
settings.appVersion=Versió de l'App:
settings.downloadOption.title=Trieu l'opció de descàrrega (per a descàrregues d'un sol fitxer no comprimit):
settings.downloadOption.1=Obre en la mateixa finestra
settings.downloadOption.2=Obre en una finestra nova
settings.downloadOption.3=Descarrega fitxer
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
settings.zipThreshold=Comprimiu els fitxers quan el nombre de fitxers baixats superi
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
settings.accountSettings=Configuració del Compte un joc ocult els valors del formulari per guardar els valors utilitzats prèviament per a futures execucions
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
changeCreds.title=Canvia les Credencials
changeCreds.header=Actualitza les Dades del Compte
changeCreds.changePassword=Estàs utilitzant les credencials d'inici de sessió per defecte. Si us plau, introdueix una nova contrasenya
changeCreds.newUsername=Nou Nom d'Usuari
changeCreds.oldPassword=Contrasenya Actual
changeCreds.newPassword=Nova Contrasenya
changeCreds.confirmNewPassword=Confirma la Nova Contrasenya
changeCreds.submit=Envia els Canvis
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
account.title=Opcions del compte
account.accountSettings=Opcions del compte
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
account.adminSettings=Opcions d'Administrador - Veure i afegir usuaris
account.userControlSettings=Opcions de Control d'Usuari
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
account.changeUsername=Canvia el nom d'usuari
account.newUsername=Nom d'usuari nou
account.password=Confirma contrasenya
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
account.oldPassword=Contrasenya Antiga
account.newPassword=Nova Contrasenya
account.changePassword=Canvia la contrasenya
account.confirmNewPassword=Confirma la Nova Contrasenya
account.yourApiKey=Clau API
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
account.syncTitle=Sincronitza les opcions del navegador amb el compte
account.settingsCompare=Comparador d'Opcions:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
account.webBrowserSettings=Opcions del Navegador
account.syncToBrowser=Sincronitza Compte -> Navegador
account.syncToAccount=Sincronitza Compte <- Navegador
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adminUserSettings.title=Opcions de Control d'Usuari
adminUserSettings.header=Opcions de Control d'Usuari Admin
2023-08-17 23:26:35 +02:00
adminUserSettings.addUser=Afegir Usuari
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adminUserSettings.deleteUser=Elimina Usuari
adminUserSettings.confirmDeleteUser=Vols eliminar aquest usuari?
adminUserSettings.confirmChangeUserStatus=Vols deshabilitar/habilitar aquest usuari?
adminUserSettings.usernameInfo=El nom d'usuari només pot contenir lletres, números i els següents caràcters especials: @._+- o ha de ser una adreça de correu electrònic vàlida.
adminUserSettings.apiUser=Usuari amb API limitada
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adminUserSettings.extraApiUser=Usuari Addicional amb API limitada
adminUserSettings.webOnlyUser=Usuari només WEB
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adminUserSettings.demoUser=Usuari de Demo (Sense configuracions personalitzades)
adminUserSettings.internalApiUser=Usuari d'API Interna
adminUserSettings.forceChange=Força l'usuari a canviar la contrasenya en iniciar sessió
adminUserSettings.submit=Desa Usuari
adminUserSettings.changeUserRole=Canvia el rol de l'usuari
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adminUserSettings.editOwnProfil=Edita el propi perfil
adminUserSettings.enabledUser=usuari habilitat
adminUserSettings.disabledUser=usuari deshabilitat
adminUserSettings.activeUsers=Usuaris Actius:
adminUserSettings.disabledUsers=Usuaris Deshabilitats:
adminUserSettings.totalUsers=Total d'Usuaris:
adminUserSettings.lastRequest=Darrera Sol·licitud
database.title=Importació/Exportació de Base de Dades
database.header=Importació/Exportació de Base de Dades
database.fileName=Nom del Fitxer
database.creationDate=Data de Creació
database.fileSize=Mida del Fitxer
database.deleteBackupFile=Elimina el Fitxer de Còpia de Seguretat
database.importBackupFile=Importa el Fitxer de Còpia de Seguretat
2024-12-17 23:23:16 +01:00
database.createBackupFile=Create Backup File
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
database.downloadBackupFile=Descarrega el Fitxer de Còpia de Seguretat
database.info_1=Quan importis dades, és crucial assegurar-se que l'estructura sigui correcta. Si no estàs segur del que fas, busca l'assessorament d'un professional. Un error en l'estructura pot causar malfuncionaments de l'aplicació, fins i tot impossibilitar-ne l'execució.
database.info_2=El nom del fitxer no importa quan es puja. Es renombrarà després per seguir el format backup_user_yyyyMMddHHmm.sql, assegurant una convenció de nomenclatura consistent.
database.submit=Importa la Còpia de Seguretat
database.importIntoDatabaseSuccessed=Importació a la base de dades completada amb èxit
2024-12-17 23:23:16 +01:00
database.backupCreated=Database backup successful
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
database.fileNotFound=Fitxer no trobat
database.fileNullOrEmpty=El fitxer no ha de ser nul o buit
database.failedImportFile=Error en la importació del fitxer
Add Conditional Handling for H2SQL Databases and Improve Database Compatibility (#2632) # Description 1. **Conditional Support for DatabaseController**: - The `DatabaseController` is now annotated with `@Conditional(H2SQLCondition.class)` to ensure it is only available for H2SQL database setups. - This prevents unnecessary exposure of endpoints when the application is configured for H2SQL. 2. **Database Web Template Adjustments**: - The UI elements related to database management are conditionally hidden when the database type is not supported (e.g., `databaseVersion == 'Unknown'`). - Improves user experience by avoiding unsupported operations for non-H2SQL or unknown databases. 3. **Model Attribute Updates**: - Added a check in `DatabaseWebController` to set an informational message (`notSupported`) when the database version is unknown. 4. **H2 Database Compatibility**: - Additional adjustments to ensure the application gracefully handles H2-specific functionality without affecting other database configurations. 5. **Build File Updates**: - Updated the `build.gradle` file to exclude `H2SQLCondition` and related controllers when specific configurations (e.g., security or database type) are disabled. ### Benefits: - Enhances application flexibility by adapting to the configured database type. - Improves user feedback with clear messaging and UI adjustments for unsupported operations. - Prevents accidental exposure of database endpoints in H2SQL setups. ## Checklist - [x] I have read the [Contribution Guidelines]( - [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code - [ ] I have attached images of the change if it is UI based - [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas - [ ] If my code has heavily changed functionality I have updated relevant docs on [Stirling-PDFs doc repo]( - [x] My changes generate no new warnings - [ ] I have read the section [Add New Translation Tags]( (for new translation tags only)
2025-01-08 11:22:45 +01:00
database.notSupported=This function is not available for your database connection.
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
session.expired=La teva sessió ha expirat. Si us plau, actualitza la pàgina i torna a intentar-ho.
session.refreshPage=Actualitza la pàgina
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.desc=L'eina allotjada localment per a necessitats de PDF.
home.searchBar=Cerca funcions...
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.viewPdf.title=Visualitza PDF
home.viewPdf.desc=Visualitza, anota, afegeix text o imatges
2023-10-28 13:12:54 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.multiTool.title=Eina Multifunció de PDF
home.multiTool.desc=Fusiona, Rota, Reorganitza i Esborra pàgines
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
multiTool.tags=Multi Tool,Multi operation,UI,click drag,front end,client side
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.merge.desc=Fusiona fàcilment pàgines en una.
merge.tags=merge,Page operations,Back end,server side
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.split.desc=Divideix PDFs en múltiples documents
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
split.tags=Page operations,divide,Multi Page,cut,server side
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.rotate.desc=Rota els PDFs.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
rotate.tags=server side
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.imageToPdf.title=Imatge a PDF
home.imageToPdf.desc=Converteix imatge (PNG, JPEG, GIF) a PDF.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.pdfToImage.title=PDF a Imatge
home.pdfToImage.desc=Converteix PDF a imatge. (PNG, JPEG, GIF)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.pdfOrganiser.desc=Elimina/Reorganitza pàgines en qualsevol ordre
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.addImage.title=Afegir imatge a PDF
home.addImage.desc=Afegeix imatge en un PDF (En progrés)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.watermark.title=Afegir Marca d'aigua
home.watermark.desc=Afegir Marca d'aigua personalitzada en un PDF
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.permissions.title=Canvia permissos
home.permissions.desc=Canvia permisos del document PDF
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.removePages.desc=Elimina pàgines del document PDF.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
removePages.tags=Remove pages,delete pages
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.addPassword.title=Afegir Contrasenya
home.addPassword.desc=Xifra document PDF amb contrasenya.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.removePassword.title=Elimina Contrasenya
home.removePassword.desc=Elimia contrasenya de document PDF.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
removePassword.tags=secure,Decrypt,security,unpassword,delete password
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.compressPdfs.desc=Comprimeix PDFs per reduir la mida.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.changeMetadata.title=Canvia Metadades
home.changeMetadata.desc=Canvia/Treu/Afegeix matadades al document PDF.
2024-08-23 23:55:01 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.fileToPDF.title=Converteix arxiu a PDF
home.fileToPDF.desc=Converteix qualsevol arxiu a PDF (DOCX, PNG, XLS, PPT, TXT i més)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.ocr.title=Executa exploracions OCR i/o neteja escanejos
home.ocr.desc=Neteja escanejats i detecta text d'imatges dins d'un PDF i el torna a afegir com a text.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.extractImages.title=Extreu Imatges
home.extractImages.desc=Extreu les Imatges del PDF i les desa a zip
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.pdfToPDFA.title=PDF a PDF/A
home.pdfToPDFA.desc=Converteix PDF a PDF/A per desar a llarg termini.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.PDFToWord.title=PDF a Word
home.PDFToWord.desc=Converteix PDF a formats de Word (DOC, DOCX and ODT)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.PDFToPresentation.title=PDF a Presentació
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.PDFToPresentation.desc=Converteix PDF a formats de Presentació (PPT, PPTX i ODP)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.PDFToText.title=PDF a Text/RTF
home.PDFToText.desc=Converteix PDF a Text o format RTF
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
PDFToText.tags=richformat,richtextformat,rich text format
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.PDFToHTML.title=PDF a HTML
home.PDFToHTML.desc=Converteix PDF a format HTML
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
PDFToHTML.tags=web content,browser friendly
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.PDFToXML.title=PDF a XML
home.PDFToXML.desc=Converteix PDF a format XML
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.ScannerImageSplit.title=Detecta/Divideix fotos escanejades
home.ScannerImageSplit.desc=Divideix múltiples fotos dins del PDF/foto
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.sign.desc=Afegeix signatura al PDF mitjançant dibuix, text o imatge
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.flatten.desc=Elimineu tots els elements i formularis interactius d'un PDF
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00 reparar un PDF danyat o trencat
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
home.removeBlanks.title=Elimina les pàgines en blanc
home.removeBlanks.desc=Detecta i elimina les pàgines en blanc d'un document
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.removeAnnotations.title=Elimina Anotacions
home.removeAnnotations.desc=Elimina tots els comentaris/anotacions d'un PDF
2023-12-29 23:56:38 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00 i mostra les diferències entre 2 documents PDF
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.certSign.title=Signa amb Certificat
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.certSign.desc=Signa PDF amb Certificat/Clau (PEM/P12)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.removeCertSign.title=Elimina Signatura de Certificat
home.removeCertSign.desc=Elimina la signatura de certificat d'un PDF
2024-05-31 11:31:07 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.pageLayout.title=Disposició Multi-Pàgina
home.pageLayout.desc=Fusiona diverses pàgines d'un document PDF en una sola pàgina
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.scalePages.title=Ajusta la mida/escala de la pàgina
home.scalePages.desc=Canvia la mida/escala de la pàgina i/o del seu contingut.
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.pipeline.desc=Executa múltiples accions en PDFs definint scripts de procés
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.add-page-numbers.title=Afegir Números de Pàgina
home.add-page-numbers.desc=Afegir Números de Pàgina en una localització
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00 Automàticament el Nom del Fitxer PDF automàticament el nom d'un fitxer PDF en funció de la capçalera detectada
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.adjust-contrast.title=Ajusta Colors/Contrast
home.adjust-contrast.desc=Ajusta Colors/Contrast, Saturació i Brillantor
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.crop.title=Talla PDF
home.crop.desc=Talla PDF per reduïr la mida (manté text!)
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.autoSplitPDF.title=Divisió Automàtica de Pàgines
home.autoSplitPDF.desc=Divideix automàticament un PDF escanejat amb un codi QR de separació de pàgines escanejades
2023-07-25 00:53:52 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.sanitizePdf.desc=Elimina scripts i altres elements dels fitxers PDF
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.URLToPDF.title=URL/Lloc Web a PDF
home.URLToPDF.desc=Converteix qualsevol URL http(s) a PDF
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.HTMLToPDF.title=HTML a PDF
home.HTMLToPDF.desc=Converteix qualsevol fitxer HTML o arxiu comprimit a PDF
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.MarkdownToPDF.title=Markdown a PDF
home.MarkdownToPDF.desc=Converteix qualsevol fitxer Markdown a PDF
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.getPdfInfo.title=Obteniu Tota la Informació sobre el PDF
home.getPdfInfo.desc=Recupera tota la informació possible sobre els PDFs
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.extractPage.title=Extreu pàgina(es)
home.extractPage.desc=Extreu pàgines seleccionades d'un PDF
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.PdfToSinglePage.title=PDF a Una Sola Pàgina Gran
home.PdfToSinglePage.desc=Fusiona totes les pàgines d'un PDF en una sola pàgina gran
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
PdfToSinglePage.tags=single page
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.showJS.title=Mostra Javascript
home.showJS.desc=Cerca i mostra qualsevol JS injectat en un PDF
2023-08-06 22:57:35 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.autoRedact.title=Redacció Automàtica
home.autoRedact.desc=Redacta automàticament (enfosqueix) text en un PDF basat en el text introduït
autoRedact.tags=Redact,Hide,black out,black,marker,hidden
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
home.redact.title=Manual Redaction
home.redact.desc=Redacts a PDF based on selected text, drawn shapes and/or selected page(s)
redact.tags=Redact,Hide,black out,black,marker,hidden,manual
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.tableExtraxt.title=PDF a CSV
home.tableExtraxt.desc=Extreu taules d'un PDF convertint-les a CSV
2023-12-10 17:33:44 +01:00
tableExtraxt.tags=CSV,Table Extraction,extract,convert
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.autoSizeSplitPDF.title=Divisió Automàtica per Mida/Quantitat
home.autoSizeSplitPDF.desc=Divideix un únic PDF en múltiples documents basant-se en la mida, el nombre de pàgines o el nombre de documents
2023-12-12 00:24:13 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.overlay-pdfs.title=Superposar PDFs
home.overlay-pdfs.desc=Superposa PDFs sobre un altre PDF
2023-12-12 00:24:13 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.split-by-sections.title=Divideix PDF per Seccions
home.split-by-sections.desc=Divideix cada pàgina d'un PDF en seccions horitzontals i verticals més petites
2023-12-16 20:30:47 +01:00
split-by-sections.tags=Section Split, Divide, Customize
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.AddStampRequest.title=Afegeix Segell al PDF
home.AddStampRequest.desc=Afegeix segells de text o imatge en ubicacions establertes
2024-01-28 18:37:02 +01:00
AddStampRequest.tags=Stamp, Add image, center image, Watermark, PDF, Embed, Customize
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.PDFToBook.title=PDF a Llibre
home.PDFToBook.desc=Converteix PDF a formats de llibre/còmic utilitzant Calibre
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.BookToPDF.title=Llibre a PDF
home.BookToPDF.desc=Converteix formats de llibres/còmics a PDF utilitzant Calibre
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.removeImagePdf.title=Elimina imatge
home.removeImagePdf.desc=Elimina imatges d'un PDF per reduir la mida del fitxer
2024-08-08 22:15:41 +02:00
removeImagePdf.tags=Remove Image,Page operations,Back end,server side
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
home.splitPdfByChapters.title=Divideix PDF per Capítols
home.splitPdfByChapters.desc=Divideix un PDF en múltiples fitxers segons la seva estructura de capítols.
2024-10-14 23:34:41 +02:00
home.validateSignature.title=Validate PDF Signature
home.validateSignature.desc=Verify digital signatures and certificates in PDF documents
validateSignature.tags=signature,verify,validate,pdf,certificate,digital signature,Validate Signature,Validate certificate
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
replace-color.header=Reemplaça-Inverteix Color en PDF
home.replaceColorPdf.title=Reemplaça i Inverteix Color
home.replaceColorPdf.desc=Reemplaça el color del text i el fons en un PDF i inverteix tot el color del PDF per reduir la mida del fitxer
replaceColorPdf.tags=Reemplaça Color,Operacions de pàgina,Back end,Costat servidor
replace-color.selectText.1=Opcions per Reemplaçar o Invertir color
replace-color.selectText.2=Per defecte (Colors d'alt contrast per defecte)
replace-color.selectText.3=Personalitzat (Colors personalitzats)
replace-color.selectText.4=Inversió completa (Inverteix tots els colors)
replace-color.selectText.5=Opcions de color d'alt contrast
replace-color.selectText.6=Text blanc sobre fons negre
replace-color.selectText.7=Text negre sobre fons blanc
replace-color.selectText.8=Text groc sobre fons negre
replace-color.selectText.9=Text verd sobre fons negre
replace-color.selectText.10=Tria el color del text
replace-color.selectText.11=Tria el color del fons
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
# #
# #
2023-08-28 11:17:02 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
login.invalid=Nom d'usuari/contrasenya no vàlid
login.locked=Compte bloquejat
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
login.ssoSignIn=Inicia sessió mitjançant inici de sessió únic
login.oauth2AutoCreateDisabled=La creació automàtica d'usuaris OAUTH2 està desactivada
login.oauth2AdminBlockedUser=El registre o inici de sessió d'usuaris no registrats està actualment bloquejat. Si us plau, contacta amb l'administrador.
login.oauth2RequestNotFound=Sol·licitud d'autorització no trobada
login.oauth2InvalidUserInfoResponse=Resposta d'informació d'usuari no vàlida
login.oauth2invalidRequest=Sol·licitud no vàlida
login.oauth2AccessDenied=Accés denegat
login.oauth2InvalidTokenResponse=Resposta de token no vàlida
login.oauth2InvalidIdToken=ID Token no vàlid
login.relyingPartyRegistrationNotFound=No relying party registration found
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
login.userIsDisabled=L'usuari està desactivat, l'inici de sessió està actualment bloquejat amb aquest nom d'usuari. Si us plau, contacta amb l'administrador.
login.alreadyLoggedIn=Ja has iniciat sessió a
login.alreadyLoggedIn2=dispositius. Si us plau, tanca la sessió en els dispositius i torna-ho a intentar.
login.toManySessions=Tens massa sessions actives
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-28 11:17:02 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
autoRedact.title=Redacció Automàtica
autoRedact.header=Redacció Automàtica
autoRedact.textsToRedactLabel=Text a Redactar (separat per línies)
autoRedact.textsToRedactPlaceholder=p. ex. \nConfidencial \nMolt Secret
autoRedact.useRegexLabel=Utilitza Regex
autoRedact.wholeWordSearchLabel=Cerca de Paraula Completa
autoRedact.customPaddingLabel=Espai Extra Personalitzat
autoRedact.convertPDFToImageLabel=Converteix PDF a Imatge PDF (S'utilitza per eliminar text darrere del quadre)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
redact.title=Manual Redaction
redact.header=Manual Redaction
redact.textBasedRedaction=Text based Redaction
redact.pageBasedRedaction=Page-based Redaction
redact.convertPDFToImageLabel=Convert PDF to PDF-Image (Used to remove text behind the box)
redact.pageRedactionNumbers.placeholder=(e.g. 1,2,8 or 4,7,12-16 or 2n-1)
redact.redactionColor.title=Redaction Color
redact.boxRedaction=Box draw redaction
redact.zoomIn=Zoom in
redact.zoomOut=Zoom out
redact.nextPage=Next Page
redact.previousPage=Previous Page
redact.toggleSidebar=Toggle Sidebar
redact.showThumbnails=Show Thumbnails
redact.showDocumentOutline=Show Document Outline (double-click to expand/collapse all items)
redact.showAttatchments=Show Attachments
redact.showLayers=Show Layers (double-click to reset all layers to the default state)
redact.colourPicker=Colour Picker
redact.findCurrentOutlineItem=Find current outline item
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-06 22:57:35 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
showJS.title=Mostra Javascript
showJS.header=Mostra Javascript
showJS.downloadJS=Descarrega Javascript
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-06 22:57:35 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfToSinglePage.title=PDF a Pàgina Única
pdfToSinglePage.header=PDF a Pàgina Única
pdfToSinglePage.submit=Converteix a Pàgina Única
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pageExtracter.title=Extreu Pàgines
pageExtracter.header=Extreu Pàgines
pageExtracter.placeholder=(p. ex. 1,2,8 o 4,7,12-16 o 2n-1)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
getPdfInfo.title=Obteniu Informació del PDF
getPdfInfo.header=Obteniu Informació del PDF
getPdfInfo.submit=Obteniu Informació
getPdfInfo.downloadJson=Descarrega JSON
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:02:15 +02:00
MarkdownToPDF.title=Markdown To PDF
MarkdownToPDF.header=Markdown To PDF
MarkdownToPDF.submit=Convert in progress WeasyPrint
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-25 00:12:33 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
URLToPDF.submit=Converteix WeasyPrint
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-25 00:12:33 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
HTMLToPDF.header=HTML a PDF fitxers HTML i arxius ZIP que contenen html/css/imatges, etc. necessaris
HTMLToPDF.submit=Converteix WeasyPrint
HTMLToPDF.zoom=Nivell de zoom per mostrar el lloc web.
HTMLToPDF.pageWidth=Amplada de la pàgina en centímetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.pageHeight=Alçada de la pàgina en centímetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.marginTop=Margen superior de la pàgina en mil·límetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.marginBottom=Marge inferior de la pàgina en mil·límetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.marginLeft=Marge esquerre de la pàgina en mil·límetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.marginRight=Marge dret de la pàgina en mil·límetres. (En blanc per defecte)
HTMLToPDF.printBackground=Renderitza el fons dels llocs web.
HTMLToPDF.defaultHeader=Habilita la Capçalera per Defecte (Nom i número de pàgina)
HTMLToPDF.cssMediaType=Canvia el tipus de mitjà CSS de la pàgina.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-01-28 18:37:02 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
AddStampRequest.header=Segella PDF
AddStampRequest.title=Segella PDF
AddStampRequest.stampType=Tipus de Segell
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AddStampRequest.stampImage=Imatge del Segell
AddStampRequest.fontSize=Mida de la Font/Imatge
AddStampRequest.overrideX=Modifica la Coordenada X
AddStampRequest.overrideY=Modifica la Coordenada Y
AddStampRequest.customMargin=Marge Personalitzat
AddStampRequest.customColor=Color de Text Personalitzat
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
sanitizePDF.title=Neteja PDF
sanitizePDF.header=Neteja un fitxer PDF
sanitizePDF.selectText.1=Elimina accions JavaScript
sanitizePDF.selectText.2=Elimina fitxers incrustats
sanitizePDF.selectText.3=Elimina metadades
sanitizePDF.selectText.4=Elimina enllaços
sanitizePDF.selectText.5=Elimina fonts
sanitizePDF.submit=Neteja PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
addPageNumbers.title=Afegir Números de Pàgina
addPageNumbers.header=Afegir Números de Pàgina
addPageNumbers.selectText.1=Selecciona PDF:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPageNumbers.selectText.2=Mida del Marge
addPageNumbers.selectText.4=Número Inicial
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPageNumbers.selectText.5=Pàgines a Enumerar
addPageNumbers.selectText.6=Text Personalitzat
addPageNumbers.customTextDesc=Text Personalitzat
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPageNumbers.numberPagesDesc=Pàgines a enumerar, per defecte 'totes', accepta 1-5 o 2,5,9, etc.
addPageNumbers.customNumberDesc=Per defecte {n}, accepta 'Pàgina {n} de {total}', 'Text-{n}', '{filename}-{n}'
addPageNumbers.submit=Afegir Números de Pàgina
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
auto-rename.title=Canvi de Nom Automàtic
auto-rename.header=Canvi de Nom Automàtic de PDF
auto-rename.submit=Canvi de Nom Automàtic
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
adjustContrast.title=Ajusta el Contrast
adjustContrast.header=Ajusta el Contrast
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-05-27 03:17:20 +02:00
crop.header=Talla PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
autoSplitPDF.title=Divisió Automàtica de PDF
autoSplitPDF.header=Divisió Automàtica de PDF
autoSplitPDF.description=Imprimeix, insereix, escaneja, puja i deixa que el sistema separi automàticament els teus documents. No cal ordenar manualment.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.1=Imprimeix algunes fulles divisòries de les opcions següents (en blanc i negre està bé).
autoSplitPDF.selectText.2=Escaneja tots els teus documents alhora inserint una fulla divisòria entre cada document.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.3=Puja el fitxer PDF escanejat gran i deixa que Stirling PDF faci la resta.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.4=Les pàgines divisòries es detecten i eliminen automàticament, garantint un document final ordenat.
autoSplitPDF.formPrompt=Envia un PDF que contingui les pàgines divisòries de Stirling-PDF:
autoSplitPDF.duplexMode=Mode Dúplex (Escaneig de davant i darrere)
autoSplitPDF.dividerDownload1=Descarrega 'Divisor Automàtic (mínim).pdf'
autoSplitPDF.dividerDownload2=Descarrega 'Divisor Automàtic (amb instruccions).pdf'
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pageLayout.title=Disposició de Múltiples Pàgines
pageLayout.header=Disposició de Múltiples Pàgines
pageLayout.pagesPerSheet=Pàgines per full:
pageLayout.addBorder=Afegeix Marcs
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
scalePages.title=Ajusta l'escala de la pàgina
scalePages.header=Ajusta l'escala de la pàgina
scalePages.pageSize=Mida d'una pàgina del document.
scalePages.keepPageSize=Mida Original
scalePages.scaleFactor=Nivell de zoom (retall) d'una pàgina.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
certSign.title=Signatura amb Certificat
certSign.header=Signa un PDF amb el teu certificat (Treball en curs)
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
certSign.selectPDF=Seleccioneu un fitxer PDF per signar:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
certSign.jksNote=Nota: Si el vostre tipus de certificat no es troba a la llista, convertiu-lo a un fitxer de Java Keystore (.jks) utilitzant l'eina de línia de comandes keytool. A continuació, trieu l'opció de fitxer .jks més avall.
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
certSign.selectKey=Seleccioneu el vostre fitxer de clau privada (format PKCS#8, podria ser .pem o .der):
certSign.selectCert=Seleccioneu el vostre fitxer de certificat (format X.509, podria ser .pem o .der):
certSign.selectP12=Seleccioneu el vostre fitxer de magatzem de claus PKCS#12 (.p12 o .pfx) (Opcional, si es proporciona, hauria de contenir la vostra clau privada i certificat):
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
certSign.selectJKS=Seleccioneu el vostre fitxer de Java Keystore (.jks o .keystore):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
certSign.certType=Tipus de certificat
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
certSign.password=Introduïu la contrasenya del vostre magatzem de claus o clau privada (si n'hi ha):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
certSign.showSig=Mostra la signatura
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
certSign.showLogo=Mostra el logotip
certSign.submit=Signa PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-05-31 11:31:07 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
removeCertSign.title=Elimina la Signatura del Certificat
removeCertSign.header=Elimina el certificat digital del PDF
removeCertSign.selectPDF=Seleccioneu un fitxer PDF:
removeCertSign.submit=Elimina Signatura
2024-05-31 11:31:07 +02:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
removeBlanks.title=Elimina els espais en blanc
removeBlanks.header=Elimina les pàgines en blanc
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
removeBlanks.thresholdDesc=Llindar per determinar el nivell de blanc que ha de tenir un píxel per considerar-lo blanc
removeBlanks.whitePercent=Percentatge de blanc (%):
removeBlanks.whitePercentDesc=Percentatge de la pàgina que ha de ser blanca per eliminar-la
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
removeBlanks.submit=Elimina els espais en blanc
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-12-29 23:56:38 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
removeAnnotations.title=Elimina Anotacions
removeAnnotations.header=Elimina Anotacions
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
compare.header=Compara PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
compare.highlightColor.1=Color de Ressaltat 1:
compare.highlightColor.2=Color de Ressaltat 2:
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
compare.document.1=Document 1
compare.document.2=Document 2
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
compare.complex.message=Un o tots dos documents proporcionats són fitxers grans; la precisió de la comparació pot veure's reduïda.
compare.large.file.message=Un o tots dos documents proporcionats són massa grans per ser processats. o tots dos dels PDFs seleccionats no tenen contingut de text. Si us plau, trieu PDFs amb text per a la comparació.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
BookToPDF.title=Books and Comics to PDF
BookToPDF.header=Book to PDF Calibre
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
PDFToBook.title=PDF a Llibre
PDFToBook.header=PDF a Llibre
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00 Calibre
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
sign.header=Signa els PDF
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
sign.upload=Penja la imatge
sign.draw=Dibuixa la signatura
sign.text=Entrada de text
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
sign.saved=Signatures Desades Signatura
sign.personalSigs=Signatures Personals
sign.sharedSigs=Signatures Compartides
sign.noSavedSigs=No s'han trobat signatures desades
sign.addToAll=Add to all pages
sign.first=First page
sign.last=Last page page
sign.previous=Previous page
sign.maintainRatio=Toggle maintain aspect ratio
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
repair.header=Repara els PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
flatten.header=Aplana els PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
flatten.flattenOnlyForms=Aplana només els formularis
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.1=Llindar d'angle:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.2=Estableix l'angle mínim absolut necessari perquè la imatge es giri (per defecte: 10).
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.4=Determina l'interval de variació de color al voltant del color de fons estimat (per defecte: 30).
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.5=Àrea Mínima:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.6=Estableix el llindar d'àrea mínima per a una foto (per defecte: 10000).
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.7=Àrea de contorn mínima:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.8=Estableix el llindar mínim de l'àrea de contorn per a una foto
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.9=Mida de Vora:
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.10=Estableix la mida de la vora afegida i eliminada per evitar vores blanques a la sortida (per defecte: 1).
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00 no està instal·lat. És necessari per executar-ho.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
ocr.title=OCR / Neteja Escanejats
ocr.header=Neteja Escanejats / OCR (Reconeixement Òptic de Caràcters)
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ocr.selectText.1=Selecciona els idiomes que s'han de detectar dins del PDF (els que s'indiquen són els detectats):
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
ocr.selectText.2=Genera un fitxer de text que contingui el text OCR juntament amb el PDF editat per OCR
ocr.selectText.3=Corregeix pàgines escanejades amb un angle esbiaixat girant-les a la seva posició correcta
ocr.selectText.4=Neteja la pàgina, de manera que és menys probable que l'OCR trobi soroll de text de fons. (Sense canvis en la sortida)
ocr.selectText.5=Neteja la pàgina, de manera que és menys probable que l'OCR trobi text en el soroll de fons, mantenint la neteja en la sortida.
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ocr.selectText.6=Ignora les pàgines que tenen text interactiu, només les pàgines OCR que són imatges
ocr.selectText.7=Força OCR, l'OCR de cada pàgina elimina tots els elements de text originals
ocr.selectText.8=Normal (error si el PDF conté text)
ocr.selectText.9=Opcions Addicionals
ocr.selectText.10=Mode OCR
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
ocr.selectText.11=Elimina Imatges després de l'OCR (Elimina TOTES les imatges, útil si forma part d'un procés de conversió)
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ocr.selectText.12=Tipus de Renderització (Avançat)
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00 aquesta documentació sobre com utilitzar-la per a altres idiomes i/o no utilitzar-la a Docker servei fa servir qpdf i Tesseract per a OCR.
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
ocr.submit=Processa PDF amb OCR
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
extractImages.title=Extreu Imatges
extractImages.header=Extreu Imatges
extractImages.selectText=Selecciona el format d'imatge al qual convertir les imatges extretes
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
extractImages.allowDuplicates=Desa imatges duplicades
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
#File to PDF
fileToPDF.title=Arxiu a PDF
fileToPDF.header=Converteix arxiu a PDF LibreOffice i Unoconv per a la conversió.
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
fileToPDF.supportedFileTypesInfo=Tipus de fitxers admesos
fileToPDF.supportedFileTypes=Els tipus de fitxers admesos haurien d'incloure els següents, però per obtenir una llista completa actualitzada dels formats compatibles, consulteu la documentació de LibreOffice
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
fileToPDF.submit=Converteix a PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
compress.header=Comprimir PDF servei utilitza qpdf per a la compressió/optimització de PDF.
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
compress.selectText.1=Mode manual: de l'1 al 4
compress.selectText.2=Nivell d'optimització:
compress.selectText.3=4 (terrible per a imatges de text)
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
compress.selectText.4=Mode automàtic: ajusta automàticament la qualitat perquè el PDF tingui la mida exacta
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
compress.selectText.5=Mida esperada del PDF (p. ex. 25 MB, 10,8 MB, 25 KB)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
#Add image
addImage.title=Afegir Imatge
addImage.header=Afegir Imatge a PDF (en construcció)
addImage.everyPage=Totes les pàgines?
addImage.upload=Afegir Imatge
addImage.submit=Afegir Imatge
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
merge.header=Fusiona múltiples PDFs (2+)
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
merge.sortByName=Ordena per nom
merge.sortByDate=Ordena per data
merge.removeCertSign=Eliminar la signatura digital en el fitxer fusionat?
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfOrganiser.title=Organitzador de Pàgines
pdfOrganiser.header=Organitzador de Pàgines PDF
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfOrganiser.submit=Reorganitza Pàgines
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfOrganiser.mode.1=Ordre Personalitzat de Pàgines
pdfOrganiser.mode.2=Ordre Invertit
pdfOrganiser.mode.3=Classificació Dúplex
pdfOrganiser.mode.4=Classificació en Llibret
pdfOrganiser.mode.5=Classificació en Llibret de Puntada Lateral
pdfOrganiser.mode.6=Divisió Parells-Senars
pdfOrganiser.mode.7=Eliminar Primer
pdfOrganiser.mode.8=Eliminar Últim
pdfOrganiser.mode.9=Eliminar Primer i Últim
pdfOrganiser.mode.10=Fusionar Parells-Senars
pdfOrganiser.placeholder=(p. ex. 1,3,2 o 4-8,2,10-12 o 2n-1)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
multiTool.title=Eina Multifunció de PDF
multiTool.header=Eina Multifunció de PDF
multiTool.uploadPrompts=Nom del fitxer
multiTool.selectAll=Select All
multiTool.deselectAll=Deselect All
multiTool.selectPages=Page Select
multiTool.selectedPages=Selected Pages
multiTool.deleteSelected=Delete Selected
multiTool.downloadSelected=Export Selected
multiTool.insertPageBreak=Insert Page Break
multiTool.addFile=Add File
multiTool.rotateLeft=Rotate Left
multiTool.rotateRight=Rotate Right
multiTool.moveLeft=Move Left
multiTool.moveRight=Move Right
multiTool.dragDropMessage=Page(s) Selected
Feature: Undo Redo options multi tool #2297 (#2348) * Implement Command class for Command Pattern Created a base `Command` class to implement the **Command Pattern**. This class provides a skeletal implementation for `execute`, `undo`, and `redo` methods. **Note:** This class is intended to be subclassed and not instantiated directly. * Add undo/redo stacks and operations * Use rotate element command to perform execute/undo/redo operations * Handle commands executed through events - Add "command-execution" event listener to execute commands that are not invoked from the same class while adding the command to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack. * Add and use rotate all command to rotate/redo/undo all elements * Use command pattern to delete pages * Use command pattern for page selection * Use command pattern to move pages up and down * Use command pattern to remove selected pages * Use command pattern to perform the splitting operation * Add undo/redo functionality with filename input exclusion - Implement undo (Ctrl+Z) and redo (Ctrl+Y) functionality. - Prevent undo/redo actions when the filename input field is focused. - Ensures proper handling of undo/redo actions without interfering with text editing. * Introduce UndoManager for managing undo/redo operations - Encapsulate undo/redo stacks and operations within UndoManager. - Simplify handling of undo/redo functionality through a dedicated manager. * Call execute on splitAllCommand - Fix a bug that caused split all functionality to not work as execute() wasn't called on splitAllCommand * Add undo/redo buttons to multi tool - Add undo/redo buttons to multi tool - Dispatch an event upon state change (such as changes in the undo/redo stacks) to update the UI accordingly. * Add undo/redo to translations * Replace hard-coded "Undo"/"Redo" with translation keys in multi tool --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <>
2024-11-28 15:25:13 +01:00
decrypt.passwordPrompt=This file is password-protected. Please enter the password:
decrypt.cancelled=Operation cancelled for PDF: {0}
decrypt.noPassword=No password provided for encrypted PDF: {0}
decrypt.invalidPassword=Please try again with the correct password.
decrypt.invalidPasswordHeader=Incorrect password or unsupported encryption for PDF: {0}
decrypt.unexpectedError=There was an error processing the file. Please try again.
decrypt.serverError=Server error while decrypting: {0}
decrypt.success=File decrypted successfully.
multiTool-advert.message=This feature is also available in our <a href="{0}">multi-tool page</a>. Check it out for enhanced page-by-page UI and additional features!
2023-10-28 13:12:54 +02:00
#view pdf
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
viewPdf.title=Visualitza PDF
viewPdf.header=Visualitza PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pageRemover.title=Eliminació de Pàgines
pageRemover.header=Eliminació de Pàgines PDF
pageRemover.pagesToDelete=Pàgines a eliminar (Números de pàgines):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pageRemover.submit=Esborra Pàgines
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pageRemover.placeholder=(p. ex. 1,2,6 o 1-10,15-30)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
rotate.title=Rota PDF
rotate.header=Rota PDF
rotate.selectAngle=Selecciona l'angle de gir (en múltiples de 90 graus):
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
split.title=Divideix PDF
split.header=Divideix PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
split.desc.1=Els números seleccionats indiquen les pàgines on vols realitzar la divisió
split.desc.2=Per exemple, seleccionant 1,3,7-9 dividiries un document de 10 pàgines en 6 PDFs separats amb:
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
split.desc.3=Document #1: Pàgina 1
split.desc.4=Document #2: Pàgina 2 i 3
split.desc.5=Document #3: Pàgina 4, 5, 6 i 7
split.desc.6=Document #4: Pàgina 8
split.desc.7=Document #5: Pàgina 9
split.desc.8=Document #6: Pàgina 10
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
split.splitPages=Introdueix les pàgines per dividir-les:
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
imageToPDF.title=Imatge a PDF
imageToPDF.header=Imatge a PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
imageToPDF.selectLabel=Opcions d'Ajust de la Imatge
imageToPDF.fillPage=Omple la Pàgina
imageToPDF.fitDocumentToImage=Ajusta la Pàgina a la Imatge
imageToPDF.maintainAspectRatio=Manté la Proporció de la Imatge
imageToPDF.selectText.2=Rota automàticament el PDF
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
imageToPDF.selectText.3=Lògica de diversos fitxers (només està activada si es treballa amb diverses imatges)
imageToPDF.selectText.4=Combina en un únic PDF
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
imageToPDF.selectText.5=Converteix per separar els PDFs
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfToImage.title=PDF a Imatge
pdfToImage.header=PDF a Imatge
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfToImage.selectText=Format d'Imatge
pdfToImage.singleOrMultiple=Tipus d'Imatge Resultant
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfToImage.single=Única Imatge Gran
pdfToImage.multi=Múltiples Imatges
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfToImage.colorType=Tipus de Color
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfToImage.grey=Escala de Grisos
pdfToImage.blackwhite=Blanc i Negre (Pot perdre dades!)
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00 no està instal·lat. És necessari per a la conversió a WebP.
Pdf to image custom page selection (#2576) # Description Implemented custom page selection for the pdf-to-image feature, allowing users to specify which PDF pages to convert to images. 1. Variable Renaming: Changed singleOrMultiple to imageResultType because it supports three options: single, multiple, and custom. 2. New Field: Added pageNumbers to accept user-defined page selections. This field appears only when custom is selected in the UI. 3. New Method: Added getPageIndicesToConvert to process and validate the specified page numbers. 4. Method Update: Updated convertFromPdf to handle custom page numbers, ensuring only selected pages are converted. 5. Translation Properties: Added two new English translation properties, custom and customPageNumber, to all language files with placeholder values. These will need to be translated into country-specific languages in the future. Note: If an invalid page number is provided (zero, negative, or exceeds page count), a single image containing all PDF pages is generated. Closes #918 ## Checklist - [x] I have read the [Contribution Guidelines]( - [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code - [x] I have attached images of the change if it is UI based - [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas - [x] If my code has heavily changed functionality I have updated relevant docs on [Stirling-PDFs doc repo]( - [x] My changes generate no new warnings - [x] I have read the section [Add New Translation Tags]( (for new translation tags only) ![Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 12 31 29 AM]( ![Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 12 31 49 AM]( --------- Co-authored-by: Sai Kumar J <saikumar@Sais-MacBook-Air.local> Co-authored-by: Ludy <> Co-authored-by: saikumar <> Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <>
2025-01-04 19:01:13 +01:00
pdfToImage.placeholder=(p. ex. 1,2,8 o 4,7,12-16 o 2n-1)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPassword.title=Afegir Contrasenya
addPassword.header=Afegir contrasenya (Encriptat)
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
addPassword.selectText.1=PDF a encriptar
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPassword.selectText.3=Longitud de la clau de xifratge
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
addPassword.selectText.4=Valors més alts són més forts, però els valors més baixos tenen una millor compatibilitat.
addPassword.selectText.5=Permissos a Establir
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPassword.selectText.6=Evita el muntatge del document
addPassword.selectText.7=Evita l'extracció de contingut
addPassword.selectText.8=Evita l'extracció per accessibilitat
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
addPassword.selectText.9=Evita emplenar formularis
addPassword.selectText.10=Evita modificacions
addPassword.selectText.11=Evita modificacions d'annotacions
addPassword.selectText.12=Evita impressió
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
addPassword.selectText.13=Evita impressió en diferents formats
addPassword.selectText.14=Contrasenya d'Administrador
addPassword.selectText.15=Restringeix el que es pot fer amb el document un cop obert (No compatible amb tots els lectors)
addPassword.selectText.16=Restringeix l'obertura del document
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
watermark.title=Afegir Marca d'Aigua
watermark.header=Afegir Marca d'Aigua
watermark.customColor=Color de Text Personalitzat
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
watermark.selectText.1=Selecciona el PDF per afegir la Marca d'Aigua:
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
watermark.selectText.2=Text de la Marca d'Aigua
watermark.selectText.3=Mida de la Font:
watermark.selectText.4=Rotació (0-360):
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
watermark.selectText.5=Separació d'amplada (Espai horitzontal entre cada Marca d'Aigua):
watermark.selectText.6=Separació d'alçada (Espai vertical entre cada Marca d'Aigua):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
watermark.selectText.7=Opacitat (0% - 100%):
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
watermark.selectText.8=Tipus de Marca d'Aigua:
watermark.selectText.9=Imatge de la Marca d'Aigua:
watermark.selectText.10=Converteix PDF a PDF-Image
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
watermark.submit=Afegir Marca d'Aigua
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
#Change permissions
permissions.title=Canviar Permissos
permissions.header=Canviar Permissos
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
permissions.warning=Advertència: per fer que aquests permisos siguin inalterables, es recomana establir-los amb una contrasenya a través de la pàgina d'afegir contrasenya
permissions.selectText.1=Selecciona el PDF per Canviar Permissos
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
permissions.selectText.2=Permissos a canviar
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
permissions.selectText.3=Evita el muntatge del document
permissions.selectText.4=Evita l'extracció de contingut
permissions.selectText.5=Evita l'extracció de contingut per accessibilitat
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
permissions.selectText.6=Evita emplenar formularis
permissions.selectText.7=Evita modificacions
permissions.selectText.8=Evita modificacions d'annotacions
permissions.selectText.9=Evita impressió
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
permissions.selectText.10=Evita impressió en diferents formats
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
permissions.submit=Canviar Permissos
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
#remove password
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
removePassword.title=Eliminar Contrasenya
removePassword.header=Eliminar Contrasenya (Desxifrar)
removePassword.selectText.1=Selecciona el PDF a Desxifrar
removePassword.submit=Eliminar Contrasenya
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
changeMetadata.header=Canvia Metadades
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
changeMetadata.selectText.1=Edita les variables a canviar
changeMetadata.selectText.2=Neteja totes les metadades
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
changeMetadata.selectText.3=Mostra Metadades Personalitzades:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
changeMetadata.creationDate=Data de Creació (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
changeMetadata.keywords=Paraules clau:
changeMetadata.modDate=Data de Modificació (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
changeMetadata.selectText.4=Altres Metadades:
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
changeMetadata.selectText.5=Afegir entrada personalitzada
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
pdfToPDFA.title=PDF a PDF/A
pdfToPDFA.header=PDF a PDF/A qpdf per a la conversió a PDF/A
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
pdfToPDFA.tip=Actualment no funciona per a múltiples entrades al mateix temps
pdfToPDFA.outputFormat=Format de sortida
pdfToPDFA.pdfWithDigitalSignature=El PDF conté una signatura digital. Aquesta serà eliminada en el següent pas.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
PDFToWord.title=PDF a Word
PDFToWord.header=PDF a Word
PDFToWord.selectText.1=Format d'Arxiu de Sortida LibreOffice per a la conversió d'Arxius.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
PDFToPresentation.title=PDF a Presentació
PDFToPresentation.header=PDF a Presentació
PDFToPresentation.selectText.1=Format d'Arxiu de Sortida LibreOffice per a la conversió d'Arxius.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
PDFToText.title=PDF a Text/RTF
PDFToText.header=PDF a Text/RTF
PDFToText.selectText.1=Format d'Arxiu de Sortida LibreOffice per a la conversió d'Arxius.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
PDFToHTML.header=PDF a HTML pdftohtml per a la conversió d'Arxius.
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-07-16 20:42:13 +02:00
PDFToXML.header=PDF a XML LibreOffice per a la conversió d'Arxius.
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-11-02 12:13:33 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
PDFToCSV.prompt=Selecciona la pàgina per extreure la taula
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-12-12 00:24:13 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
split-by-size-or-count.title=Divideix PDF per Mida o Nombre
split-by-size-or-count.header=Divideix PDF per Mida o Nombre
split-by-size-or-count.type.label=Selecciona el Tipus de Divisió
split-by-size-or-count.type.size=Per Mida
split-by-size-or-count.type.pageCount=Per Nombre de Pàgines
split-by-size-or-count.type.docCount=Per Nombre de Documents
split-by-size-or-count.value.label=Introdueix el Valor
split-by-size-or-count.value.placeholder=Introdueix la mida (p. ex., 2MB o 3KB) o el nombre (p. ex., 5)
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-12-12 00:24:13 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
overlay-pdfs.header=Superposar Fitxers PDF
overlay-pdfs.baseFile.label=Selecciona el Fitxer PDF Base
overlay-pdfs.overlayFiles.label=Selecciona els Fitxers PDF a Superposar
overlay-pdfs.mode.label=Selecciona el Mode de Superposició
overlay-pdfs.mode.sequential=Superposició Seqüencial
overlay-pdfs.mode.interleaved=Superposició Intercalada
overlay-pdfs.mode.fixedRepeat=Superposició de Repte Fix
overlay-pdfs.counts.label=Nombre de Superposicions (per al Mode de Repte Fix)
overlay-pdfs.counts.placeholder=Introdueix els nombres separats per comes (p. ex., 2,3,1)
overlay-pdfs.position.label=Selecciona la Posició de la Superposició
overlay-pdfs.position.foreground=Primer pla
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2023-12-16 20:30:47 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
split-by-sections.title=Divideix PDF per Seccions
split-by-sections.header=Divideix el PDF en Seccions
split-by-sections.horizontal.label=Divisions Horitzontals
split-by-sections.vertical.label=Divisions Verticals
split-by-sections.horizontal.placeholder=Introdueix el nombre de divisions horitzontals
split-by-sections.vertical.placeholder=Introdueix el nombre de divisions verticals
split-by-sections.submit=Divideix PDF
split-by-sections.merge=Fusiona en un sol PDF
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
printFile.title=Imprimir Fitxer
printFile.header=Imprimir Fitxer a la Impresora
printFile.selectText.1=Selecciona el Fitxer per Imprimir
printFile.selectText.2=Introdueix el Nom de la Impresora
2024-01-04 19:41:33 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
licenses.title=Llicències de Tercers
licenses.header=Llicències de Tercers
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
2024-06-12 23:12:42 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
survey.title=Enquesta Stirling-PDF
survey.description=Stirling-PDF no fa seguiment, així que volem escoltar els nostres usuaris per millorar Stirling-PDF!
survey.changes=Stirling-PDF ha canviat des de l'última enquesta! Per saber-ne més, consulta la nostra publicació al blog aquí:
survey.changes2=Amb aquests canvis, estem rebent suport empresarial i finançament
survey.please=Si us plau, considera fer la nostra enquesta!
survey.disabled=(El popup de l'enquesta es desactivarà en les següents actualitzacions, però estarà disponible al peu de la pàgina)
survey.button=Fes l'Enquesta
survey.dontShowAgain=No mostrar més
2024-06-12 23:12:42 +02:00
2024-02-11 17:47:00 +01:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
error.sorry=Ho sentim pel problema!
error.needHelp=Necessites ajuda / Has trobat un problema?
error.contactTip=Si encara tens problemes, no dubtis a contactar-nos per a ajuda. Pots enviar una sol·licitud a la nostra pàgina de GitHub o contactar-nos a través de Discord:
error.404.head=404 - Pàgina No Trovada | Ooops, hem fet un error en el codi!
error.404.1=Semblem no poder trobar la pàgina que estàs buscant.
error.404.2=Alguna cosa ha anat malament
error.github=Envia una sol·licitud a GitHub
error.showStack=Mostra la Pila d'Errors
error.copyStack=Copia la Pila d'Errors
error.githubSubmit=GitHub - Envia una sol·licitud
error.discordSubmit=Discord - Envia una sol·licitud d'ajuda
2024-08-08 22:15:41 +02:00
Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates (#2222) * Update Partial Catalan Translation Contribution for Stirling PDF Hi, I’ve completed a partial Catalan translation for Stirling PDF, covering all strings up to the Pipeline section. I focused on maintaining consistency in terminology to ensure a smooth user experience in Catalan. * Update Update on Catalan Translation Verification – Test 2 Passed Hi [Developer’s Name], I’ve now completed the verification for Test 2 and ensured that all keys in align with those in The files should now be fully synchronized with no missing or extra keys. I’ll proceed to re-run the tests to confirm everything is in order. Please feel free to review the updated pull request, and let me know if there’s anything further you’d like me to adjust. Thank you for your support! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates Hi, I have worked on the Catalan translation for some of the text strings in the Stirling PDF project. Attached are my contributions, which include the relevant strings for various parts of the system. I’ve made a few small adjustments to ensure the translation is as accurate and coherent as possible in technical contexts. Changes made: 1. Translation of strings related to PDF manipulation tools (e.g., Add Watermark, Split PDF, etc.). 2. Adjustments of terms for better accuracy, such as using “Eliminar” instead of “Treure” or “Esborrar”. 3. Review of technical translations to ensure consistency, such as using “Nombre” instead of “Quantitat” for referring to the number of documents or pages. Attached are the modified strings for your review: • [Attach the modified strings file] If you have any questions or need further adjustments, I’m happy to help. Thank you for your attention and for all your work on the project! Best regards, * Catalan Translation - Stirling PDF String Updates * :memo: Sync README > Made via sync_files.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Anthony Stirling <> Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:54:49 +01:00
removeImage.title=Eliminar imatge
removeImage.header=Eliminar imatge
removeImage.removeImage=Eliminar imatge
removeImage.submit=Eliminar imatge
splitByChapters.title=Divideix PDF per Capítols
splitByChapters.header=Divideix PDF per Capítols
splitByChapters.bookmarkLevel=Nivell de Marcadors
splitByChapters.includeMetadata=Incloure Metadades
splitByChapters.allowDuplicates=Permetre Duplicats
splitByChapters.desc.1=Aquesta eina divideix un fitxer PDF en diversos PDFs segons l'estructura dels seus capítols.
splitByChapters.desc.2=Nivell de Marcadors: Tria el nivell de marcadors que s'utilitzarà per dividir (0 per al nivell superior, 1 per al segon nivell, etc.).
splitByChapters.desc.3=Incloure Metadades: Si està marcat, les metadades del PDF original s'inclouran en cada PDF dividit.
splitByChapters.desc.4=Permetre Duplicats: Si està marcat, permet diversos marcadors a la mateixa pàgina per crear PDFs separats.
splitByChapters.submit=Divideix PDF
#File Chooser
fileChooser.dragAndDrop=Drag & Drop
fileChooser.dragAndDropPDF=Drag & Drop PDF file
fileChooser.dragAndDropImage=Drag & Drop Image file
fileChooser.hoveredDragAndDrop=Drag & Drop file(s) here
#release notes
releases.title=Release Notes
releases.header=Release Notes
releases.current.version=Current Release
releases.note=Release notes are only available in English
#Validate Signature
validateSignature.title=Validate PDF Signatures
validateSignature.header=Validate Digital Signatures
validateSignature.selectPDF=Select signed PDF file
validateSignature.submit=Validate Signatures
validateSignature.results=Validation Results
validateSignature.noSignatures=No digital signatures found in this document
validateSignature.chain.invalid=Certificate chain validation failed - cannot verify signer's identity not in trust store - source cannot be verified
validateSignature.cert.expired=Certificate has expired
validateSignature.cert.revoked=Certificate has been revoked Information
validateSignature.signature.mathValid=Signature is mathematically valid BUT:
validateSignature.selectCustomCert=Custom Certificate File X.509 (Optional) Details
validateSignature.cert.serialNumber=Serial Number
validateSignature.cert.validFrom=Valid From
validateSignature.cert.validUntil=Valid Until
validateSignature.cert.keySize=Key Size
validateSignature.cert.keyUsage=Key Usage